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PS: this chapter was edited on 12/30/16 to help follow PoA better. It shouldn't impact the story much if you've already read this, but I'm OCD and need to fix it anyway. Anyhow, read on!

Harry didn't hear about Olivia's sentence until he had returned to Hogwarts and noticed her not there.

"Where's Olivia?" Harry had asked as the train started to leave. Hermione shrugged, but Ron paled.

"You didn't hear?" Ron said after they had both turned towards him. They shook their head no, and the ginger was about to explain, when Draco burst into the compartment.

"I hope you three are happy," Draco snarled, practically spitting at them, "Especially you, Potter. If you hadn't corrupted her, she'd still be here." He took a breath and looked on the verge of breaking down as he locked eyes with Harry, "You stupid Gryffindors, never thinking of the consequences. Go to hell." He literally spat at them, and then stormed out- tears starting to form as he ran into solidarity.

"What is going on?" Hermione was the one to ask, as Harry was too shocked to form words.

Ron sighed and went back to explaining, "Olivia tried to use the killing curse against Lucius Malfoy. I'm sorry to tell you, mate, but she's in Azkaban."


When Quirrel turned out to have a Voldemort infestation at the end of their first year, Harry felt disappointed that Olivia wasn't fighting beside him. And when the demon's voice also blamed Harry for Olivia's imprisonment, that just left him more confused.

Second year passed by without Olivia entirely, and Harry was sad to say that he had gotten used to it. He still tried to talk to her every night, but to no avail. The Chamber of Secrets opened and closed, with Harry earning more fame in the eyes of the students and his thoughts of the girl started to dwindle.

Against Olivia's wishes, the entire time he and Draco fought. They usually got worked up over small things, but at the root of it was Olivia. Draco blamed Harry for corrupting her, and Harry blamed Draco for not defending her. They became enemies very quickly, except when news arrived.

Anytime there was information regarding her on either side, they were the first to inform the other. Not that there was much actual news- mostly rumour and media scandals. When The Daily Prophet wrote an article on "the youngest of the inmates", Draco had stormed over to the Gryffindor and started to talk about all the wrong facts in the writing. And while Ron and Hermione found this extremely strange, Harry just joined right in and thought nothing of it. We may not like each other much, but we're talking about Olivia here. Harry had tried to explain to them, but the other two just accepted it and moved on.

And so when Draco's eagle owl flew to his bedroom window the first week of August, he knew something big had happened.

The owl carried both a snippet of the Daily Prophet and and hand written letter from Draco, which said at the very top: READ ARTICLE FIRST. And so he did.

"Just last night, a terrible feat has been accomplished at our most secured prison. Infamous murderer Sirius Black, known for killing thirteen muggles almost ten years ago, has escaped from the almighty Azkaban. And not only did he slip through the security of our very own dementors, he also took a hostage with him- twelve-year-old Olivia Gaunt.

Olivia Gaunt was put in Azkaban for using the killing curse against her step-father in a fit of rage, although she was set to be released in December of 2001. When Minister Fudge made his stop at Azkaban earlier this year, he reported that Olivia was "cooperating very well, and seemed to hold no grudge or harsh feelings for her imprisonment." Which has led the Ministry to believe that Sirius Black has kidnapped the girl on his way out, also evidence by the fact that while Sirius's room looked perfectly normal, young Olivia had certainly put up a fight.

Why has Black kidnapped the girl? Is she to be used for ransom? Or is there a more devious plan in mind? Return to the Daily Prophet tomorrow, where we will hopefully have more news regarding the subject."

Harry quickly turned to the note for more information as his brain swam with questions.



Once you've done that, can you believe this?

Not only is Sirius Black out to kill you (Its all over the news) but now he also has Olivia. Why would he even want her?

Lets just hope the bloody Aurors can get to them before it's too late- who knows what that monster will do to her?

-Draco Malfoy"

The letter didn't help Harry's nerves at all, and ever since then he's been on edge to hear from anyone.

And so when Aunt Marge came to visit, his thoughts weren't exactly on evading punishment.

"Bad blood will out. Now, I'm saying nothing against your family, Petunia, but your sister was a bad egg. They turn up in the best families. Then she ran off with a wastrel and here's the result right in front of us." Marge had said, which sent Harry into a temper. He endured her comments only minutes longer, before he finally snapped.

He hadn't realised he was doing anything until the necklace popped. And once she didn't stop expanding, Harry knew he had to run.

I'm not allowed to use magic! They'll expel me! Worried thoughts flew around his mind as he gathered all his things. He didn't know where he was going, but he needed to get out of here.

After running down the block, he collapsed on the curb in a fit. He was in the grey area between crying and fury, and his eyes had started to water when he heard strange rustling around him.

He tried to look up to get his mind off the noises, only to find a black crow circling overhead. He looked back towards the ground, scrambling to grab his wand again. He had a sudden feeling someone was watching him, and he stood so fast his head spun. Harry faced the alley which he was unsure of, and chanted Lumos to get a better look. He saw large, unblinking, sickly, yellow eyes stare into him, and he brought his wand up to defend himself when a strong force behind him pushed him down, knocking him over his trunk as it did so.

This force was an obviously magical triple-decker purple bus appearing behind him. After an exchange with the assistant Stan, he boarded the knight bus, extremely worried about the time ahead.


I know this is a little out of order, but there's no good place to really fit this chapter. Also finals are here, so sorry for lack of writing. Studying come first.

Anyway, please leave feedback and I hope you enjoyed!

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