The First Day

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The First Day

September 2nd, 1991

Czar leaped across the posts, chittering every time he looked down. The new place was exciting for the kneazle, with new places to explore and new people. The giants snoozed in their beds as the sun slowly rises, and Czar decided it would be best to jump down before the new people woke. He lunged back onto the bed posts of his owner, carefully planning the best place to land. Then she stirred, her black locks swirling around. Attention completely lost, Czar leaped towards the knotted target.

"Pahstbsh," Olivia sputtered as her nostrils suddenly filled with cat hair. Her eyes tried to open, only to find semi-retracted claws only centimetres away. She shrieked and sat up, launching Czar across the room onto Hermione's bed. His green eyes glared at her, before turning to knead at Hermione's foot.

"Hmm? What time is it?" Hermione questioned sleepily. She squinted at the blue blob until she made out that it was just Czar, flopping her head back on to her pillow.

"It's time to get up," Another roommate, Parvati Patil, noted as she strolled out of the shared bathroom. Olivia groaned but slowly got up, removing Czar from Hermione's ankle to let her friend up.

"It's our first day at Hogwarts! We can't laze around," Hermione piped as she grabbed a bag and some clothes and left for the bathroom.

Olivia yawned and stretched out her arms. She grabbed her newly crested uniform and her shower bag before heading into the bathroom. There were five showers, five stalls and five sinks, one for each of the girls. It was nothing pretty, but it didn't need to be. Olivia hopped into the shower and got ready for the day, talking briefly to the other four girls.

Slipping on her uniform cloak, she sighed as she traced around the Gryffindor crest. Her brain worried more and more on it until Hermione snapped her out of it.

"Olivia, you ready to go to breakfast? Maybe we can meet the boys downstairs," Hermione asked as she glanced at her very distracted friend.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Olivia commented before turning to leave with Hermione. She asked a subtle you up? to Harry as the girls made their way downstairs.

Ron and I will be down in a second, got up a bit late. Harry replied.

"They'll be down in a second, let's wait for them here," Olivia told her friend as she perched on one of the cushy couches. Hermione quirked an eyebrow, but didn't ask any questions. Sure enough, the boys weren't long until they also stepped off the bottom stair.

The four of them made their way to the main hall, passing plenty of upperclassmen and a handful of other first years. As they sat down at the Gryffindor table, Draco and his new muscle walked into the hall. They connected eyes, but Draco's grey eyes seemed cold, and Olivia looked away before she could get any more upset.

Soon enough Dumbledore said a few words and breakfast was served. Owls swooped in and dropped off everyone's schedules, some being more polite and dropping in on their laps while others, like Ron's, plonking their letter right into the kids' breakfasts.

"I assume we all have the same schedules, since we are first years in the same house," Hermione piped up as they opened the letters. And sure enough the bushy haired brainiac was right, and their first class was the horrid Potions with Professor Snape.

"My brothers say Snape is horrible and he even lives down in the dungeons," Ron remarked as the quartet finished up their meals. Hermione brushed the redhead off, but Olivia raised an eyebrow at him.

"And how reliable are your brothers?" She asked with sarcasm laced throughout her words. Ron didn't reply as she felt two pairs of hands grab her shoulders.

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