Form them! Our team!

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The next day in school, It was lunch, Daphnia got a call from her older boyfriend and things didn't go to well:
Daphnia: I can't believe your breaking up with me!
Boyfriend: Sorry! I didn't take responsibility for you. I was drunk and I impregnated a stripper, so I had to take that with her.
Daphnia: Why?! I loved you so much! You were about to meet my parents and be my prom date!
Boyfriend: I was drinking with my friends and I didn't think things would go to far, plus I want to be with someone I'm taking responsibility for, I hope you can understand that.
Daphnia: I do, I hope you and your new girlfriend have a happy life together!

Daphnia and her boyfriend broke up now and Rex was just passing by to class, Daphnia looked around and called out to him. "Rex Blakestone, will you be my date for the prom?" She asked him, Rex was shocked to here that, "What happened to your boyfriend? Weren't you two gonna have a night to remember on Friday?" Rex asked back, long story short, Daphnia told him the situation and Rex was more surprised, "Daphnia! Is everything alright!? I heard yelling!" Emily came to her rescue, "Oh, Hi Emily" Daphnia said to her, (Emily: the female Dino Overchargee green ranger. Also the track team leader) "Who are you?! I never seen you around here before!" Emily got angry at Rex and was thinking that he is her older boyfriend, "I'm Rex Blakestone, I'm just her friend who is also her coworker" He introduced himself to her, "Oh! I'm sorry! I just got so mad I thought you were Victor" Emily said, "Victor?" Rex was confused, "Victor Vincent, A graduate from Summer cove high school" Emily debriefed, "Oh! Ok! I thought you're gonna-" interrupted by an explosion, "Let's go! Now is the time to take action" Daphnia took the lead as she ran for the exit of the school, "Wait up!" Rex and Emily ran along with her to catch up.

A monster was attacking downtown, "Vivix! Rein down terror on the citizens!" It commanded, Vivix climbed on top the other and formed a big Dino mutant thing, "Not so fast!" Rex shouted from a distance as they came to battle, "Oh! Teenagers with attitude! How unoriginal for heroes" said Motar, "Not on my watch!" Rex charged in recklessly and was shot by him, Rex shot back and the girls were amazed, "How did you inflict damage I him while unmorphed?!" Daphnia said, "Wait! You're destined to be ranger! Which color?" Emily asked Rex, Rex pulled out his energem and showed it to her, "Red!" Emily was surprised that she even fainted, "Now is not the time for that!" Daphina shouted, "It's Morphing Time! Dino Charger! Ready!" Daphnia pulled out her morpher and inserted the charger inside (Not like that!), "Energize! UNLEASH THE POWER!!" Daphnia cried out as others came to help, "What took you guys so long?" She asked everyone else, "I had to make out with my girlfriend, and it took awhile to edit a video after that" said the Black ranger, "I was in the weight room building muscle, and I didn't get from pudding to beef" said the Blue ranger, "I'm back from the fainted realm, I was just shocked at the identity of the red ranger" said Emily while she was morphed, "And I think it's- *He turns around to see Rex fighting alone*-Uhhhh...The useful trash player" said Aaron, "I thought it would someone else who is strong" said Colby (Aaron: Black Dino overcharge ranger: The YouTuber in high school) (Colby: Blue Dino Overcharge ranger: the young bodybuilder), "Well, it doesn't look like he is winning" said Emily, "Just wait! The team will be completed in any second now" Daphnia told everyone to wait patiently. Rex kept fighting despite his condition now, "This is lame, why don't you give up already?!" Motar shot Rex back and he fell to the ground while sliding, "I'm not gonna give up! In front of the team....I'll care for like a family!!" Rex roared as he charged at him, Rex morphed unnoticeably and the others were surprised, Rex's Dino Steel armored on and a new weapon was revealed and it blasted Motar back with force, "What the Lameage!" Motar complained, "Tyrannosaurus Rex! Power Ranger! Red!💥"Rex called, Aaron joined in and said "Stegosaurus! Power Ranger! Black!💥", the others joined in too.
Colby: Triceratops! Power Ranger! Blue!💥
Emily:Parasaur! Power Ranger!Green💥
Daphnia: Velociraptor! Power Ranger! Pink! 💥

