The Second Visit to Hogwarts

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Once everything had returned to "normal" they began to plan their next attempt of getting into Hogwarts.

"What about during a Quidditch match? Does your generation still watch those?" Sirius asked, lounging on his favourite chair.

"I've never seen one. Lucius never brought us and I wasn't around long enough at Hogwarts." Olivia repeated herself. Sirius didn't seem to have it in his head that he knew more about Hogwarts than she did.

"Right, right. I guess we could try, and if there are kids in the castle then I could take you to your very first Quidditch game." Sirius's eyes lit up at the idea, and Olivia had a feeling they weren't even going to try the castle.

"Did you play Quidditch when you were at Hogwarts?" Olivia asked, dusting off the arm rest to rest her head on.

"I didn't play, no, that was more James's thing. I was the announcer my last three years, though. Great fun to talk smack on the Slytherins." Sirius sighed with a smile, his thoughts of an angry Regulus and cheering Gryffindors coming back to him.

"They let students announce?" Olivia questioned, "Why not an unbiased teacher?"

Sirius scoffed, "Please, everyone in that school has a bias. Even Dumbledore. Now we better sleep-we've got quite the journey in the morning."

Although neither of them slept particularly well, nothing too extreme occurred that night. When the morning came, however, Olivia was shaking in her shoes. Sure last time she'd wanted to go, but what if she freaked out while they were there? Or she accidentally used her powers?

"Get that look off your face, we'll be fine." Sirius tried persuading her as they prepared themselves at the tunnel's entrance, "We'll take a quick look at the castle and at the pitch, and we'll decide where to go from there. And if it gets to be too much, we'll just come back. How's that sound?"

Olivia shakily nodded, "Sounds good. But I want at least one good fly around the castle, my wings are cramping from not being used." Olivia tried to joke, or change the subject to get her mind off of the giant risk they were taking. All to see a stupid game.

"Deal. Once we get there, you take your fly around while I scope out the area. Then meet me at the Quidditch pitch, you can't miss it. Ready?" Sirius only waited for her to nod before he quickly transformed and scuttled down the tunnel, Olivia hopping along as best she could behind him.

By the time they reached the castle grounds, however, the mild rain they were experiencing at the shack had turned into a full-blown thunderstorm. Olivia struggled to hop, let alone fly, and had to desperately clutch on to the scruff of Sirius's neck while using his ears to protect her small frame from the strong winds.

The duo decided that there's no way they were getting into the castle while dripping wet, and Sirius was all too happy to stay outside and watch the Quidditch match that had already been underway. And from the colours proudly displayed in the stands, it seemed to be Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff.

Sirius creeped them on to the back stands, far away from prying eyes. They used the wooden walls to protect themselves from some of the wind, and tried to watch the match through the dismal conditions.

As soon as they had sat down, the teams landed and huddled on their respective sides. Olivia, confused, asked what was going on.

I think it's just a time out. The snitch is still out. Sirius replied, his eyes only finding the golden flicker for a second before it dashes to who knows where.

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