Zenowing to the rescue

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After Prom night, Daphnia and Rex were doing many things together, doing homework, working at the Dinobite cafe, and Defending the city from evil. Now at the Base, "Man, this feels boring without the team, I wonder where are they?" Rex asked, "They're training in the mountains with a friend of mine from sentai six" said Keeper, "Wait! Sentai six, is that where the energems come from" said Daphnia, the alarm went off for an incoming transmission, and A mysterious bird man was there, "Keeper! Bad news came! The dark energem is gone again!" He said, "No, No" Keeper complained, "what is the dark energem?" Rex asked, "Well, It was made by pure darkness, and the ten energems were pure good. They're polar opposites" said Kendall, "where is Tyler?! We need his Rangers to fight the forces of evil!" Zenowing was outraged, "I'm his............successor, I may not be as good as my cousin but I'll do my best as I swear as the Red ranger" said Rex, "wait! Tyler Navarro is your cousin! How awesome!" Kendall reacted, "Who cares about that! Where are the others?!" Zenowing asked, "They're out in....the mountains.....training" Rex thought of a bad scenario and he ran out "they're in trouble! We gotta get them before someone with the dark energem does!" Said Daphnia as she ran with him, "Good luck rangers, and Zenowing. Help them as soon as you come to earth" said Keeper, "It will be awhile but I'll be there for the new rangers" said Zenowing as he signed out, Kendall got ready and ran out to help them, and Keeper wondered about her plan.

At the mountains, the others seemed fine as soon as Rex and Daphnia arrived, "Did any monsters come?!", "Yeah, and we took care of them" said Colby, "Where is Aaron?!" Rex asked, "He was blasted away, because the monster was too tough for him to handle on his own" said Emily, "Rex, why do they sound and look meaner?" Daphnia asked, "I don't know, but we are gonna figure out what" Rex and Daphnia got ready to fight, Emily and the others transformed into monsters, "Good thing the dark energem gave us this power" Emily explained as she petted her raptor tail, "great! Now they're evil alongside Cobracon" said Rex. The Rangers fought against their evil friends but they were defeated, "Now, let's be an evil team together, with the dark energem on our side" Emily held the dark energem and touched Daphnia with it and she turned into a monster, a Raptor-woman hybrid, "Thanks Emi-saur, I love my new power already" Daphnia said as she threw out her pink energem, "Oh no! Daphnia! You don't have to do this!" Rex said, "Don't worry sweetheart, We'll be together as long as we destroy the world" Daphnia was handed the dark energem and was about to touch him, "GET DOWN!" Someone said as lightning came down in from of the evil Rangers, "Rex! What happened!?" Alex asked him, "I think the monster that was here destroyed itself on purpose and made the others vulnerable, Aaron is not here because he fled and he escaped from being turned evil, and now my Blue, green, and pink are now evil completely" He explained in he best way we could, "You know what! Forget the duel, no matter how pathetic you are, but a red is a red, I'll be here to get your friends back" said Alex, "Not yet!" Zenowing came flying down from the skies, "You came!" Said Rex as he was surprised, "Yes, your cousin Tyler said the same thing once, and that is what teammates do" he said back, "Awesome!" Rex exclaimed excitedly, "then what are you waiting for? Morph already!" Said Kendall as she brought a friend which is a female (Some people know who this is, but some of you that don't, she will tell soon), "It's morphing time! Dinocharger ready!" -"Energize! UNLEASH THE POWER!" The Rangers cried as they morphed into:
Rex: Tyrannosaurus Rex! Power Ranger Red!
Aaron comes in and says "Stegosaurus! Power Ranger Black!"
Kendall: Plesiosaurs! Power Ranger Purple!
Zenowing: Titanosaurus! Power Ranger! Silver!
"Your turn, Bailey!" Said Kendall, "Indominus Rex! Power Ranger Quartz!" Said Bailey, "whew, It feels good just to say that again. You! *pointing at Rex* I help get your girl back!" Said Bailey, "Alright! Let's go!" The Rangers charged into battle and Doomwing shows up out of nowhere and challenged Zenowing to a duel. Alex was handling Colby, Kendall was against Emily, "You look good in spandex, Kendall" Emily complimented, "Thanks, that tail makes you look a lot like Me, but Bailey does it better, and it's ms. Morgan to you!" Kendall knocked the Dark energem out of Emily's hands and it made her return to normal (but her tail is still there), "Thanks, I owe Rex one" Emily stood up with the help of Kendall.

