The Ape who spoke like a king

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(Beware of a long chapter!!!)

One day, a dimensional rift opened up out of nowhere in the forest and the thing that came out of it seemed very strange, black, tall, and hairy. The strange creature saw the city and there was explosion noises, the strange creature wanted to know what is going on, so it went to check it out (Its not Bigfoot! It will never be a mysterious creature! It something from another world). The city had explosions because of one enemy, Lord Arcanon brought back a new monster, Goldar! (Not the Movie goldar! That one will not fit well into this story, the original one will). The Rangers came to the scene and they were shocked because he reanimated a legendary monster, "Looks like Arcanon is pulling all the stops against us" said Emily, " Yeah, we worthy of fighting a legendary monster" said Colby, "I don't care! Let's try take him down!" Said Alex, "Rangers! We must defend this city from this monster!" Said Rex as they armored up on their Dino-Steel. The fight began but a mysterious black and hairy humanoid creature came out of nowhere and attacked Rex, He was pinned to the ground, "I will kill you! For calling my family monsters! Die human!" The overgrown chimpanzee roared (Its Ceaser from The planet of the apes movie series! Big black hairy creatures are mostly gorillas and oversized chimpanzees). "Whoa! This is not an ape! We're trying to save the city!" Daphnia tried to get Ceaser off of Rex but he grabbed and threw her to a side of a cement building, "Oh! Looks like a have a new comrade. Time to go!" Goldar fled as he took down Aaron and Colby, Emily went to save Rex but Ceaser threw a cement block at her and it hit her helmet and she was knocked out and demorphed, "EVERYONE!" Alex panicked as tries to help all of them, Ceaser kept going on beating up Rex while he was still morphed, Ceaser grabbed another cement block and threw it at him, Rex sliced it and another one came after that one and her was hit! His helmet vizor shattered and Ceaser grabbed another one and threw it at Rex's face and he was down. Alex tried to rescue his friends but he failed because Ceaser threw a crowbar and it hit him in the back and he fell forwards and was knocked out. Ceaser felt like he accomplished something, he went back into the forest to find his so called "Comrade".

At the hospital, All six of the Rangers have been under going treatment, "Will they feel better, Doctor?" Kendall asked, "We did find them at a critical condition, the rest will survive, but two of them have high damage and will not survive unless surgery is going on your assistant manager's face (Rex). The employee next to him, she might not make it by the damage she taken all over her body, she might never walk again" said the doctor, "thanks, I'll be here to supervise them, being sure that they're ok" said Kendall, the doctor left and the family members and predecessors came in, "Dear brother! Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!" Amber sobbed, "Please sis! We just reunited and now you're nearly gonna die on us! I pray for life to not end here!" Gezelle cried her tears out, "Looks like it was that ape's doing, how was it able to damage them through the suits!?" Kendall is freaking out, "I don't know, I think I seen that ape somewhere before" said Chase, "I know! The Planet of the Apes movie series! It consisted of four different ones focusing on and only Ceaser! The king of the Apes" said Bailey, "Man, looks like my cousin is near death. I wanna know how I can help him" said Tyler, "We can't, the energems chose them and they're unconscious to even lift a finger, and not un-bond themselves from their energems" said Ivan, "But...We...were...power rangers before, let's take down this...ape" said Koda, "Do you wanna get us killed?! Look at them! A monster didn't defeat them! It was something out of a movie
That did it! We don't stand a chance, even if we do become power rangers again for a short amount of time" said Riley, "We can't give up though, My disciple Rio has a new power, and it's Mystical creature power rangers!" Said Shion (I know that the previous Aqua ranger was Tyler's Dad but I'm making different from that! So Shut Up!), "I know they're all powerful, but what happens when they miss there target completely!?" Said Prince Phillip III, "I wonder what can we do, we only have me, And he rest of us that can morph but we can't risk our lives because we're taking care of a animal here!" Said Kendall, "No! A highly experimental animal! It didn't come from this world, we gotta send Ceaser back home" said Azazel, "But how! We barely have any Rangers left because most of them gave up their powers! And us lost Rangers have moved on with our individual lives, I don't want Lloyd to die, not ever again!" Natalie shouted, "My daughter is right, we just have to wait on them heeling their wounds from that horrific nightmare" said Bailey, "Hello!" A familiar face who was supposed to be dead showed up, "Poisondra!" They all said her name, "I'm here to help! Let's sprinkle-" cut off by Damian, "Hold on! That might be poisonous!", "Don't worry, this will only give the energems a healing factor with its bonded person. So sprinkle dust! Do your thing!" Poisondra used her magical stardust and it awoke the energems and they started healing their partners by glowing.

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