The re-Strict-tion

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(Colby's chapter)

Meanwhile while Rex, Daphnia and Aaron left the base, Colby got a call from his mom, "Hello","Mom?", "You serious! Ahhhh!", "Alright, I'll come right away" Colby hung up after the conversation and left the base, "Family issues?" Emily asked, "Kind of, I gotta do what a I have to" Colby responded as he left the base, "His Mom has too much control over him, It like he doesn't have a will of his own" said Kendall, "That poor guy, I wish I was as lucky as him, but the parents controlling their children is just wrong" said Alex.

The next day, The other three came back and Aaron was he only one that showed up, "where are the love birds?" Emily asked, "Rex said he bought a house for him and his girlfriend, And he has her dad's permission to let her move in after her early graduation" said Aaron, "Where is Colby, It's not like him to be late?" He asked, "He said he won't make it to work today" said Kendall, "Man! His mom is getting the best of his life, he ain't gonna go anywhere if he lets her control him" said Emily, "Whoa, It's just like Rex and his parents, His Mom wouldn't get a girlfriend like Daphnia and move out" said Aaron, "Really, looks like those two are more alike than we thought" said Emily.

Next day, "He didn't show up again" said Kendall, the day after that! Same thing and it continued on for eleven days. "Ok, this has gone too far!" Emily said, "I know, let's get our friend's mom a little visit" said Rex, The gang went to his place and his mom is at the door, "Who are you? I don't know you at all", "I'm his bosses assistant, and he hasn't showed up for work for twelve days, will you let him go back to work? or he will fired" said Rex, "Too bad! I told him to quit! Because he wasn't getting payed enough at all, I expected more of him, and he failed to keep a good job!" The Mom was about to slam the door but Rex stopped it with his hands, "what the f*#%!" Colby's Mom freaked out, "whoa babe! You're strong, insanely strong" Daphnia was  Fan girl-ing and fanning herself, "what the hell, freak?!" She screamed, "We don't want to cause trouble, just let Colby work with us, and he will get his raise like the rest of us did" said Rex, "No! He's grounded!" Said Colby's Mom as she slammed the door again, "Get off my property or else I'll call the cops!" She yelled and the Rangers ran off instead of Rex, "I ain't going anywhere, unless Colby comes out of this house!" Rex stood there like a boss, "Mom! Stop this madness!" Colby was in his house and he was having trouble, "I know how you get payed! It's not average! You get payed less than me!", "My friends decided to get me from your madness! And not to mention you adopted me!", "What does that have to do with me?!", "I only get my respective payment because I'm adopted! Don't you understand that I'm not a normal person at all because of you!", "So what! You're friends shut down your Cousin's YouTube channel! And he was about to be more successful than you!" Aaron barged in and yelled "Who is you cousin, Colby?!", "It's Evantube! The first YouTuber kid! And the one that hacked your channel!" Colby responded, The cops arrived and Rex was handcuffed, "Hold on!" Rex backflips over the six foot cop and he broke out of the cuffs, "We can explain" Rex was reasoning with the officer, "Ok, speak" said the cop, "This old hag is keeping me inside from work! And I got no off days from my job!" Colby yelled, "Where do you all work exactly?" The cop asked the Rangers, "Me, I have a YouTube channel and we all work at the Dino bite cafe at the Dinosaur zoo" said Aaron, "And My position is assistant manager, and I'm just about to give my friend a raise to get higher and equal pay for all the employees" said Rex, "Ok, Lady! Let your son work! And no one will get hurt!" The cop echoed and the outside people heard a gun shot from inside the house and Aaron was lying on the ground in pain, You shot my friend! How fucked up can you be lady?!" Rex roared in anger, "Ok! I'm gonna call you out! So come out with hands up! I'll give you from the count to Five!" Said the cop, "1...2...3...*he was shot*" The cop was about to say four but he was shot dead, "Jesus Christ! How is this mother so annoying" said Alex as he got Aaron in to the Dino-truck, and then Emily drove them to the base, "This is just more than one overprotective mother, this is a straight up serial killer, Unleash the power!" Rex morphed as he barged into the house and Colby was just knocked out, "Don't worry buddy, I gotcha" Rex carried Colby to the base on his Dino-cycle.

