Somewhow Even Worse

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"Sirius, where are we going?" Olivia asked for the millionth time. Sirius, however kept humming "Carol of the Bells" and paid her no heed.

"Sirius!" Olivia groaned, limping along behind him. He flashed a mischievous smile and motioned for her to follow him- down the path that lead to Hogwarts.

"Sirius we are wanted criminals, and there are more dementors at Hogwarts then there is anywhere else!" Olivia insisted, feeling like she was invisible with how little attention Sirius was giving her.

"Sirius, any little prank of yours is not worth us getting caught. I'm being serious here," Olivia put her foot down, planting herself where she stood. Sirius slowly turned around, giving Olivia a glimpse of understanding.

Then he flashed the stupid smile again, "No, I'm Sirius," Olivia audibly groaned, and Sirius chuckled, "Come on, Liv, one trip. We'll be in animagus forms most of the time, and I can carry you so you don't have to fly. If anything goes wrong we just run for it."

"If we're in animagus form I won't be able to run for it!" Olivia snapped back, feeling very irritable all of a sudden. Hooray mood swings she thought.

"I will be carrying you when we're in animagus form, it'll be fine. Besides, we're not going into the castle, just on to the grounds."

The promise of not going to the castle sparked Olivia's interests, "What's there to see on the grounds you're so adamant about?"

"You'll just have to wait to find out. Ready?" Sirius asked but didn't want for Olivia to confirm before changing forms and giving his biggest puppy eyes to try and win her over.

Olivia rolled her eyes at him and whispered a somewhat ironic, "I hate you," before shifting into a rook and feeling her bones crack and pop. Once she was fully transformed and her pinned her broken wing to her side, Sirius dropped his head down and let her hop on. He made sure she was firmly in place before creeping his way through the tunnels, exiting to see a beautiful snow-covered whomping willow stretching some lethargic branches at them. He made his way past the reach of the vengeful tree and trotted through the cool scenery.

Later he would tell Olivia that he had meant to bring her to a secluded lagoon-like portion of the lake where they could slide around on the ice and mess with the abundant snow that covered the grounds. However, as soon as he turned down the distantly familiar path, he was met face-to-face with the Golden Trio.

"The hell?" Ron exclaimed- after all, seeing a bird riding a dog's head is a pretty weird sight. Especially when he didn't know of any dogs at Hogwarts.

The trio crept forward to investigate, both Harry and Hermione feeling an odd sense of familiarity, and Sirius took a hesitant step backwards, reaching out to Olivia, Run?

Normally Olivia would have used the opportunity to talk her friends,but with other kids approaching and with Sirius being here, she didn't feel like that would've been a very good option. As the trio took another step forward, Olivia responded, Run!

Unknown to Olivia as the time, the magic between animagii used to communicate was very similar to the magic she and Harry had to talk telepathically. And Harry just happened to hear Olivia's confirmation.

Olivia?!Harry gasped internally, his brain going from zero to one hundred in a matter of seconds. He looked around confusedly, unable to locate where Olivia was, Olivia, where are you?

Olivia heard him loud and clear as Sirius bolted back to the shrieking shack, taking a longer path to hopefully lose any who tried to pursue them. Olivia felt her panic rising as Harry's did, and scrambled to try and decide what to do. Should she respond? Or would that give everything away?

Don't believe the stories. Olivia responded cryptically. She hoped she could inspire Harry to start researching, and maybe he could figure out Sirius's innocence all on his own. It was a long shot, but Olivia didn't have much time to think of anything.

What was that? Sirius asked up to her, pausing briefly in the tunnel to catch his breath and to check that no one was following them.

Harry and I can talk telepathically, and he heard me tell you to run. Olivia explained, her heart racing from pure adrenaline.

Can he hear you now? What did you say to him? Sirius fired back, pawing his way down the tunnel at a more reasonable pace.

I don't think so, the Shack is far enough away that he can't hear us. He might be able to find us with it, though, so we have to be careful. And I told him not to believe the stories- maybe he'll figure out your innocence on his own.

Sirius was taken aback, He's that clever? Wow.

Olivia chuckled slightly, Not really, it's a long shot for sure. It might help us out later though.

They waited until they were back in the house, changed back, and settled on the still dusty couches to continue talking.

"Didn't you say something about Harry finding us?" Was the first thing Sirius asked. He had plenty of questions, but priorities first.

"That's how I met him originally. I ran from the Malfoys after a bad day and kind of felt where to go. Like there was something tying it together. I'm not sure how, but my theory is that that and the telepathy are part of the magic twins thing." Olivia explained, stretching her injured leg out on the sofa.

"I've never heard of that happening before, but I'm not the most well-informed person. Did you ask Dumbledore about it, when you talked to him?" Sirius pondered the theory. He'd known a few twins back in his Hogwarts days, and had never even heard of anything like this.

"Didn't get the chance to, really. I wanted to tell Harry about the twin thing first, which still hasn't happened." Olivia placed her face in her hands, "Why does all of this have to be so difficult? Why can't we just walk out there right now, declare our innocence, and live happily ever after?"

Sirius let out a sad chuckle, "If only that was how the world worked. But once all of this settles down, we can try our best to do just that."

Olivia looked up through misty eyes, "When this settles down? You really think that'll happen?"

Sirius smiled at her, "Of course. Good always triumphs evil, and peace always follows hard times."

"But how long will that take?" Olivia muttered, not expecting an answer. After all, she doubted Sirius even knew how long this evil could persist.


Knocked out another chapter in a day!! Also I was going to have them go somewhere nice but couldn't find anywhere to send them so more ~drama~.

Anyway, please leave feedback and I hope you enjoyed!

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