Chapter Six........

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Chapter Six......

New York,America.

28th of December 2012

1:00 PM

Cara sat at the kitchen table staring at Craig while he fiddled around with the camping stove.She was worried about him he hadn't slept probably last night and he looked drawn and pale,she knew that he was trying to stay strong for her but he was also stuggling with his own worries for his family's safety.

Mr.Conners strode into the kitchen and plopped himself down on the chair opposite her,he glanced quickly between the two of them before he broke the silence.

"I went outside......Most of the street has been destroyed by fires and looters..." he trailed off looking away from them,for the first time in his life he doesn't have a plan.His whole life he had everything planned out,he had never left anything up to chance.But now he didn't have a choice but to go with the flow.And he was terrified.

"What should we do?" Craig asked dropping the camping stove back down to the counter and turning to face Mr.Conners head on."Should we stay put?"

"I don't know........ There's still a few people in the building but nearly everyone is gone or........" he didn't dare finish his sentence Cara looked scared enough without him adding to it.

"Is it safe if we stay here?" Cara asked walking over to Craig and letting him fold her into his arms.

"As safe as anywhere we go." Craig says pulling her in closer,a feeling of dread gripped his stomach,there was no way back from any of this.The world as they knew it was gone.

He let his thoughts drift to the perfect Christmas Eve he had just spent with Cara,it felt an eternity ago now but it had only been a matter of day.But then in a matter of seconds everything he knew to be true and safe disappeared and left behind it a world filled with uncertainty and dread.

Craig let out a long sigh,he was certain that staying here was the right thing to do but he could tell by the look in Mr.Conners eye that he didn't agree.

"I'm gonna go check on Andy!" Cara whispered as she slipped out of his arms and left the kitchen closing the door behind her.

"We should go......We'd be better off in a big group of people we're too isolated here." Mr.Conners sighed rubbing his eyes with his good arm,his arm was still screaming in pain but he was doing his best to ignore it."We're running out of food and there's no where around here to get any.The whole block has been cleared out eventually we'll have no choice but to move on!"

"Where will we go,sir?" Craig asked.

"Please call me James.....I'm not your teacher anymore!" he sighed looking down at his injured arm allowing the pain to wash over him as he wiggled his fingers.

"We should go to the school there's a good chance that people have gathered in the gym!"


27th December 2012.

3:30 PM

Flames had engulfed the city with vicious speed.The screams of trapped and dying people drifted through the night to Michael as he held the motionless woman in his arms and ran for his life/

He glanced back to see if the man had made it out but he had lost track of him in the smoke along time ago,he had no idea where he was going but he didn't want to risk slowing down.

A couple of people ran a head of him looking back as they ran for their lives but he wasn't brave enough to look back at the flames that were surely closing in on him.He pushed himself to go faster and for just a moment he considered how much faster he'd get away if he put this strange woman down.But he shook it off and kept going as fast as he could.

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