The king Dinobot

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(Rex's chapter)

The after the last chapter, Rex finally was at his new house he bought on his own, because he was training at Angel grove at the 2017 Power Rangers base with Damian and his children (Azazel: my 2017 Green ranger, Natalie: Silver Ninja Steel ranger), plus Zordon. The doorbell rang, Rex came to to see...."Daphnia!" Rex cried, "I'm able to move in now, isn't that great!" She got excited, "Yeah! Glad you could be here, all I have is myself in this house" said Rex, "Oh, I forgot to tell you this earlier on the phone yesterday, Amber is coming over with something big" she said as she entered the house, "I wonder how big it will be? It better not be too big" said Rex looking up at the ceiling, "Ok, best to get me settled in" said Daphnia, "Yeah, I'll help out as soon as my sister arrives" said Rex.

Two hours later, Amber came to the door, "Hey sis, how's it go...ING!!" Rex freaked out by the surprise guest, "Babe, what is wro...NG!!" Daphnia freaked out too, "Oh! This is Grimlock, the only Dino bot left. He's trying to find a place to take cover until the bounty on him is over" said Amber, "Oh god, best to take him in...the backyard! Now!" Rex ordered, and the gang joined him. "Ok, we have a Dinobot on our hands, what are we gonna do now? And worst of all, how do we cover him?! He's too big!" Rex theorized, "I got it! Let's hide him in the warehouse! No one ever goes in there! Except me, when I need something from inside there" Rex thought it was a good idea to hide a big Dinobot in the warehouse until the event is over. At the base, Kendall was thinking why hasn't Rex come work yet? Daphnia showed up but not her boyfriend, "Rex, what's going on? Work is just boring without you. A monster has come to these coordinates, head there as soon as possible to join the others" said Kendall as she sent a messenge, Rex got it from home and regretted that he is skipping work to take care of Grimlock, "Let's go, Grimlock! To the monster battle in town!" Rex commanded and Grimlock didn't move, "Oh c'mon! Are you afraid that I'll turn you in like this?! Have faith in me! I'll go with! Or without you" Rex went into his garage and drove out with his car to downtown.

Monsters were attacking the city and it was Lord Arcanon, alongside Singe, Badussa and Cobracon (who is revived for some reason), the Rangers encountered him and they started to talk, "So, your the new power Rangers that I heard so much about. You all look weak without your leader" said Lord Arcanon, "Well, Rex couldn't make it because of reasons! If he were here, we would be able to beat you!" Aaron snapped, "Oh! Looks like he's here" Arcanon saw his car and he fired at it, and the car blew up, the Rangers were horrified by this action, "No! He can't be dead that easily!" Said Emily, "Think again!" Rex flew out of the explosion all morphed and ready to fight, "Hello Rex, what took you so long to even get here?!" Said Cobracon, "I had to do....human stuff! Yeah!" Rex delayed, "A real leader would never lie in front of his teammates" Arcanon blasted him and Rex took it, the others morphed and decided to take them on. The Rangers fought them for along time and Cobracon got the best of Rex, "Hah! Thanks for not destroying the dark energem, I was able to be reborn again!" Said Cobracon, "Whoa!" Rex dodges the attack and Grimlock from home heard it from the warehouse, He bursts out the doors and heads towards his location, Rex was getting pummeled from Cobracon, "Looks like I got the best of you!" Cobracon was about to finish it but they all heard roaring from the other side of the street, "Is that...A new zord!" Colby stated, "No, it's something else!" Emily replied, It breathed fire on Cobracon and it sent him flying, "Grimlock! You came" Rex felt happiness in his eyes that he started shedding man tears as he took of his helmet, "DinoBot detected! Take him in!" An army helicopter came into the scene and took Grimlock away from the battlefield, he struggled to break free but it was no use, "Grimlock! Don't worry! I'm here buddy!" Rex tried to break him out of the nets and was shot off by a military man, and he fell to the ground and looked like he was dead. "Huh! What the heck just happened?" Arcanon was confused, "My lord, we should go before they track us too" Singe suggested, Lord Arcanon and his lackeys fled the scene as the Rangers rushed over to Rex and they took him to the base.

