Ch 25- Crashing Dreams

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I didn't know who to talk to, so I called Yoongi under the rain. It rung a couple of times before I heard a low tired voice. I breath a shaky sigh onto the phone, "Y-Yoongi," I tried to sound like I'm not crying, but I couldn't help it. "Yukiko, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Hearing him ask if I was okay, made me cry again. "I-I need someone to talk to. I tried calling Namjoon but he wouldn't pick up. I didn't know who else to call." I sobbed taking a deep breath. "I hate everything, it's all so pointless now." I cried into the phone.

"Yukiko, Yukiko don't cry. Where are you I'll come to you." Yoongi said quickly, "I'm... I'm at the playground." I replied. "Wait for me Yukiko, I'm coming right now." I nod my head, "Okay," I whispered under the rain and ended the call. I was kneeling in the rain, and cried my heart out punching the concrete floor until my hands bled. I couldn't feel the pain, my emotional pain covered up the physical pain and I felt nothing.

I kept punching the concrete floor stopping until my hands shook, seeing the skin ripped off, covered in dirt with small rocks visible in my wounds. I sighed and laid on the floor waiting for Yoongi under the rain. Moments later, I heard Yoongi shouting my name from a distant. "YUKIKO!" it was lightly raining now. I just blinked, staring at my bloody knuckles.

"Yukiko!" Yoongi found me and ran over to me throwing his pink umbrella to the side. He sat me up, "You're all wet." He took off his black coat and put it over me. He saw my hands, "What..." Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed at my hands then look back at me. He didn't say anything and put my arms over his neck, "I'll take you back home." He said, "No," I said faintly, "I don't want to go home." I had a hard time breathing, "Where should I take you then?" Yoongi asked.

I was gonna speak up, but I couldn't stand and my eyes were getting heavy. "Yuikiko," I heard Yoongi faintly, "I-I," and before I could speak everything went black.


I stirred in my sleep, slowly waking up. I sat up looking around me as I was on a bed, someone else's bed. A wet towel from my forehead fell off, as I was going to grab it, but saw my knuckles all bandaged up. I look around the dark room, only seeing a couple items and furniture in the room. It wasn't my room I know that, the smell of a nice warm scent. More of a boy smell, the doors opened as the person turned on the lights.

The light blinded me as I covered my eyes, "Oh you're awake." Yoongi came around the bed, touching my forehead. "You're still very hot." He sighed removing his hand from my forehead, "Eat this, it'll make you feel better. Well, that's what Jin hyung said." He mumbled. He had a bowl of rice porridge with slices of chicken and scallions ontop. He took the spoon and blew it before giving it to me. I felt awkward because he was going to feed me. "I can, feed myself."

Yoongi shook his head, "Not with those hands." I look down at my bandaged hands, "Eat," I look at Yoongi then the spoon of rice porrdige. I open my mouth and ate it. "It's a bit, salty." I coughed, "Yeah sorry, Jin hyung loves sesame oil." And I nodded just quietly eating the rice porrdige without complaining.

Afterwards I drank a lot of water to get rid of the saltiness. I watch Yoongi stand up with the tray of the empty bowl, "Rest up." He turns around as I quickly caught his arm, he looks over his shoulder. "Where's Namjoon?" The look on Yoongi's face faded making me confused, is something wrong with Namjoon?

Yoongi turn to look away, "He's at the studio," he headed for the door, "Did he-" I paused as Yoongi stopped by the door, "Did he come in at least?" My voice cracked in a whisper, as my thumbs fiddle with each other. I heard Yoongi sigh, "No." He said and closed the door. I slumped on the bed, hiding myself beneath the blankets. Where are you when I need you most.

I couldn't sleep, my nose became stuffy, and I kept coughing sounding like I'm gonna die. I was really cold too as my phone rang. I groaned, "I don't want to pick it up." I covered myself deeper in bed. But what if it's Namjoon who decided to call? I sat up and grabbed my phone off the table next to the bed. I answered without looking who the I.D caller is.

Big Dreams 》Kim NamjoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon