Chapter 2 - Making the Connection: Relationships

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So, you’ve got your family. You’ve got teachers. You’ve got friends, some from school, some from other places. You’ve got years of experience dealing with all kinds of people. But then along came puberty and—hello, hormones!—now you’ve got a whole new way of relating to people and a lot of it ain’t rated G. 

Okay, so not all relationships are sexual. But whether or not you’re doing the deed, sex is one hell of a force that can affect how you deal with the folks around you. This chapter is mostly about those relationships where there’s more going on than just friendship, but it’s also about friendships where your friend is struggling with a relationship that’s more than just friendship. Complicated? Yeah, well, so are relationships. 

So read on to find out more about hooking up, breaking up, and everything in between. 

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