The Keeper of the Dark energem

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At the base, "Hello Rangers! I'm glad that you destroyed the dark energem for me" said someone as he walked in, The ranger were preparing for a battle, "No! This is Heckyl, The keeper of the dark energem" Keeper introduced, "Hi! And wait! Isn't there supposed to be 6!of you? I only see five" Heckyl noticed, "Our pink ranger is on a family vacation, and I'm here just to take care of things while she is gone" said Rex, "Ah! You must be the be the new red ranger! I like you! Better than Tyler" sad Heckyl, "You got anything bad to say about my cousin!" Rex got angry, "chill dude! I'm only showing my appreciation for the new team!" He explicitly said better, "Why did you come here? I thought you went back home?" Kendall asked, "well, Sentai six was invaded and the dark energem was stolen......again" said Heckyl, "I thought it was destroyed! Wait.....again" Alex reacted, "that was the weaker version you destroyed, not the real one" Heckyl explained again, "You mean the thing made THIS! is a fake!" Emily said indicating her tail, "I forgot about that, I totally forgot you had it, but where did it go yesterday?" Aaron asked, "I was learning to control it, *Her putting her tail inside her track shorts and it ripped out*" Emily responded, "Anyway, Sledge may have been destroyed, but Lord Arcanon isn't" Heckyl explained more, "Wait! Who is sledge? And why does he want the energems?" Colby asked. Heckyl, Zenowing, and Kendall explained the entire first series in one go, the city was being attacked again, but this time! It was Cobracon, "Alright! Time to get payback for last time" Rex ran out, The others joined him, "Oh my! He is lively" Said Heckyl, "We know, but that is what makes their families different" said Zenowing, "wow, looks like new generation of Rangers is odd....but I a good way" Said Keeper.

"Ah! So you're still alive!" Cobracon was surprised, "Thanks to a new friend who won't believe how careful I am for my friends" Rex said, "Also, unlike a snake would tell the truth, my sister is alive and well!" Rex added, "What! I was lying the entire time to make you give up!" Said Cobracon, "It's a good thing he didn't" said Alex, "Tiz Morphing time! Dinocharger ready! Energize! UNLEASH THE POWER!" The team cried, and they did roll call: Tyrannosaurus Rex! Power Ranger! Red!💥"Rex called, Aaron joined in and said "Stegosaurus! Power Ranger! Black!💥", the others joined in too.
Colby: Triceratops! Power Ranger! Blue!💥
Emily: Parasaur! Power Ranger!Green💥
Alex: Pterodactyl! Power Ranger! Gold!💥

"Power Rangers! Dino Overcharge!" The team called as the went for the attack, The team was working together as they were fighting like a team, "but how? You all have good teamwork without the complete team!" Said Cobracon, "That's what you don't get at all!" Amber came out of the ground and struck Cobracon in the back, "YOU!" Cobracon was pissed, "I turned the venom you put inside me good, and you can't purge it with evil at all! Unless you have the dark energem, which you don't" Amber burned, "Wait! You had the dark energem! Did you destroy sentai six to get it?!" Emily got worked up, "No! Someone stole it from me, and he made a Ranger form out of the power, I hate to tell the truth but it's true! Kill me now! Red ranger! It will all be over" Cobracon insisted, but Emily shot it from her Parachopper, "What, he is telling the truth after all" she said, "No worries man, your pain is out pain, and we can recover from it together" said Aaron, "Wait! Cobracon did say that a human stole the dark energem from him, and it was the real one if he was looking for it" said Colby, "So, his master must be.....Lord Arcanon!" Said Rex, "Ok, before we fight him and his other minions, we need Daphnia" said Alex, "Good point" said Rex, "About that!" Bailey showed up out of nowhere from her Dino cycle, "Daphnia is in trouble! She's....." Bailey paused, "Spit it out already!" Rex got worked up, "She's.....getting married!" Bailey spits out, "WHHHAAATTT!" Everyone else except Rex was shocked, "Wait! Is she cheating on Rex?!" And Emily asked, "No! My husband said that her wedding will be tomorrow at noon, we gotta get her back before Henry makes her hold the dark energem!" She explained, "Oh No!" Rex pictured another bad scenario, "We gotta get there! Ask you husband the location! I have a few words I got for this Henry guy" Rex stormed off, "Wait! Bro! Listen, we gotta work together on this! You know how much I want a sister in law! This will ruin my dream! We gotta work like a family would!" Said Amber, "We have only Mom, and pretty much no one else except our drunk uncles", "We do! We have the ranger family! You! The team of now and old! We shall work together on destroying the dark energem right?!" Amber said with willpower, "Ok, thanks sis. Everyone! Gather up at the Base! We need to call our families" said Rex.

The team split up and went to pack their bags for a camp, and Rex was on the phone with "Hey Tyler! I was wondering....can you help get my girlfriend back?", "You will! Great! Bring Shelby and the others! We need all the help we can get against someone with the dark energem" The conversation with Tyler on the Phone was done, "Rex! What do you think you're doing?! Leaving at this hour" his mother caught him, "Listen Mom, I gotta stop my girlfriend from getting married to someone that was arranged for her, This person is about to take away a future daughter in law, do you want that to happen?!", "It's probably for the best! Leave her be! She'll be happy with whoever she is with", the thing is she is being manipulated to cheat!! *mom gets shocked* I actually found my first that I can't give up on, you were dad's first, right? I guess you could say I am following in his footsteps" Rex waited for Amber to jump in the car and he drove off at 5:00 in the afternoon.

At the camp, "Ok, My husband said he'll probably be late to crash the wedding, but he'll be there to fight" said Bailey, "I forgot to ask, who is your husband anyway?" Rex asked, "You'll like him when you see him, and he is power ranger like us" Bailey walked into her cabin that she built on the wait of the team, "Oh dear, this predicament will split up the team for sure" said Zenowing, "I know, but we got put our faith in those two *Indicting Rex and Daphnia*, besides, they're just like me and Damian + Tyler and Shelby" Bailey looked at Rex as he was not asleep in his tent. "Can't sleep?" Alex asked Rex, "Yeah, All can think about is if we fail to save her" Rex said, "We won't save her, you will. You all helped me with my ideal on making our school a better place for girls, but you and Daphnia were there, and so will I when we're at the wedding. We'll get her back, no problem" Alex said as he went back to his tent, Rex followed him back to his tent and he saw Amber inside it, "What are you doing here?" He asked, "I here to give you moral support, that is all you need, big brother" She said, "Ok, but let's get some sleep, We need all the strength we can muster" said Rex as he fell asleep.

Meanwhile in somewhere far away, "Huh, Rex Blakeston and Daphnia Fieheart, I wonder they're like me and Bailey or Tyler and Shelby" said mystery person as he went into his zord and it screeched and ran to the location set to the wedding spot.

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