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Cassiopeia had dutifully made her rounds; stopping to thank a certain handful- avoiding the headache of addressing the other certain handful. She was suprised when she learned a few had brought her gifts. She found it easier to fight through her happy facade once she started tearing into the gift wrap.

Avery had gone a tad overboard; gifting her a 100 count box full of a variety chocolate mix, and a delicious bag of sour sugary gummy owls. Still, the man was spot on in his choice. She was all to sure that, the treats would wind up on her bedside table. Rodolphus had gifted her a weaved basket full of smell goods. A plethora of bath bubbles, several large candles, an assortment of her favorite natural perfumes- set in an arrangement of crystalline bottles; Honeysuckle, Lavender, Jasmine, Cherry Blossom, and Sandalwood. The private joke behind the items he had gifted, was not at all lost on her.
Rodolphus' brother, Rabastan, had provided her with a certificate to Twilfitt and Tatting's- a wizarding clothing shop located in Diagon Alley. A shop favoured by elitist pure-bloods such as herself. Lucius had been on a similar train of thought as Rabastan, purchasing her yet another certificate or two- this one to Obscurus Books and another to Slug & Jiggers Apothreocy, also in Diagon Alley. He had also handed her a corked bottle of Brandy, secured with a green and black bow. An obvious choice from him, but one he hadn't thought twice of before eaves dropping on a conversation that rendered his curiosity true- she was indeed pregnant. All the same, she grinned and nodded her appreciation. To which he relieved her of the sweating glass, uncorked it with a wave of his hand, and poured flutes all around. Probably a trust factor- he didn't trust Cassi alone with the liquid poison in her current state. Severus himself even looked relieved the moment the bottle left her clenching hands.

Of course the present unwrapping was brought to an abrupt halt when she opened a square box- punctured with several breathing holes- containing that of a baby wart hog. The moment she lifted the lid, the little devil leaped from his confines, squealing and screeching as it trumped through the thinning crowd.

"Bartemius!" She gritted. All to knowing that the prank belonged to him.

He shouldered his way to her side, his voice carrying in it's shrill tone.

"Why'd you let it out! You know how long it took me to capture that piglet!"

"Honestly Barty! Did you try using magic?" Cassi retorted, throwing up her hands.

He scratched his head.
"Um. Well. You see. Uh.
No worries! I'll get Peter Porkchop Pettigrew Jr." He rambled, skirting his way to follow the swine.

"Wait! You named it!?" Cassi called after him, incredulous.

Glancing quickly over his shoulder, she heard him shout back.

"Him, Cassiopeia. Him."

Bless her soul. If he thought for one second that she would actually keep the unprocessed bacon on hunches, he had another thing coming.

It proved to be the highlight of the night- The Death Eaters at large taking turns to catch the wart hog in question. It had become a game of hot potatoe of sorts- the evening's delight being captured by the greedy Selwyn. Barty bartered a case of Fire-Whiskey to win the piglet back- making an early departure with the swine in hand.

Though that event held all the visitors rapt, the adoring feast is what grabbed Cassiopeia's attention. She couldn't help but drool at the smell of meats and cheeses- ooey gooey cheeses of all sorts and an assortment of meats- baked, broiled, fried or smoked. The ham set her in overdrive- the crisp burnt edges coated in Brown sugar glaze, cherries and circle slices of pineapple pinned against the flesh with tiny wooden toothpicks. But the cherubs sang a harp and halo tune the moment her eye's laid their focus on a platter of pickles. She inhaled 3 spears and was working on her fourth when Severus appeared beside her. A mouth full of the acidic pulp, she paused on chewing- Severus smirking with a trade mark grin very few ever witnessed.

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