Fighting: Deal With It And Move On

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Fighting: Deal With It And Move On

By Jacob Blomme

In a relationship, fights happen. My girlfriend and I don’t get along all the time. It can be really annoying if an argument happens over and over and you get nowhere with it. But fighting can be a good thing, too. 

My experience with fighting is that it’s all about airing out your shit and giving each person a chance to listen. I think conflict can be positive ‘cause I’d rather argue about something than have someone bottle up what’s bothering them until they blow up about a situation. 

I know most of you guys have heard the phrase “I’m fine” from your girlfriend, when you know that, in fact, she’s pissed at you but she doesn’t want to talk about it. The trick is to get her to vent it so she can let it go. If she can say what’s wrong, then it’s out in the open and you can talk about it. You usually can’t solve a problem right away – most times it takes more arguing before you find a solution. Make sure you listen to her and hear what she’s saying, or else she’s going to be mad for a while and that’s not good for anyone. 

Another tip is don’t assume that you did something wrong ‘cause lots of the time, when my girlfriend is mad, it has been at someone else or something else. Then you can ask, “Is there anything I can do?” My experience is that she will say “No,” but at least she can see that you’re trying so she’s got to cut you a bit of slack. 

My advice on arguing is don’t run from it but don’t get fully caught up in it either. If you can catch it early, it will be easier to resolve and you can both move on and get back to having a good time. 

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