The Truth revealed

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At the wedding, "I can't believe I'm getting married, I know it's supposed to be the happiest moment of my life but I'm not sure about this" said Daphnia, "Oh honey, you look great in that dress" said the Mom as she came in the Changing room, "thanks Mom, at least I'm making you happy with your choice" she said as she smiled (sinisterly). Meanwhile, at the campsite, "EVERYONE! WAKE UP!" Bailey roared like the indominus rex she is, and everyone ran out of their tents in their pjs, "We gotta get ready, the bride just finished putting on her wedding dress! We have to go! Now!" Bailey ordered, the Rangers geared up and morphed, "Dinocycle! Rev up!" They cried in sync, "Alright everyone! Let's go save our pink danzil I'm distress!" Rex lead the charge as they left the campsite for the chapel.

The ceremony has started and the pastor was about to say "does any object this marriage? Speak now! And forever hold your peace", "I OBJECT!!" Rex barged in and shouted, the crowd was shocked, "Who are you?" Pastor asked, "I'm her original boyfriend! And this man took my girl away from me! And my friends!" Rex explained, "You wanna talk, but it's gonna have to wait" Daphnia was about to kiss but Rex stopped her, "You can't marry him!", "Why not? I wanna make my family happy!", "He's just marring you so he can make you go back on her word!" Rex said, "Wait! What word?" Henry asked, "I....I forgot!" Daphnia freaked out, The other Rangers came and said, "We know how much you want to please your family! But do it in your own way! Isn't that what you said before spring break!" Alec remembered, Daphnia freaked out and the bride was in shock. We here something causing the ground to shake, and we heard screeching! The roof of the chapel was ripped off and it was....The Spinozord! And the crowd was freaking out, and Spinozord powered down and someone jumped from the head and landed perfectly. "That's....." said Kendall-Zenowing-Heckyl-Henry-Rex, and Bailey finished that saying "that's my husband! The one! The only! The irreplaceable! Talon ranger! *he demorphed* Damian Vectr!", "I never thought the new Dino Charge Rangers would be this stupid" said Damian, "What do you mean?!" Rex asked, "You guys don't know what the real dark energem looks like!", "Dino morpher blast!" Damian shot the necklace off of Daphnia's neck and it was revealed that "he was the one who stole the dark energem from Cobracon!" Zenowing was shocked and so was the crowd, "I couldn't pay for a diamond ring! And wait! Daphnia, Where is your mother!?" Henry asked her, "I put her in prison!" Damian revealed, "Why?!" Daphnia asked, "The cause for her sentence was..........*suspense*.......her support for Incest marriage!" The crowd gasped after hearing that, "I knew she was keeping something from me! And no wonder she tried to kill Rex!" Said the Father, "Wait! You're my cousin! EWWWWWWWW!" Daphnia punched him and he flew across the hallway. "Thanks Guys! What will ever do without you" Daphnia showed her gratitude, "Its alright, it was dark energem's fault it made you forget not your yours, and I knew I wouldn't like you mother from the start" said Rex as he hugs her out of relief and comfort, the crowd awed, "That is Awesome! Cousin!" Tyler just showed up, "What took you so long?!" Rex asked, "We had to pick up some gifts, for you and your team!" Tyler threw chargers that he used in the original series, "Use them with pride!" Tyler said and the T-Rex zord came to the rescue. Henry came back to grab the dark energem and said "You leave me no choice! Vivix rise!" Henry morphed into the Black T-Rex ranger, "Rangers! Suit up!" The crowd cheered, "Unleash the power!" The Rangers cried as they all morphed together, "Power Rangers! Charged!" Rex said before roll call:
Tyrannosaurus Rex! Power Ranger! Red!💥"Rex called, Aaron joined in and said "Stegosaurus! Power Ranger! Black!💥", the others joined in too.
Colby: Triceratops! Power Ranger! Blue!💥
Emily:Parasaur! Power Ranger!Green💥
Daphnia: Velociraptor! Power Ranger! Pink! 💥
Alex: Pterodactyl! Power Ranger!  Gold! 💥
Damian's younger brother, Shion came and added "Ankylosaurus! Power ranger! Aqua! 💥" and same did Prince Philip "Pachysaurus! Power Ranger! Graphite! 💥"
Kendall: Plesiosaurus! Power Ranger! Purple!💥
Zenowing: Titanosaurus! Power Ranger! Silver! 💥
Damian: Spinosaurus! Power Ranger! Talon!💥
Four more other Rangers showed up and joined the roll call:
Slain: Shastasaurus! Power Ranger! Ambrite!💥
Lucas: Threazeno! Power Ranger! Platinum!💥
Allan: Pearltitan! Power Ranger! Bronze!💥
Fabia: Quetzalcoatl! Power Ranger! Azure!💥
Bailey: Indominus Rex! Power ranger! Quartz!💥
"Power Rangers! Dino Overcharge!" The team cried as they started their fight in the chapel. 

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