A New Schedule

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A New Schedule

September, 1991

Over the following days, Draco was able to leave the hospital ward and wasn't allowed any access to Olivia. Harry and the now-trio also tried to gain access, but to no avail. When she was finally awaken, she found that all of her belongings had been moved to a private chamber and her entire schedule was changed.

Now she would eat all of her meals in her chamber, delivered to her by the house elves. During the day she was to receive a letter of the work she was to do, such as mopping one of the girls' bathrooms, and she also had time to study. Then, once the other students had finished their lessons, she was to meet with each professor for a summary of that day's teaching. She was also to meet with Dumbledore and master her newfound powers. This left her with no time to interact with other students, which was apparently the plan for the girl they had deemed unsafe.

As soon as Olivia walked into her new rooms she new life was going to be a lot different. The walls of the room were a pale cream, and the whole place seemed very generic and hotel-esque. It was obviously meant for extra professors, with its own kitchenette, bathroom, and living room. Olivia loved the extra rooms, but it just felt wrong.

With this new schedule, she missed a lot of the excitement happening with the other students. Olivia only got to hear occasional bits of stories and gossip, and even that was by ease dropping. After all, her closest friends weren't even allowed to go in the wing she stayed, where other professors also resided. Even on the weekends, which were free of plans other than meals, she wasn't allowed to leave her chambers. It was a lonely life, but she could see why this was the best option.

"Olivia, how would you feel about taking on another lesson, of sorts," Dumbledore asked her one day after their usual meeting. It was long since dark and Olivia was beat.

"What do you mean, another lesson?"

"It wouldn't be another lesson, really, but another thing to occupy your time. It would also be outside of school," Dumbledore was hinting. He had spoken to Poppy about the severity of Olivia's injuries and knew they couldn't do much about it in Hogwarts.

"Outside? Outside of Hogwarts?" Olivia's mind was too tired for this hinting.

"Yes.  What I'm trying to recommend is that you see a counsellor. We would provide transportation and it would be a former Hogwarts student, so no secrets to worry about," They had already planned out everything, all they needed was Olivia's approval.

"A-a counsellor? Are, are you sure? Could they help? Do Mr.and Mrs. Malfoy know?" Olivia shot out the questions that popped up, but Dumbledore silenced her.

"I'm very sure that she could help you talk through everything. As teachers, there's only so far we can help you. And yes, Narcissa already agreed to this plan of action,"

"I guess it can't hurt. How would I be getting there? And at what time of day? How often would I meet with her?" Olivia opened her notebook with her schedule.

"It should start earlier, around 9 each day, and I'll call you down to my office to use the floo network. You'd meet with her each weekday so you still have free time on the weekend. How does that sound?" Olivia nodded as she scribbled down the times.

"They start tomorrow?" Dumbledore nodded, and she mumbled a goodbye before retreating to her rooms. Part of her wanted to fight even the idea of having a counsellor, while the rest of her welcomed it. Nevertheless, she sat on her bed and waited for Harry's report of the day.

Ever since Olivia had woken up the second time, Harry had made it a point to keep her up to date on what he was doing throughout the day. Other than what she heard ease dropping, it was the only outside source of information she got.

Olivia? You there? Harry asked out. His dorm mates thought him strange for laying awake for sometimes hours, but they didn't know he was just talking to Olivia.

Just the sound of Harry's voice reminded her, once again, that he didn't know that they were twins. Seeing her memories with Harry around wasn't allowed until she was deemed safe, after all, and Olivia refuses to learn more without him. She'd rather wait until her whole power thing blows over. Yeah, I'm here. How was today for you?

She could almost feel Harry sigh. Well Snape still hates me, Draco's being a jerk again, and this homework is already a drag.

Draco's being a jerk again? Why? I thought you two made up. Olivia piped up.

He blames me. For your outburst. He says that if I didn't have to be such a bad influence none of this would have happened. He's kind of right, I mean, if we weren't friends you wouldn't be in as big of trouble with Mr. Malfoy...

Harry I'd rather have you as a friend than Mr. Malfoy's approval anyday. Draco's just like his father, blaming everybody else for stuff he did. I wish I could just apologise to him properly.

And you will, you just have to wait a bit longer. Although I don't know why you want to be friends with the brat.

Harry please don't talk about him like that, he's like a brother to me and you know that.

I know, I know. So, uh, how was your day? Anything interesting?

Nothing too different. Although I get to start leaving Hogwarts to see a counsellor from now on.

You get to leave? Wow. Is this about him abusing you? Harry's mental voice dropped to a whisper, although it's not like anyone would hear them.

I don't know, Dumbledore just recommended it. I hope it helps with that though. Olivia looked over at the clock and saw that it was approaching midnight. You need to get to sleep, sorry for keeping you up. Goodnight.

No problem. Goodnight, Olivia.

And with that, she was alone again. Alone with her thoughts. Alone with her dreams. Alone with her nightmares. You never get used to it, being alone, it only gets more frustrating.

Her thoughts strayed all over the place. From what her counsellor might be like to Draco, from Draco to Mr. Malfoy, from Mr. Malfoy to Harry, from Harry to their parents.

It was a common thing for her to dream about, her parents. What happened that she wasn't killed with them? Or did she survive it like Harry? Did she have a scar that the Malfoys somehow removed? Or was it her own parents that gave her to the family? All these questions just frustrated her because she knew it would be easy to get answers. Just tell Dumbledore she was tired of waiting for Harry and that she wanted to know. But she wouldn't do that. Harry deserved to know just as much as she did. Those questions would just have to go unanswered, just until all of this blew over. Just until the world is right again.

Too many italics. Too many.

Are any of you actually reading this? Or is Wattpad just giving me false hope here? Let me know.

Also, updates are slowing down again due to school. Sorry mystery readers, I'm trying I swear!

Hope you enjoyed!

The Lost PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora