Past Issues

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(Daphnia's chapter)

At night, Daphnia was in a middle of a nightmare, She was picturing all her past older boyfriends coming back and all asking her out at the same time (except Victor because he made a mistake that can't be fixed), she refuses but they'll got desperate, "Stop!" Daphnia woke up in shock, she looked around and Rex was in the same bed with her, giving her comfort. "That dream again, I hope it doesn't happen" Daphnia went back to sleep and was cuddling against Rex, "What is he doing staying up so late?" She asked him as she asleep.

Next morning, they were getting ready for work but Rex was tired as heck, "Go to without me, Daph, I'll catch up with you later" said Rex, "Ok! Get some sleep will ya!" Daphnia said as she walked out to her car (a Pink R8), and drove off to the museum. At the museum, Daphnia was not having good at all luck, "Hi! May I take your order?" She asked, "I would like to know about who are you dating now" said the man, Daphnia noticed him and she was shocked, "Hold on" She ran towards the kitchen and told Alex "Get everyone out and somewhere safe, we a an escaped criminal here in the cafe", "Wait! We do?!" Alex ran out in fear, "Rex! Come here quick!" He shouted at the Dino com, "What is it? It sounds urgent!" Rex asked, "Daphnia said there is an escaped criminal from prison in the cafe! And she wants to know who she is dating! What do we do!?" Alex panicked, "Call Kendall now! And evacuate everyone before they get hurt! And don't let them call the authorities! We don't wanna spread mayhem" Rex said as he hung up. Rex went to the Warehouse and He hoped on Grimlock and said "Alright Buddy, To the Dinosaur museum!", Grimlock roared as they bursted out of the old building and ran towards their destination. Cut back to the museum, Daphnia approached the criminal and said "Dereck! It's nice to see you, may I take your order?", "My question hasn't been answered yet and *he notices people are leaving fast* Why are people leaving already?" He asked, "It's almost closing time, and you're the last customer here to be served" she said, Rex and Kendall came up to see things out, "Daphnia! You alright? He hasn't harmed you, did he?" Rex asked, "I am! But this man is in a lot of trouble" Daphnia was about to set the alarm off but Dereck stopped her, "Get your hands off her!" Rex shouted as he took action, "Are you by any chance her new boyfriend?" Dereck asked him, "Yeah, so?" He responded, Dereck pulled out his gun and shot Rex in between the eyes, The Rangers in there were shocked, "Oh No! He died already!" Emily cried, Rex rose back up and said "That was close", Dereck shot him again and it was the same result. "I remember what Daphnia told her about you, you were sniffing her's and her mom's panties late at night, and you shot her younger brother from discovering a pervert in their household!" Rex shouted as the Rangers tried to handcuff him, "Yeah, I was curious if they were clean, and they smelled very dirty, just how I like it" he said as he dodges the cuffing, "Gotcha!" Daphnia said as she got him with handcuffs, "Sorry, but I'm taken for good" she said coldly, "Yeah, we already saved her from an arranged incest marriage which is her mothers idea" said Alex, "Wait! What!? She was getting married! To whom?!" Dereck asked, "The Heffleys, their oldest son Henry, but I killed him because of this crime" said Rex, "Damn, who knew you were an assassin" Dereck responded, "No, I wasn't. I was hired by the CIA to do it, and stopping religious things is what they do, because they don't know what they're doing is wrong" said Rex (He really wasn't because he covering their overall Ranger identities). The cops arrived and took back Dereck, "Hold up fellas, I got something to say to her", "Look, Daphnia, I'm sorry for all I did, Killing your brother was a mistake, I mean he had knife, he tried to kill me for being the pervert. I was set up by him to kill whoever is your boyfriend now. He doesn't like how you are just getting dudes from the street and the bad side of town. I would take care of your man if I were you, because she's still alive, your younger sister" he said before he was shut up in the car, "Younger sister, How is Camila doing now?" Daphnia asked herself as she walked off, "Hold On! Daphnia! Babe!" Rex shouted be he was ignored, "something must be wrong with her, but I'm gonna find out what" Rex went outside to Grimlock, who was waiting at the back, "Wait!" Emily said as she stopped him from going, "I wanna help you!" She said, "No, this is something me and her gotta deal with. I have to because she needs me" Rex shouted, "She needs all of her friends! Don't you get it! I know her the most because she's my best friend, and We're gonna help her too!" Emily said back, "Ok fine! We'll be right back though! I'm bringing some help!" Rex rode Grimlock out here and was on the roads.

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