At the base, "Hmm, this is one tough situation, The team is about to be split up before Arcanon comes and tries to destroy this world" said Keeper, "Is that why we can't afford to lose!?" Said Daphnia, "That's right, We need new Rangers to replace the other ones because their time as Rangers is up because we defeated sledge back in the Dinosaur age, which made us change the history of the world" said Zenowing, "Wait, Did the dinosaur colors changed along with the time?" Emily asked, "Yes, The mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex and Pterodactyl stayed Red and gold, the previous Black ranger had a Parasaur, The blue had the Stegosaurus, *Rex carried in Colby and demorphed as he entered*, The green was the Velociraptor, and The pink belonged to the triceratops. The colors may have chosen different dinosaurs, but the heart of a ranger remains the same" said Keeper, The Rangers saw Colby on the desk, and Kendall was trying to recover him while Rex was on the web, "Is he gonna be okay?!" Aaron asked, "He will be, but you took an even greater hit" said Kendall as she was taking the bullet out of his arm. "Hey guys! I found something about his mom!" Rex said and the ranger gathered, "She is Barbra Contraband, A worldly known serial..Killer, she knows how to cover up her cases which make her the best assassin in the world" Rex read out loud, "No wonder she shot Aaron and the cop with hesitation, She is psychopath!" Said Emily, "Let's go back and turn that lady in" The Rangers walked out into grave danger. "The Rangers care for one another, Colby, Call your zord and join them in this time of need" said Keeper, "You got it" Colby got up and ran out to join them.

The Rangers made it to the house unmorphed, "Wait, shouldn't we morph for this? There might be a monster we haven't faced yet" said Aaron, "No, this is a civilian were dealing with, We don't need to morph against someone weaker" Rex said as they got blasted out of nowhere, and it was a new monster, "My name is Yaiba, And I am here to take your energems all at once" he said, "No need to morph huh" said Emily, "Hey! I had no idea about an ambush from Lord Arcanon's minion" Rex said as they all morphed, "Only Five! Where's the blue one?" Yaiba asked, Stegozord came out of nowhere too and Colby came to the rescue, "Hey guys! Wanna see my new trick, The...*Lifting up Stegozord with such strength and grunting*...Forklift!!" Colby lifted and threw his zord off the ground and destroyed Yaiba alongside the house with his Mom not in it. "Whoa dude! That was awesome!" Rex yelled, Colby's Mom came out and said "I surrender! Turn me in, Rangers! *snicker* If you can!" The old hag threw a smoke bomb and ran off, "I'm glad She's gone, I took back the love I given her as soon as I got grounded" said Colby, "You thought it would be that easy! Think again!" Yaiba grew huge and the Rangers formed their megazord and the fight was on, "Taste my Good edge of pain!" The Rangers were slashed by Yaiba's sword and was hurt, "Not even our Dino SuperDrive can do it" Emily complained, "I got an idea!" Damian came in on his spinozord, "Damian!", Call this zord to boost up your teamwork! You! Are! Power Rangers!" Damian threw a new charger that was never created before, "Ok, Dino charger! Ready! *click!* Summon! Godzilla zord!" Rex called the new zord that was.....incredibly huge! The Rangers hoped in the cock pit, "it's so dark in here, maybe we can use our Dino chargers to move it" Rex insists, they all put their respective Dino Chargers in the holes and it gotten bright inside and the Godzilla zord awoke from its slumber. "Dino SuperDrive! Activate!" Rex cried and all the Rangers were ready to fight, it was a very one sided fight now, and the Godzilla zord launched it's final attack with out command, "Lord Arcanon is now here! And he will get his dark energem back!" Yaiba said his last words, "Total! Awesomeness!".

The Rangers were confused, "Why did Damian's new zord fired his finisher without a command?" Aaron asked, "I don't know, we gotta ask him about this" Emily said, "Off topic, guys....I'm sorry that I never left my house and abandoned work, I should take matters in my own hands and my responsibility" said Colby, "No worries man, I was like that once too, but not my mom going psycho and not moving out" said Rex, "Rangers, Lord Arcanon has arrived, and he is coming to our location sooner than we thought" said Keeper, "Don't worry, we will win" said Rex.

At the destroyed Wedding Chapel, A mysterious figure appeared and grabbed the dark energem from lying on the ground.

...To be continued...

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