Masturbation: Myths vs. Facts!

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Masturbation: Myths vs. Facts! 

“Hairy palms” 

Uh. No. 

“If you whack too much, you run out of sperm.” 

Your body is busy making more cum than you’ll ever need. Don’t worry. 

“Masturbation gives you zits. Masturbation makes you need glasses.” Most people start jerking when they hit puberty, which is also when you get zits and sometimes realize you need glasses. It’s a coincidence. 

Get over it. 

“Nobody masturbates.” 

Many guys jack off regularly. 

“Masturbation can give you sexually transmitted infections.” 

You can’t give yourself an STI. I mean, duh. 

“Only guys do it.” 

A lot of girls buff the muffin. A lot don’t. Nobody’s business but their own. 

“Masturbation is for single losers who can’t get dates.” 

Most men who jerked off before they were in a relationship keep jerking off after they get into a relationship. 

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