Home Sweet Home

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Stepping off the train and waving goodbye to her friends, she set off to try and find the platinum-blonde haired snob who had hidden from her the whole ride.

"Draco?" She asked aloud, peering through the crowd. She rolled her trunk along behind her as she walked around the platform, until she was eventually grabbed up suddenly and apparated away.

"Hey!" Olivia exclaimed, wrenching herself free of the man's grasp. It was only then that she realised who it was that was holding her- Mr. Malfoy himself.

"You ungrateful little rat, be glad I decided to take you back at all after all your little stunts!" Lucius hissed, smacking her upside the head for emphasis.

"I-I-I'm sorry," She stuttered, keeping her eyes to the ground. Lucius snarled at her and grabbed her by the ear.

"I'll deal with you later. You're to silently stay in your room until further notice. Is that understood, wench?" Lucius waited for her timid nod before throwing her into her room.

Olivia unpacked her trunk slowly, knowing she didn't have much else to do afterwards. Once she'd reached the bottom and let out Czar, she plopped down on her bed and closed her eyes.

Harry? She tried, but it seemed to be much harder to do than usual. She tried again before her head started to hurt and she gave up. Maybe her powers weren't that developed.

Her thoughts wandered to Harry then. She'd convinced him to go home for the holidays simply because the rest of the trio was and that she wanted to talk to them on the train. Although the Dursleys lived closer than Hogwarts, she started to genuinely feel bad that she'd asked him to go back to such a harsh place.

Speaking of harsh places, Olivia could hear Lucius's booming voice from somewhere else in the house. A few moments later she heard stomping from that direction, and the door across the hallway from her slammed shut.

She peered through the lock in her door to see it was Draco's door that had slammed shut. Olivia grabbed one of the marbles she kept around for this occasion and rolled it under the two doors.

She'd apparently caught his attention, and so he quietly opened the door and peered out into the hall. The coast was clear, and so he closed the door behind him and scampered over to her door. Olivia opened the door for him and let him inside.

"It's great to see you again," Olivia said as she opened her arms for a hug. Draco, who tried to pretend he'd outgrown such childish things, kept it short before pulling away.

"Father and I were arguing," Draco explained, "He cursed me for saying you shouldn't be punished. He doesn't understand it's all that stupid Potter's fault!" Draco fumed, obviously worked up over it.

"Hey, hey it's fine, really. I'm going to be punished anyway, don't get yourself in trouble." She coaxed, sitting cross-legged on her bed and motioning for Draco to do the same.

"You shouldn't be punished for what Potter does, it's not right." Draco hugged, lowering his voice.

"Harry didn't do anything, okay, that was all me. Don't start blaming him," Olivia started, but shook her head. It was no use- as long as Draco and Harry fought without her around she couldn't fix it.

"But-" Draco started up again.

"Just drop it, okay?" Olivia snapped, tired of talking about it.

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