Bruises and Scars

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Bruises and Scars.
(A/N: Pic is of my interpretation of Olivia)

September 3rd, 1991

The professors of Hogwarts sat around the Headmaster's office. Albus himself had called them all here to seek guidance on the level of punishment for the one and only Olivia.

"A crime so severe as to give another child a concussion without a wand should deserve at least suspension," Snape argued.

"We will not be sending her back to the Malfoy family," Dumbledore announced. The teachers shot him weird looks.

"Surely she poses a threat to the other students?" Professor Flitwick commented.

"We have reason to believe she is abused at home. Sending her there could result in a worse punishment," Dumbledore explained. Many of the teachers sighed and a few gasped.

"Could I propose an in-school suspension? Detention level punishments during the school day and her lessons afterwards. That way we could also address the power she displayed," McGonagall suggested. A few of the surrounding professors nodded.

"What about mealtimes? That is what caused the fight this morning," Snape pointed out.

"We can arrange separate meal times, no issue. How long would each of you need for your lessons?" Dumbledore assessed.

"For one student, maybe 15 minutes." Professor Sprout spoke for all of them.

"As long as you all are fine with an extra lesson for the next week then we have reached our punishment," Dumbledore concluded the meeting.

"The egotistical Lucius Malfoy beating his kid that's not even his? Who would've guessed," McGonagall muttered under her breath.

Quirrel seemed the most worried about this. When questioned by the other teachers, he simply explained that he believes it wrong to harm a child like this and no one thought anymore of it. But in reality, he could feel the demon inside of him becoming enraged. After all, if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. And Lucius Malfoy proved just that.


"Why did you do that to me?" Draco whispered as he slowly bled out on the stone floor.

"Draco, what-" Olivia looked at the warped scene and tried pinching herself- this isn't happening, this isn't happening.

"You smashed my head into the stones. I was only doing what I thought was right," Draco's voice slowly trailed off as he went completely still.

"No! Draco!" Olivia ran to him, but Harry stood in her way, "Harry! It's Draco,"

"I know. You killed him. I watched you do it. How could you?" Harry accused, slowly pushing her backwards.

"Harry I didn't mean to I-," Olivia tried explaining herself through her tears.

"My sister would never just murder someone in cold blood. How could you?" Harry looked disappointed and somewhat angry.

"Our daughter would never do that. How could you?" Her parents appeared behind Harry, laying their hands on his shoulders as they looked at her in disgust.

"No, no, no, no, no," Olivia was hyperventilating now, her tears blurring the scene even further. Suddenly she felt the familiar sharp pain in her face.

"You hurt my son?! Oh now you'll pay you little wench!" Lucius threw blows at her, the pain mixing into everything else happening. That was when she saw Narcissa looking on. She reached out to her for help, but her face had the same look of disgust.

"You killed my son. How could you?" Tears streamed down Narcissa's face and Olivia broke down.

She woke up slowly, fragments of her dream giving away one at a time, she could feel people trying to restrain her as she thrashed around, she could feel the wetness from her tears. Her screaming echoed around the room, blocking out most of the other voices. Then she finally woke up with a shriek. The people around her looked at her terrified. She tried to rub her face but her hands were bound to the bed.

"Wha-what's going on?" Olivia shuddered. The people around her she didn't recognise, but seemed to be other helpers in the hospital ward. They parted ways as Madam Pomfrey walked through.

"Olivia, you had a bit of a breakdown that used up all of your energy. It's only been a few hours and you're healing nicely," She explained, but Olivia only half-heard her as she strained her neck around and tried to look for Draco.

"Draco? Is Draco okay? Oh god I screwed up," Olivia was still freaking out and the helpers were posed at the ready, prepared to restrain her again.

"Olivia he's fine, only a minor concussion and a bit of bruising. Nothing that can't be fixed," Pomfrey tried to get her calm down.

"I want to see him, let me see him," Olivia still twisted her head around trying to get any glimpse of Draco.

"You're not allowed to see him until you're deemed safe. Your power is dangerous, you must know that by now," Olivia slumped over as more tears sprung up in her eyes.

Olivia tried to curl up in a ball, slightly harder to do with bound hands. "Lucius was right, I'm nothing but a problem,"

Madam Pomfrey just sighed and walked back over to Draco. She had him under a sleeping potion in order for him to heal faster. The back of his head had been heavily bruised, which shone right through his light hair. It was going to take a while for he swelling to go down, but it would eventually pass.

She wondered what in the world he had done to get Olivia that mad. It had been a terrifying sight for everyone- a student displaying that power. Tales of magic without a wand had been around since Merlin, but it was the great wizard himself who was, alone, known to have such abilities. Sure, others after years of training could come close, but a child at this age? Who knows what she could do.


Slightly shorter, I know. But it's a transition chapter, what are you going to do?

Also possible new titles include:
-The Girl Without a Destiny
-The Rose of the Death Eaters
- A Different Prophecy
- The World You Never Knew
- A Dark Pawn
- A Blessing an a Curse
Let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoyed!

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