Back Into Civilisation

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The sun had risen and was high in the sky by the time the two of them made it to shore. The rocks underneath them were painful to lay on, but they were too exhausted to care. And their journey was not yet over.

Where are we? Olivia asked, laying her wings out as flat as she could.

No idea. We need to find out that and what day it is. Sirius rolled over, trying to stand back up.

Why does the date matter? Olivia watched the dog fall multiple times before he successfully stood.

Once Hogwarts starts, it's going to be a million times harder to catch Peter.

Oh, right. Olivia had almost forgotten about Pettigrew, but it was obvious Sirius had not. Can I change back into human form now? There's no way my wings are going to fly again today.

Sirius stretched out, and leant his head down next to Olivia. Hop on, you can ride until you recover. Besides, we still have the prison uniforms on.

Olivia bent her wings slightly to get up, letting out a sharp chirp. But after a moment of adjusting, she was perched on top of Sirius's shoulders. He whimpered slightly at the extra weight but insisted that it was fine.

What first? Olivia asked Sirius, who seemed to have already thought this all out.

Find clothes and change first, we need to burn these uniforms. Then we go back to my house.

Your house?! Isn't that the first place they'll look? Olivia said as they made their way on the trail. They passed all sorts of green fields and foliage as they went, but the village up ahead didn't seem to be getting much closer.

I never owned it, Dumbledore bought it once my mother wanted to give it up. It's the Order's Headquarters. Sirius explained, trying to move quickly without making his legs give out again.

What's the Order? Will Dumbledore be okay with us there? Olivia remembered Dumbledore of course, but I'd had been years since she'd seen him. The mention of his name also reminded her of her training, and swore as soon as they were safe she would explain that to Sirius.

The Order of Phoenix fought against Voldemort in the first war. Your parents and I were a part of it. And Dumbledore knows we're innocent, he shouldn't have a problem with it. Besides, what does he even use it for?

They were both lost in their thoughts as thy made their way into the small village. The signs said it was called Felixstowe*, and it looked to be a harbour town, though it was facing an inner river as opposed to the North Sea. Once the two had gotten into the residential neighbourhoods, they started a lookout for any clothes they could nab- after all, it was easier to get stuff from a simple clothesline than breaking into a store.

After much searching- Olivia even stretching her wings back out to see over fences- they had only found a long dress for Olivia that was much too big and a button shirt and trousers for Sirius which hung off him in very poor ways. Olivia kept her uniform on under her dress, feeling plenty uncomfortable in the functionality of the garment.

After changing in odd alleyways and praying they wouldn't be noticed, they made their way into the main part of town.

"What're we doing now?" Olivia asked as other people started to pass them on the sidewalk. Thankfully no one took much notice of the odd pair.

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