So Fresh and So Clean

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So Fresh and So Clean:

Clean Hygiene Hijinks

by The Group

How to make sure your penis lasts as long as you do!

The obvious thing would be to make sure that you, yourself, are clean.

Shower at least every other day - every day is prefer­able. This includes washing your genitalia (your penis, balls, and whatever else you may have down there...), and if you are uncircumcised, make sure you pull back the hood to wash it up and rinse down.

Other stuff that you could do to make sure that you are in tip­top shape:

• Don't smoke-Smoking can narrow the blood vessels of your body, which can cause erectile dysfunction. Not cool. It can also lead to bladder cancer (don't worry, we didn't know that either)-not to mention lung cancer. Again, not cool.

• Eat healthy foods-Don't eat junky or processed foods. Less red meat is best-instead of red meat, you could eat fish or white poultry meat. Always eat lots of fresh vegeta­bles and fruit.

• Do something active-Don't just sit around. Who do you think you are?! Get up. Go out with friends, exercise, take a jog, dance, join a sports team. It helps you get in shape and attract all the ladies (or guys)-everyone knows that no one can resist a sexy jock.

• Do something relaxing-Worrying is stressful and no one likes stress-no one. So make time to do stuff that chills you out. Now, don't stop taking things seriously, just make sure that crappiness doesn't consume your life. All the stuff above can help you feel better and worry less.

Being a guy and going through puberty and becoming sexual active is complicated enough. Why not make things easier by being as healthy as possible at all times? It helps to make annual check­ups with your family doctor. If you're having sex, then see the doc every six months and get tested for any STIs you might have picked up along the way.

You need to make sure that your penis is happy-so that you can be happy and ready to make your partner happy. Remember-no scrub­a­dub­dub means you gets no love. So clean up, Sucka!

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