Daphnia told the whole story about what happened earlier today, "He was hiding a Dinobot all along! That was weirdly out of character for him" said Aaron, "the truth behind his reason is He would help any life form that isn't human, including me and Zenowing" said Keeper, "He is good person, we would do the same for him, if he were the one captured on Arcanon's ship" said Zenowing, Rex got up and said "I'm sorry guys, I should've told Kendall about the situation Amber put me in, it was a big mistake I've made not letting you all know, I thought you're gonna call the government and turn him in yourselves but I should've thought other wise", "Oh c'mon man! Don't say that, you made friends that helped me and all of us, we wouldn't turn in Grimlock anyway, it's like giving up being a power ranger" said Emily, Damian came in and said "Rex, I got you a new Dinocharger, your cousin Tyler called it T-Rex supercharge mode. You've earned the right to become stronger, that's what Zordon said about you" he said, "Really! We'll keep Arcanon's lackeys company, you and the others head to Area 51 and save Grimlock. I trusted him to you, like you would have a pet, but time for you to take responsibility for it!" Said Bailey, "Ok, gang! Let's go get my, No! Our friend back!" Rex cheered, "I'll go with you! If that would mean closing the museum for a day, I'll do it!" Said Kendall, "I'm coming too, we can all save the last Dinobot together" said Keeper, "Let's go work as a team!" Said Zenowing. The Rangers were separated in their Zords and they arrived at Area 51, "I really hate it when they think we are the bad guys, but they should know we are the power rangers" said Aaron, "Rex! We'll take care of the guards! You all go in and take them out! Rescue Grimlock!" Said Colby, Rex and the others came out of their Zords and ran in there morphed, More guards up ahead, "Go! We'll take care of them!" Said Kendall, even more in the experimental room, "Rex, it's been nice knowing a good friend like you, me and Daphnia are a team! We won't die that easily!" Emily shouted as the girls stayed behind. At the last room, Rex, Keeper, and Zenowing found him, he was beat up and his spark was taken out of him, " No, we came too late" said Rex, "We have to find his power source, and he'll be working again" said Zenowing, "I would like to see if he can be revived, that will be a miracle" said Keeper, "Aliens! Stop right there!" Said the officer, "This thing is your kind, right! Then join him and die!" Officer shot Keeper but he was still unharmed, "Rex! Find Grimlock's spark, and bring him back home!" Said Zenowing, Rex headed in and he encountered a robocop, "Power Ranger! I must destroy you!" He yelled, "How many clones can the military make of you?!" Rex fought him and won, he found his spark and put it back in. "C'mon buddy, let's go home together! Grimlock!" Rex saw that he couldn't be revived, but he thought of a plan, Rex demorphed and put his energem on his head, it shines on forth and Grimlock was revived! "Yeah! Grimlock!" Rex roared his name and He hoped on him and they went out with all the others, "So, mission complete?!" Colby asked them, "Yes! Now let's help Damian and his family, they might be over powered by now" Rex thought right as we saw Damian and Bailey lying on the ground and Natalie amd Azazel were turned to stone, "Now! Like mother and father! They'll die like their children!" Badussa was about to finish them but Grimlock and the Rangers came just in time. Rex leapt off and grabbed the amulet from badussa' hands and used it against him, "Clever work, but what about my kids?!" Damian asked, "I got it! Don't worry" Rex slain badussa and he destroyed the amulet, which made the spell wore off on Azazel and Natalie, then the family was reunited again.

"Thanks Rex, for bringing my family back to life *holds Bailey's hand*, I guess Zordon's training was worth it" said Damian, "No sweat dude! Me and my team brought back the gift you gave me, and I never made a friend like him before" said Rex, "You have us, Rex, don't forget about that" said Emily, "I think it's time for you and I go on our first date, shall we?" Said Daphnia, "Wait! You two didn't have a first date yet! Man that's weak!" Said Natalie, "Hey! I was busy being assistant manager! It isn't easy!" Rex replied, "Well, I'll give you both the time you need, go and have some fun you two" said Kendall, "Alright! Let's baby!" Rex storms out while pulling Daphnia, "But wait! I don't have a car anymore" Rex realized, "Don't worry, I covered the cost and got you a new one" said Alex, "Thanks man! I'll pay for it later!" Rex stormed out this time with Daphnia in arms and they both are off to have a good time.

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