Dino Charge vs Time force pt. 2

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(I might have pissed off some people for the last chapter, and doing this in general, but go with it! I'm just doing what some fans wanted. Like me! This chapter will have call backs to many characters from my Green Ninja Steel story, so read that and get recognized with my work of art)

The previous Rangers came to the base and decided to go to battle against the time force Rangers, "Damian! Our energems! They're glowing!" Shion yelled, the same was with prince Phillip, Kendall and Zenowing, then the energems glowed and put something into existence, it was a girl in Aqua, another male for graphite, another female for purple, and a new male silver ranger. "What the heck!" They yelled, "Hi! I guess we are Rangers now" said the aqua, "who are you?" Damian asked them, and the Rangers introduced themselves. "I'm Georgia, Dino Overcharge Aqua!", "I'm Greyson, Dino Overcharge Graphite!", "I'm Violet, Dino Overcharge purple!" (I know violet and purple are the same thing but it can can be a girl's name too!), "I'm Ron, Dino Overcharge silver!" The new Rangers introduced themselves, "So! Where's the red ranger of our team?" Ron asked, "I'm sorry, He's............................." after Zenowing was unable to answer and everyone in the room was silent, "We lost him before we got here" said Optimus, "Yeah, Rex, and the whole team.....is dead" said Tyler, and the new ones were shocked, Georgia took her anger out on the floor and broke open a crack, "Who did this?!" She asked, "WHO DID THIS?!" She repeated, "The Rangers from the so called perfect future, they killed them because they weren't supposed to come into existence" Natalie explained, "What the hell!!! How can they call themselves Rangers if they killed our team?!" Greyson yelled, "We gotta get revenge for them! We have to prove to them that Rangers are not like that at all!" Said Ron, "that's what we are trying to do, but we are waiting for Lloyd" said Bailey, "And the Ninja Steel Rangers!" Said Troy from super megaforce (I know you all hate him! But just go along with it!), "I'm here!" Lloyd zoomed in on the mega-morph cycle, "Glad you can make it darling" said Natalie, "I was able to get because of the ground bridge I made with the autobots, and Whoosh! I was in the city and man! It looks like it has seen better days" said Lloyd, "And I brought the power Rangers of our past!" He said as the 2017 rangers walked in, "Glad you could all make it" said Optimus, "So! When do we start?" Jason asked, "As soon as the Ninja Steel Rangers.....show....up" he said as he saw they're here already, "Ok! Let's go to battle!!" Damian corrected himself.

At the destroyed Amber beach, "You think you're Rangers! You're dead wrong!" Damian yelled as he led the charge, "POWER RANGERS!" The crowd cheered and cheered because they want the evil doers gone, The charge consisted of all sorts of heroes who were enemies in the superhero war (which happened in The Ninja Steel Green ranger story by the way), "So you finally showed up for your own funeral! That's sweet!" Said the red, "SHUT THE FUCK UP! Can you call yourself a power ranger now that you killed people? You deserve the name Psycho Rangers instead!" Said Shion, "Rangers don't swear or say bad words like that!" Said Time force yellow, "Well, me and my brother are different" Damian defended, "Why are all you here? Do you want to join the other Rangers?" Asked Blue, "No! We're here to deliver real justice!" Said Georgia (unmorphed), "Rangers suit up!" Damian cried, "UNLEASH THE POWER!!" The Rangers cried their morphing phrases and morphed into many Rangers, "Whoa! So many Rangers! And the old ones too!" Said Green, "Let's Asian Kung-fu generation this shit!" Damian tapped the center of his Spino-rang and music started playing -🎶Asian Kung-Fu Generation: Blood circulator🎶-, The battle was on as the superheroes charged at the Evil time Force Rangers, The Psycho Rangers called on Vivix, triptiods, Tyrannadrones, and putties (the show putties! Not from the movie), the battle continues the n for quite a while, "Hey bro! I'm getting tired of this! When do we revive the Rangers?!" Shion asked, "We are reviving them! Through our true fighting spirit! Use everything you have!" Damian cried as he slashed the enemies surrounding him, "Ok! I see your plan! You're trying to make the earth's new melody revive the others!" Said Greyson, "That's the plan! Quite smart and simple!" Said Zenowing, "Well! It's not bad! But we're just handing grunts right now!" Ron yelled out loud, "Daddy! Let use our Barian confirmation!" Natalie suggested, "Rasen Shuriken!" She cried as she channeled wind into one spot and launched it, "What the heck? You're mixing anime now! That's so dumb!" Said Psycho Red, "Good idea sweetheart! -He channels energy and solar power into his Spino-rang, and starts spinning- BALL! BURST! -Stops- SMASHER!!!" He slammed the new attack into the ground and many enemies were knocked out, "Hey Son! Let's use some Kryptonian moves!" Bailey suggested to Azazel, "Yeah! Let's do it mom!" He agrees as he was picked up and thrown across by Superman, and Spin kicked the heck out of the goons and the Rangers behind them, after he landed on the ground and stopped, "Oh no, I'm gonna hurl" Azazel felt sick, Time Force yellow was about to attack him while he's vulnerable, but Azazel hurled a blast of barf at her, ruining her spandex "Disgusting!", music stopped playing because the song was finished, "Damian! Let's take this to the next level!" Said Psycho Navy as appears suddenly behind and attacked him, "Oh no! Damian was never touched at all!" Bailey worried, "I'm good honey!" Damian cried, "HELLO EVERYBODY! We're here to give the heroes some strength! With more music!" Said Alvin out of nowhere, "Ok, let's take it the next level right now!" Psycho Navy leapt on a side of a skyscraper and the people in inside freaked out, "Alvin and the chipmunks....................................................................cue the music" Damian ordered and music played, "Here I come!" Damian leapt upwards and was attacking him while Psycho Navy was on a platform, Damian teleported everyone out, and leaned the skyscraper off balance and was able to crush the fake one.

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