Coupling!:"Seven Signs of Good Lovin'

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Coupling!:"Seven Signs of Good Lovin’ 

Some things we need to have in order to have a healthy relationship are not so hard for us to do. Most of these require minimal energy. 


You and your partner respect each other’s choices. That makes you both feel comfortable telling about things the other might disagree with. Say if you’re really in the mood and ready to hit the sack with your partner but your partner isn’t into it. “Not tonight, babe.” “That’s OK, baby.” 


You and your partner play by the same rules. Say, it’s you and your girl: you have friends who are girls, and she will have friends who are guys. You spend time alone with those friends and she spends time alone with her friends. Equality and compromising in a relationship makes life a lot more exciting...even in the bedroom! Like, if you want your partner to go down on you, you should be willing to down on your partner, too.

3) Trust:

You and your partner each believe what the other says and you don't freak out about what the other is doing when you're apart. Most people have a hard time with this one. It's hard to trust someone when you're a rookie to the relationship game, but trusting your partner makes the relationship much more comfortable to be in and your partner easier to open up to.


You and your partner can tell each other things even if it’s difficult. What if a girl or guy that you find attractive calls you up to study with you? You should be able to tell your partner about it and your partner should respect your honesty and decision. 


You and your partner can spend time apart. It’s good to have separate friends and activities, and it’s good to realize that your lives don’t revolve around each other. If you are always together, things could get a bit stale and you might feel isolated from the rest of your life, so it’s important to maintain some time for yourself. 


You and your partner are there for each other. You know your partner better than most people, and when things go down, you can provide support and understanding. 


You and your partner can talk, talk, talk. Talking to each other keeps things interesting and keeps the misunderstandings at a minimum. Communication is also listening. It’s always good to know who you’re involved with. 

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