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I had a dream last night...my kind of dream.

Julian, Sara, Echo, and I were in a big room, and we kind of looked pathetic. We were trapped inside this big tube, pounding on the glass like crazy. What was weird though, from the outside, there was no noise. I looked at my surroundings in my dream.

It was huge. There were many machines lined up on the wall, and I had no idea what they were or what they did. The ground was covered in light blue tiles, and the wall matched the color. There was only one window, at the top of the ceiling. Many people dressed all in black walked around with purpose in big long strides.

Meanwhile, I stared at myself and my friends in that tube. We couldn't seem to get out, no matter how hard we tried. But the more we banged our fists against the glass, the more we shrieked in agony, the more we struggled, we seemed to be getting more and more tired; the pounds were weakening, becoming drowsy and sluggish. Our attempts to get out were becoming lazy, as if we weren't trying. It was quite clear we were being tortured, and was being forced to watch myself and my friends scream in pain.

The tube seemed to be taking away their energy, their powers. It's taking their powers, our powers. I realized.

Just then, the window above shattered into a thousand pieces, glass spreading all over the floor. Two girls popped out of the hole in the ceiling, and landed on both feet on the ground.

One had long brown hair that fell perfectly in place, sparkling blue eyes, and black boots on that you might go hiking in. Kendall had taken off her sweatshirt and was a short sleeved t-shirt that read: Let's Do This. She had switched out her black and red checkered skirt for black leggings, too.

The other girl I had never seen before. She looked around 14, with green eyes that shined and long blond hair neatly pulled back in a ponytail. She wore an abercrombie t-shirt that was neon pink, and Jean shorts with sewed on feather designs on the pockets. These two must have been quite brave to do that, I never could have.

I looked back over at myself (you have no idea how weird it feels to see yourself, not in a mirror) and the others. We had slumped down onto the ground of the cylinder, and all of us looked unconscious except for Sara, though she too looked on the verge of dying. She mouthed three words at the unknown girl and Kendall.

"Please help us."

Then I woke up, and to my horror, it was completely empty in our little cave. They wouldn't leave me, would they? I walked out and blinked rapidly at the bright sun.

"Hello Jake. Breakfast?" asked a familiar voice. My eyes finally got used to the light.

Kendall was looking at me with her dazzling smile, holding eggs in a skillet over a fire. Where'd she get the skillet? I'm gonna decide not to ask.

"Sure. Just a bit, though." I replied. Kendall gave me some eggs on a plate, wait, where'd she get the plate? Not gonna ask that either. I gobbled up my eggs in one bite, and found Sara and Julian staring at me.

"What? Do I have egg in my teeth?" I asked.

"We'll tell you later," said Sara nervously, looking at Kendall.

Anything she's that nervous about, has to be very important.

Not good.

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