(Zenowing vs Doomwing cutscene above) ⬆️

Rex and Bailey were up against evil Daphnia, "Do you know how to use your Dino power to the fullest! Try an armor mode!" Bailey suggested, "Dino Steel! Armor on!" Rex did it and the T-Blaster was a great help, "You can't destroy you own girlfriend! I'm the one you love!" Daphnia said and Rex was hesitant, "Maybe not, But I can!" Amber came out of the ground and bitt her Back, which is where the Dark energem landed, "You cannot defeat me with my power!!" Daphnia whipped her tail and Bailey countered by growing out hers, "I am the Indominus! Do you think the Dark energem have you this power, to be a monster!" She yelled and Daphnia feared her by her words, "T-Rex! Blast!" Rex fired his weapon at the dark energem and it was destroyed and the others returned to normal, "Rex! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to betray the man I love! Never!" Daphnia begged for forgiveness, "It's ok, Who did this was pretty dang smart making you split up by turning half of you evil but I can't restore you with my venom" said Amber, "Thanks sis, Yiu came and helped me for once", the good moment was cut short by a Doomwing growing bigger, "Oh man! How do we fight that!?" Rex wondered out loud, "Call your zords! Are you the new dinosaur Rangers or what?" Bailey said, "Ok, Dinocharger ready! *Click!* Summon T-Rex zord!" He threw the dinocharger and the Zoe's came and it wasn't looking good, "Hey! What's wrong?!" Bailey asked it, Rexy roared back and transformed into a new zord! "Whoa! That is awesome!" Rex said as he watched Rexy fire his new cannons, Doomwing was hurt and the other Rangers zords came too, "Alright! Make the megazord! Show that bird you are the new Dino SuperCharge Rangers!" Said Zenowing, "Ok! Dino Rampage Megazord! Tri-raptor  formation!" Rex called and the zords combined into.......DINO SuperCharge MEGAZORD!! READY! "Whoa! We're inside my...No! Our Megazord!" Said Rex as the others put their morphers into the slot, "You can't defeat me!" Said Doomwing,  The fight was on and it was short, "The results are in Doomwing! You're overcooked!" Said Colby, "Dino SuperCharge Megazord! Final attack!" The three called, the Megazord placed its cannons on lock mode and charged up, "Unleash the Power!" Rex cried and the Megazord fired its cannons and Doomwing was "Monster Extinct!" Said Kendall and Zenowing.

At the base, "I'm sorry we went training alone, It looked like you and Daphnia are doing well without us, we just want to improve our team work" Emily explained, "I'm sorry for destroying that monster on our own, we should've called you guys before we fought, It's just....", "I know, You feel left out for all the things we do, I get it. At least let us join you on training next time" Rex said as he was walking out, "Where are you going?" Zenowing asked, "I gotta get my sister Amber back home, because I think she is done packing up from where she used to be" said Rex as he left. "Ok, So am I part of the team now?" Alex asked, "Yes, you did cancel your duel to rescue an ally in need, At least we have all the ten original energems, We can stop who ever is coming to destroy earth" said Keeper, "Yeah, Let's work till then, After that graduation! And next part of our life in our chapter" Daphnia said some wise words to the team. "I have a question! Bailey right? Who made you that Quartz energem?!" Aaron barged in and asked her, "That's a simple answer really, I found it on the ground and it bonded to me, and My husband is the Talon Ranger" Bailey answered, "Whoa! Your so young and your married! I wish I can be as beautiful as you" Daphnia was jealous, "Oh, Don't worry, You will be soon enough" Bailey cheered her up as she got a call from the Talon Ranger (Identity is unknown for now), "Gotta go! My husband is calling for......Dinner! Yes that's it!" She stormed off in a hurry and she was outside in no time, "Yes, the next generation may need some help","What! You found something about the Pink ranger! What is it?!" Bailey asked her husband, "Alright I'm on my way!" Bailey hopped on her Dino cycle and zoomed away.

Power ⚡️ Rangers: Dino OverchargeWhere stories live. Discover now