The Hogwarts Express

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The Hogwarts Express

September 1st, 1991

"Olivia, come on! We don't want to be late!" Mrs. Malfoy called as she rapped on Olivia's door, "And don't forget your trunk!"

Olivia sighed as she slipped on her other sock. She'd packed her trunk full of her supplies and personal belongings the night before, now thankful she had. Putting her shoes on, she grabbed her trunk and met the Malfoy family at the fireplace in the foyer. She kept her eyes down and quietly thanked Draco as he politely grabbed her trunk for her.

"Platform 9 3/4," Narcissa called first, stepping into the green flames. Next was Draco, with Olivia to follow, but Lucius stopped her for a second and kneeled down in front of her.

"Now, Olivia Merope Gaunt , you listen to me. You tell anyone about your punishments and I will make sure that what happened two days ago will feel like a pinch compared to what I will do to you. Do I make myself clear?" Mr. Malfoy threatened. Olivia refused to make eye contact and tried to just nod, but he slapped her across the face for it.

"Yes sir," She replied, locking eyes with the cruel man. His were menacing while her young eyes were welling up with tears, both from the pain of the shock and from the mental scars that seemed to throb. He nodded and let her pass through the fireplace, meeting Draco and Narcissa on the other side.

The family plus Olivia walked out on to the platform, saying their goodbyes like the other families who arrived early at 10:15. Olivia got no goodbye from Lucius, but got a quick half-hug from Narcissa. Draco, however, got a full on speech and hug from his father and a hug and a teary kiss from his mother. The two children found a car easily and packed their trunks and their new pets in.

"What did he say to you?" Draco asked softly as they sat down across from each other. Olivia sniffled but looked up at him surprised.

"Why are you asking? You've never wanted to know about my punishments before," Olivia asked quietly, genuinely curious.

"Just tell me," Draco pushed. He usually pushed Olivia's beatings out of his mind, trying to convince himself that his father was a good man. But right now, he just wanted to hear the truth. The whole time his father lectured him on getting good grades, his father was staring at Olivia's beautiful green eyes with loathing. And Draco hated it.

"He-he just threatened me. He said to never tell anyone about my... punishments or he'd scar me even more," Olivia said as tears started to stream down her face, "Why am I cursed to this hell?"

Draco scooted into the seat next to her and hugged her with one arm. She crossed her arms as she quietly sobbed, with Draco awkwardly sitting next to her. It took her a while to calm down, and when she did she smiled at Draco thankfully, giving him a full-on hug. She was glad to finally have someone to talk to. And Draco was finally glad to have his sister trust him again.


Harry had just been dropped off at King's Cross Station when he felt the familiar pull. As he pushed his cart forward, he opened his mind to try and find the curious Olivia.

Olivia? Are you there? He asked out, a bit hesitant. While he was doing so, he found that there was no platform 9 3/4, turning around awkwardly as he tried to find it.

Harry! Hi! Where are you? We've got room in our compartment. Olivia called out in her mind. She'd jumped when she'd heard Harry's voice and now Draco was staring at her strangley.

"Sorry, Harry messages me and I wasn't expecting it," She apologised. Draco, however, starting fangirling once again.

"He's here? Where is he?" Draco asked and Olivia shushed him, waiting for another message:

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