"We are The Brave warriors who replace the last generation! Power Rangers! Dino Overcharge!!" The team got together and cried out, "Man! Do I have to fight rip offs? This wasn't part of Cobracon's plan!" Motar said to himself, "Try and stop us! And we stop at all!" Rex cried out as they all charged into battle, with a Zord coming around behind them, it roared and roared to get Rex's attention, "Whoa! The T-Rex Zord! That's not good!" Motar said to himself, The T-Rex Zord blasted him his cannon, and it destroyed Motar, "This is Unfairly Lame!!" His last words before he exploded, "Ok....what now?" Rex asked the team, "Back to school for us! I don't want to miss Morning broadcast!" Aaron, "I can't miss my perfect attendence record!" Colby ran for it, "I don't have classes for the rest of the day, so I'm heading off to work" Rex said to the girls, "Wait! I'm coming with you!" Daphnia said as she ran towards him, "Oh! What the heck" Emily went with the others back to school for track practice. After school went by, Emily went to the track field and she saw school police talking to the coach, She went to ask what is going on.
Coach: Listen Emily, you ditching three classes and not showing up for them is gonna hurt you on this team very...very..very badly
Emily: I still on the team?
Coach: No! I don't want someone that would procrastinate and ditch classes. You're kicked off the team, You don't deserve to go to college, your Scholarship is gone now, go and never join the track team again!

Emily's heart broke, and she left crying out her tears 😭. Emily went to the base and asked Kendall "Where is....Rex?!", "Chill out! Tell me what is wrong!" Kendall insists, "No! He! As our leader should take responsibility! Call him down here! Now!!" Emily demanded, "Ok, I'll go and get him" said Kendall as she went up the elevator.

Rex was working his butt off serving customers, "Rex, Come to the lab and let's find what is wrong" Kendall ordered him, Rex heard the command and accidentally slipped and all the pies flew up and all landed on his back, "Sorry, Ms. Morgan, won't happen again" Rex said as another pie fell down on his head, "I'll clean myself off first" He said as he went to the back door to the base. Rex was cleaned up and was in the base, "YOU!!" Emily grabbed and slammed him to a wall with her blade, "It was thanks to you that I was kicked off the track team! And the captain of the others was thrown down!!" Emily was raging, "The responsibility about the track team wasn't my fault!" He said, "It wasn't! Then who else is the red ranger!!!" Emily kept yelling, "Hey guys! I'm here and-----Sweet gebbies!" Aaron came into the base and helped Rex out, "Dude, why is she made at you?" Aaron asked, "She thinks it's my fault the she was not leader of the track team anymore and she got kicked off after that" Rex explained, "Wow, It was because of that fight, that was time consuming" said Aaron, "So that's why she was so angry at you" Keeper came just in time, "Keeper! What do you mean?" Aaron asked, "Emily, why are you blaming someone else for what you did wrong?" Keeper asked her, "I was the best! And I just lost because of him! Why did he had to be the red ranger?!" Emily kept yelling, "What you did was right, one team needed you the most, and the other abandoned you for someone else" said Keeper, "Someone else?! Who? Who is faster than me?!" Emily yelled again, "Calm girl, deep breaths in *inhales* and out *exhales*" Kendall said to calm down Emily, "I think I saw Prescott getting a promotion to team captain as soon as you left, I was there to record it" Aaron said holding a camera, the Alarm went off, "A fury look alike is coming towards earth, at light speed!" Kendall said to the Rangers, "I'll call over Daphina and Colby, you guys go on ahead!" Aaron said, "Right!" Rex ran out with his energem and same did Emily.

The city was under attack again, but this time it was "I am!....Thumdercat!" He introduced, "Thundercats! Hooooooo!!!" Rex charged in as he was morphed, and he took on Thundercat alone, and Rex was forced back by lightning, and he was on the ground demorphed, "Time to finish you!!" Thundercat charged at him while at a weakened state, "Rex! Look out!" Daphnia cried as the others came, Emily was in a tough spot. Emily decided to take the hit for him instead and she got hurt badly, "Why did you take that?! You were mad at me before!" Rex demanded answers, "O did what was right....I can forgive me...*demorph*....for everything" Emily said as she passed out, "No, she can't!" Colby exclaimed, "She can't be dead!" Daphnia said, Rex got mad at Thundercat, "You will pay!!!" He roared as he morphed once again, and the others joined him to avenge their friend (Keeper appeared and he noticed Her nearly dead there, He picked her up and took her with him). The Rangers fought on with all the anger they had.

At the base, Keeper healed Emily back to life out of her critical condition, "Keeper, tell me, was this my fault?" Emily asked, "You realized your own mistake and thought to take responsibility for it, I'm proud that decided to put the past behind you to save your friend" said Keeper, "Thanks keeper" She showed her gratitude with a beautiful smile. The others came back with Thundercat destroyed, "Emily! The Guy cried as they came and hugged her, "never do that again, I thought I lost a family member there" Rex said, "No, I'm sorry for taking the hit, My ranger instincts kicked in and I thought I was goner too, But I have a good friend who cares for me and treats me like a sister" Emily said and the word "sister" triggered Rex and he held her tighter, "Its ok Emily, I'll do everything in my power to not lose you again" Rex cried his tears of forgiveness out of his eyes and everyone thought something is wrong with him.

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