The Juices

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The Juices

Your Guide to Dick Liquid

by The Group

Okay, guys have outdoor plumbing, right? The penis is basically a pipe that carries liquid out of your body. There's a little tube inside your penis called the urethra and that's where the liquids flow on their way out through the hole in the head of your dick. Here's a guide to what comes out:

PISS (urine)

Obviously. You've been using your penis to piss since you were born. Your kidneys filter the liquid waste in your body and dump it into your bladder. When it's full, you're in charge (hopefully) of emptying your bladder through your penis. When you have an erection, a valve closes the link between the bladder and the urethra to make way for the fun stuff.

PRE­CUM (pre­ejaculatory fluid)

This is the little bit of clear liquid that comes out from your penis after you get an erection but before you fully cum (ejaculate). It's made by a special gland, and basically, this stuff cleans out your plumbing. Pre­cum makes the urethra less acidic (gross, science) and that gives any sperm hanging around a better chance of surviving. Sperm normally travels in the cum, but sometimes they hitchhike with the pre­cum. That's the problem with the "withdrawal" method (pulling out) for avoiding pregnancy. Even before you officially ejaculate, there's a chance some sperm will take a ride on the pre­cum, escape through the penis into the vagina, and get the girl pregnant. Even if precum is sperm­free, it can still carry sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

CUM (semen)

Cum, or semen, is the milky, sticky fluid that comes out of the top of the penis when you, well, cum (ejaculate). You normally squirt out about a teaspoonful of the stuff (more if it's been a while, less if you've been busy) and it contains millions of sperm. The sperm travels from your balls and mixes with the rest of the stuff in semen, which comes from your prostate gland. The semen is then like a luxury express bus for the sperm headed to pregnancy­ville or STI city. So condom up, bro, and cut their trip short.

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