The Time to make things right!

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The Rangers made it to a very confusing clearing section in the forest, "What? I had no clue that this place was out in the open like this" said Daphnia, "Ok, Where is Lord Arcanon?" Ron asked, Lord Arcanon showed up out of nowhere and said "I'm glad you came Rangers! It's time for your doom to come into existence!" As he cloned himself to match each ranger, "Nine clones! How are we gonna defeat him like this?!" Georgia complained, "We'll just charge straight into battle!" Rex roared as he charged towards his copy of Arcanon and so did the others following his lead. Not to long after that, The Rangers demorphed and were defeated by Arcanon and his clones, "Why did you Rangers get defeated already? I'm not at my best" Aracanon asked, "We're a team! It's better than just being one enemy having to fight all ten of us alone!" Rex yelled back, "Ha! I'd like to see you try!" Arcanon teased as Rex got back up and charged into battle with all the clones, and he was unable to get through to Arcanon, "I need some help here!" He exclaims, Aaron went after him and was able to help him, "Well, don't just sit there! Stand up and fight for the earth!" He yelled, "I'm gonna get even with my serial killer Mom! And make her a real mother for me to love!!" Colby defeated clone #3, "I will be the fastest! The strongest! And the best track person that will ever go down in history!!" Emily ran towards and Arcanon clone like at warp speed and destroyed clone #4, "I'm gonna have my future with Rex! And I don't want any monster to get in my way or defy my life goals!!" Daphnia defeated Clone #5, "I already have a family to look after! And to fight alongside the ranger family is my dream!!" Alex swung his Zander thunder and destroyed clone #6, "I may have just joined the team recently but I we all have dreams, and I wanna make humanity's dream of becoming one come true!!" Georgia unleashed her Ankylo quake and defeated clone #7, "My Kung fu may not be great! But I will save the world and make it awesome again!" Greyson unleashed his ultimate attack "Heroic Pachy Punch!!" And he destroyed clone #8, "I know I'm not the brightest person but I wanna change that with the friends I have now!!" Violet blasted ger morpher at Clone #9 and destroyed it, "I'm finding all the connections from creature to creature! And I can't let something or someone destroy the planet!!" Ron yelled "Silver Charge! -waving his fist in a circle- Silver powered One Punch!!!!!" Ron unleashed it's fury one clone #10 and destroyed it. It was Aaron's turn to explain his dream, "I know I'm the best Online entertainer around, but I wanna be better!! And I will save the earth alongside the Rangers for my fans!!!!" Aaron pulled out his morpher and blasted a powerful laser that destroyed clone #2, "I.....wanna-" Rex was silenced by Lord Arcanon himself, "How foolish! You want to accomplish your dreams but your leader hasn't shared his death wish yet, Red Ranger! Go on and tell everyone here what your death wish is!" Arcanon grabbed him by the neck with gravitational powers, "My dream.......Is to.....Is to see Ceaser again!!!" Rex yelled and everyone was silent and a tumbleweed blew by. Lord Arcanon laughs maniacally, "Really! That dear friend of yours will never come to see you die right in front of your team!" Lord Arcanon was about to finish it but an arrow came and stabbed him from the behind, Rex was put down as he saw a furry figure running towards the heroes, "Red Ranger, I am here...for your cause" said Ceaser, "He came! He actually came!" Daphnia said happily, "anything...for Not blood related...but...same father" Ceaser said also, All the support characters that made the Rangers make it on time for their final battle have arrived and Gezelle and Amber were holding each other's hands. "Rex! Use this!" Bailey came and threw him a Dino charger, "Where did this one come from?" Rex asked, "It came from my ass! Use it now to finish him!" Damian yelled, "Ok! Then here we go! Dino charger, Ready!" Rex clicked it and put it in his morpher, {Zyuden sentai Kyoryuger! Engage!} said automated voice as it was about to do their counterpart's roll call.
Kyoryu Red: Kiryu Daigo!
Kyoryu Pink: Amy Yuzuki
Kyoryu Black: Ian Yorkland!
Kyoryu Blue: Udo Nobuharu!
Kyoryu Green: Rippkun Souji!
Kyoryu Gold:Utsemimaru!
Kyoryu Cyan: Fukui Yuko!
Kyoryu Gray: Tsukouchi Shinya!
Kyoryu Violet: Ulshade Yayoi!
Kyoryu Silver: Wise deity Torrin!

Power ⚡️ Rangers: Dino OverchargeWhere stories live. Discover now