The Old Foes

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Their little parade was quite a strange sight. Crookshanks led the way, followed by Ron, Peter, and Remus, who were all chained together like members of a six-legged race.  Next came the puppet-like Snape, who occasionally scraped his head on the ceiling or his toes on the floor. Sirius, who was behind him holding him up, didn't seem to mind, and Olivia, Harry, and Hermione trailed close behind him.

"You know what this means?" Sirius turned back abruptly and looked Harry dead in the eyes, "Turning Pettigrew in?"

Harry hesitated in his steps, still supporting Olivia, "You're free,"

"Yeah..." Sirius trailed off as he kept walking at a slower pace, "But I'm also your godfather, Harry."

"Yeah I knew that." Harry said before faltering, "Are you Olivia's too, then?"

"Mine's Remus, isn't it? That way if one of you were also killed or turned out evil we could live with the other?" Olivia recalled a previous conversation they'd had, keeping in the details to inform Harry.

"Yeah, that was their plan in case anything happened to them. And, well... I understand if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle, Harry... but....well... think about it. Once my— our—names are cleared... if you wanted a different home..." Sirius trailed off, feeling very awkward about the whole ordeal.

"What— live with you? Both of you?" Harry looked between the two in the dim lighting, "Leave the Dursleys?"

"Of course, I thought you wouldn't want to," Sirius covered up quickly, "Liv was just convinced otherwise and I thought I'd—"

"Are you insane? Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Plus you two still have a lot to fill me in on. Have you got a house? When can I move in?"

Black turned full around to look at him, "You want to? You mean it?"

"Yeah, I mean it!" Said Harry chuckling slightly.

"See? I told you!" Olivia teased Sirius, trying to whack him playfully on the arm but giving up when her own arm wouldn't cooperate. The three potential housemates grinned the rest of the way down the tunnel in silence.

Crookshanks was the first to dart up the exit, pressing the knot in the trunk to allow safe passage for the rest of them. They all clambered up in single file, with the three chained together and Harry and Olivia shuffling sideways through the narrow passage.

The grounds were only lit by the light coming from the windows of the far-off castle, as the clouds covered any stars and moon above. Without a word, the group set off. They walked in silence for a while, following the paths.

"One wrong move, Peter," Lupin threatened as Pettigrew started to drag. He had his wand aimed sideways towards the traitor's chest, who whimpered and did his best to speed up.

Slowly the castle lights grew larger. Snape floated eerily ahead of Sirius, his head lolling about on his limp neck. And then—

A cloud shifted. Dim shadows appeared on the grass. Their party was bathed in moonlight.

The floating Snape collided with Remus, Peter, and Ron, who had stopped abruptly. Sirius fly g his arm backwards to stop the three behind him.

Lupin had gone rigid. His limbs began to shake rapidly.

"Oh my—" Hermione gasped, " He didn't take his potion tonight! He's not safe!"

"Run," Sirius whispered to them, "Run. Now."

The three staggered backwards, but Olivia separated herself from Harry and replied, "Sirius, how can I help?"

"Leave it to me— RUN!" Sirius shouted at them, transforming instantly as he watched his friend start to undergo the terrible process.

"You two go, I'm going to get Ron," Olivia ushered them along as well, transforming and unsteadily flying towards where Ron was still chained to Peter.

She had barely made it over to them when Peter dived for Remus's discarded wand, taking Ron down with him. Olivia flew towards his hands, champing at his fingers and trying to pull the wand away from him. She had no time to transform— as soon as she could try, he would be upon her.

One moment of hesitation from her part turned out to be her doom— a burst of light blinded her, and suddenly she was facing the night sky, unable to move. Another bang—Ron had joined her. Another bang— Crookshanks toppled as well.

Olivia could only hear the action after that. She could hear Harry and Hermione yelling something while Sirius and Remus fought at each other's throats. She could hear Sirius try to talk to Remus telepathically, only to find that Remus's mind couldn't be accessed. Harry also tried talking to her telepathically for a moment before Sirius and Remus pulled apart, Remus bounding off into the woods and Sirius laid on the ground heavily injured.

Peter must've transformed and run off at some point, for Harry and Hermione reported that instantly to Sirius, who sounded like he bounded off after him. The two students approached the three temporary quadriplegics and peered over them.

There was some noise in the distance, and Harry uttered, "Sirius." Before the two sprinted off.

Is he alright? Where is he? What's going on? Olivia frantically asked Harry, her eyes darted about as she struggled to see anything.

Dementors are everywhere. Harry slipped through as he grew more distant.

Help him, please! He won't make it with those demons, they'll give him the kiss and he doesn't— he can't— you've got to help him! Olivia pleaded, tears trying to well up despite the immobility.

But then it was silence. Harry wouldn't respond, and she couldn't hear anything. Olivia called out to him, Sirius, Remus, anyone who could possibly be listening, but it was dead silence.

The first sound to break it was presumably Snape collapsing to the ground, free of his spell. Olivia heard him approach, and strained her eyes to see him. But once he finally stood over her, she soon wished that he would've stayed puppet-like.

"So that's what form you ended up in, hmm? How convient." He spoke down to her before bending down and picking up her small form. She wanted to fight, struggle, peck him, fly away, but before she knew it she was stuffed into his pocket, immersed in complete darkness.


A little shorter, but Olivia does miss out on a huge chunk of the action here so of course it's shorter.

Anyway, please leave feedback and I hope you enjoyed!

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