Enter Snivellus

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Hermione shrieked, Sirius jumped up, and Olivia almost dropped Scabbers. Snape aimed his wand at Lupin as he pulled off the invisibility cloak, "I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow," he threw the cloak to the side, keeping his wand aimed at Lupin's chest, "Very useful, Potter, I thank you."

Snape looked thrilled and triumphant, which scared every person in the room, "You're wondering, I suppose, how I knew you were here? I've just been to your office, Lupin, going to drop off your potion. Luckily you had left a certain map open, and one look at you disappearing told me all I needed to know."

"Severus—" Lupin tried to but in, but Snape was having none of it.

"I've told Dumbledore time and time again that you've been helping your old friend Black into the castle, Lupin, and now here's the proof. Not even I dreamed you would have the nerve to use this old place—"

"Severus, you're making a mistake," Lupin started to look frantic, "You haven't heard everything— I can explain— Sirius is not here to kill Harry—"

"Two more for Azkaban tonight," Snape's eyes scanned Olivia momentarily, "And one urchin to return home. I shall be interested to see what Dumbledore thinks of this... He was quite convinced you were harmless, you know,... a tame werewolf—"

"You fool," Lupin breathed out, "Is a schoolboy grudge worth sending an innocent man to Azkaban?"

In a blast, thin, snake-like cords burst from Snape's wand and bound bound themselves around Lupin's mouth, wrists, and ankles. He collapsed to the floor as his balance shifted, unable to move. Sirius lunged at Snape in a roar of rage, but the potion's master aimed his wand right between the other's eyes.

"Give me a reason," Snape whispered menacingly, "Give me a reason and I swear I'll do it."

Sirius stopped dead and glared at Snape with all his might. Snape mirrored the hatred but was much more smug about it, with a smirk peering through his snarl.

The moment of silence lasted a lot shorter than a moment before Snape broke it, "Oh, and before I forget," without even turning his gaze, he whipped his wand towards Olivia and, with another bang, coiled her in the same binds as Remus. Sirius again bared his teeth at this, but Snape's wand was at his forehead before he could do anything about it.

"Olivia!" Harry yelled seconds after Sirius also yelled "Liv!".

Olivia collapsed with a yelp as her healing leg was pressed inwards at the ankle and then landed on. Her face met the floorboards, and with no hands free to stop herself, she landed on her nose with a horrifying crunch. Scabbers quickly ran from her hands but was caught by Ron before he could escape.

The next moment of silence was a lot longer. Snape kept his wand firmly aimed at Sirius, who glared at him with every ounce of hatred he had. That was, until, Hermione stepped in.

"Professor Snape— it— it wouldn't hurt to hear a what they've got to say, w—would it?" She shook as she talked, looking wearily at Snape's wand and at the two figures bound face-down on the floorboards.

"Miss Granger, you are already facing suspension from this school," Snape spat at, glaring her down as he kept his wand in place, "You, Potter, and Weasley are out-of-bounds, and are in the company of a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue."

Hermione nevertheless persisted, "But if— if there was a mistake—"

"KEEP QUIET, YOU STUPID GIRL!" Snape snapped at her, looking quite deranged, "DON'T TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" A few sparks shot from the end of his wand, narrowly missing Sirius, and Hermione fell silent.

"Vengeance is very sweet," Snape breathed out, looking every bit as mad as Sirius, "Oh how I hoped I would be the one to catch you..."

"The joke's on you again, Severus," Sirius snarled, "As long as you leave Olivia alone and the boy," he jerked his head towards Ron, "brings his rat up to the castle, I'll come quietly."

"Up to the castle?" Snape l'a voice returned to its usual silkiness,"I don't think we need to go that far. All I have to do is call the dementors once we get out of the Willow. They'll be very pleased to see you, Black...pleased enough to give you a little kiss, I dare say..."

Olivia squirmed from her position on the ground. Her powers were drained completely, but the threatening of Sirius suddenly adrenalised her.

"Oh, and I never planned to hurt Olivia, just to bring her back home. Although, she looks to have taken a liking to you, Black," Snape squinted at her as if studying her further, "She's a little... used for your tastes, isn't she? I remember you liking the innocent ones the most."

That was all it took to send Olivia reeling. She glowed momentarily as the bonds snapped off of her, her eyes turning their dangerous white as she stood suddenly, aiming herself at the surprised Snape.

"I don't care if you're a teacher," Olivia took a step towards him, taking her time as her energy held him in place, "I don't care if you're one of Lucius's friends," another step, "I don't care if you are the Dark Lord himself, NO ONE gets to speak to me like that." She pushed her hands downwards, squishing him to the floor. She splayed her fingers next, pulling him up and forcing his limbs outwards. Right, left, floor, ceiling, Olivia threw him around as if he were a rag doll. She moved Sirius out of the way with a flip of her hand and pushed Snape against the wall, shouting at him all the while.

She was ready to bash him into the ceiling once again when he made eye contact with her. She felt a slight tugging at her mind, but figured it was just Harry again and paid no attention to it. As soon as she pushed Snape into the corner, however, it became evident that it wasn't Harry doing this.

Olivia was hopeless to stop the telepathic attack that Snape unleashed. Every traumatising memory came to the surface and played in her mind as if it was a horror movie. She relived everything from her mistreatment from the Malfoys to the dementors' chilling moments in Azkaban. She felt every hit, every hunger pain, every chill down her spine, and she screamed.

The others watched as the powerful girl clutched her hands to her head and screamed loud enough to wake the dead. She stayed there for a moment, her knees weak and her crooked nose streaming blood. The legilimens poured through her mind like a book. She had barely released hold on Snape before he cast Stupefy and knocked her out cold. He bound her once again, just in case, and returned to where he had left off now with added bruises, cuts, and severe concussion to top it off.

"Come on," Snape instructed, his wand now aimed at everyone, "all of you. Leave the girl here. I'll drag the werewolf. Perhaps the dementors will have a kiss for him too."


Pettigrew hasn't even been revealed yet. WHY IS THIS SO LONG.


Anyway, please leave feedback and I hope you enjoyed!

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