It Wasn't Me! Beaten by Cheatin'

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It Wasn’t Me! Beaten by Cheatin’ 

by Anonymous 

Hey, I don’t want to give a bad rep to us guys here, but the fact is some of us cheat on our partners. Does any of this sound familiar? 

“I was thinking about you the whole time!” (yeah, right) 

“I had too much to drink!” 

“It was just a fling but truly you’re the one that I want to 

be with.” 

“I promise I won’t do it again.” 

I don’t care how you define cheating, whether it’s kissing somebody else or screwing somebody else, we know it when we’re doing it. I want to talk about why some of us do it. I think there are a few reasons: 

1. We’re afraid of a long¬lasting commitment. 

2. We’ve had a bad experience at home, like if one of our parents cheated on the other, and it’s messed up how we roll in our own relationships. 

3. We just don’t have the balls to break up a relationship that we don’t want to be in anymore. 

It’s that last one that pisses me off the most. Guys, if we don’t want to be with someone, we got to pony up and do the right thing. Before you screw around with somebody else, gather all your strength and tell your current partner straight up that the relationship is over. 

And yeah, I know, there are plenty of girls who cheat, too. Whether you’re the victim or the perpetrator, the point is that cheating sucks. Like the old saying says, “Treat others as you’d like to be treated.” If you respect someone’s feelings right now, chances are better that, in the future, someone else is going to respect yours. 

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