Talk about a Hack attack

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(Aaron's chapter)

Aaron was just in his studio playing modern warfare while he was getting recorded by his camera, "C'mon! You destroyed my buzz saw gun but not me! Do better next time!" He said while making a YouTube video (Yes, he's a call of duty youtuber), when he was done editing the video, " time to upload it and we are good for the week" he said as he got a notification that he can't upload the video because..."WHAT! My channel has been taken down!" He complained as he checked, and it was yesterday when he was away with the team, "Noooooooo!!!!!!".

Aaron came to the base at Amber beach and was all sad, "Aaron, you're usually on time and never late!" Kendall noticed, "Ok, Ms. Morgan, don't you think never is a strong word. Last night was bad already" He explained, "Oh, parent issues, or something worse happened?" She came to check what is wrong with him. Aaron told Ms. Morgan that his YouTube channel was taken down without warning, and he is trying to find a cause for this, "Oh! That is bad news, it's like you treat it as a job" said Kendall, "But it job, My schedule was about to go haywire until now, I had to help the team because that was more important than entertaining people online! And not to mention, My channel was taken down by.....a kid-tuber" said Aaron, "Out of all the things! A kid-tuber took me down because he accused my of stealing his content! It was him who stole mine! And the game rating for Modern Warfare is M! I'm thinking of going to his parents and knocking some sense into them" Aaron said, "Ok, that's a bit too far don't you think?!" Kendall wondered, "I gotta get to the bottom of this" Aaron stormed off, and Emily came in and said "What's with him?", "Oh, long story" said Kendall, "Never mind, I already heard everything" She responded, Emily called the team over and they all came to the base. "Everyone! We have a problem on our hands. Aaron's life in YouTube is now gone, but let's get it back for him!" Emily cried, "Wait! That happened already, man he must've been lucky to last this long" said Colby, "He wasn't the first one, there were many others that have their channels taken down. Like Smosh games and Pewdipie, their channels were taken down because they don't make 'child friendly' videos, that was the cause for them, so it must be the same for him" Colby went on, "No! His was taken down by a kid tuber, and he is being accused of stealing the kids content, even though the kid stole it in the first place, the thing is we gotta find this person and deal with his/her parents, then he can get his channel back" said Kendall, "What about MMPR Toys?" Rex asked and everyone looked at him, "What?! Ok, I know someone who was in the same situation but I think they can help solve it" he said, "That's a great idea, Rex! Let's contact them right away" said Kendall, "No need! I'll get through to them, because......I know them, and they don't want to be invaded by strangers, right?" Rex thought, "Ok, you and Your girlfriend get Aaron and head to their address, Talk to them about the situation and fix this" said Kendall.

Rex and Daphnia picked up Aaron on the T-Rex zord, and they all made it to angel grove, "Bruno! My friend here needs help, do you think you can do that?" He asks at the door, "They're not gonna help" said Aaron, "They're gonna help! Just......give them time" said Rex as they wait. Two hours later, "Hey Rex! Do you wanna take part in this video?" Bruno asked, "No! Now is not the time. I came here just so you can help my friend get his channel back, Evantube and other kid-tubers took down his channel because they made a video sharing site for kids, do you think you can help get his channel back?" Rex asked, "Well......I just got back from the Philippines, so...Ok! I'll help!" Bruno replied as he let them in to his house and his studio, "First! Let's spread this for awareness for other big young YouTubers" Bruno said step one, "Next, we go to the channel and block them from gaining any subscribers" Bruno said step two (You can't really do that so that part is fiction in this story), "Then! You upload all the videos you cannot before, and make and update to let your fans know about what happened" Bruno explained step three and the team was finished, "Wow! I can't find a way to thank you for all this" said Aaron in relief, "No worries, Rex's Friend is a friend to me also! Rangers must stick together!" Said Mia, "MIA!! Shouldn't you be in the kitchen cooking with Jerry?" Bruno exclaimed, "Oh no!" Mia ran out in a hurry, "Now that has been dealt with, Let's find the monster I've been tracking down!" Bruno dragged the three Rangers along with him. At the city, Putties Everywhere! "Ohhhh! Defeating all of these putties can be time consuming. It's Saber Time!" Bruno charged into battle and was knocked out, The Rangers came to him and said "Are you alright!", "I'm fine! Let's take down these putties!" Said Bruno, then Mia and Jerry came in to the scene with their zords, "Follow my lead guys, It's morphing time! DinoCharger! Ready!" The team cried and "Energize! Unleash the power!" They cried and Rex, Daphnia and Aaron morphed in front of the power ranger fans, "Dino Steel! Armor on!" The Rangers called their weapons and the appeared, "T-Rex blaster!", "Raptor Dagger!", "Stego Saw!" The Rangers went on into battle and they won, but the Putties were climbing up on each other and making a "giant Mia dancing puttie!", "That's my costume! You can't just steal it like that!" Mia said, "Don't worry! We got this! Summon Zords! *The Zords came and entered the battle* (Bruno: this is the new Dino charge! Awesome!) Activate! Dino Overcharge megazord! Stego-raptor formation!" Rex called and the megazord was formed {Dino Overcharge megazord! Ready!}, In the cockpit, "Hey! You mind if we come in too?" Jerry asked, "Fine! Let's add our powers and defeat this freak!" Rex called them in and they added their power to the megazord, but it was getting overpowered by the giant puttie, "Dino drive! Activate!" The Rangers used their Dino drive and it was enough to defeat those putties in one body, "Full Awesomeness!"

Rex and the others had to go, "Thanks Bruno, my friend's life was saved and it's all thanks to our....collaboration" said Aaron, "Where is the rest of the team?! Shouldn't there be six of you!" Bruno asked, "Oh, they were handling the other monsters back at Amber beach, we'll bring them next time we visit" said Daphnia, "Yeah, we'll bring them soon as the final battle has passed, "Wait! Final battle, With who?!" Mia asked, "Lord Arcanon, he's still out there!" Aaron said, "Aaron! Let's head back before another monster shows up!" Rex said and Aaron ran towards his zord and left Angel grove, for the next time, He'll vlog about it.

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