Chapter three....

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Chapter Three...


26th December 2012.

2:15 PM

Lisa walked around her house trying to make sense of everything. Her neighbour Eric's wife had never woken up this morning and neither had his daughter Amanda.Both had fallen asleep on the couch last night and neither ever woke up.

Eric now sat in her kitchen crying his eyes out trying to come to terms with the loss of his wife and child but with no answers it was going to be hard to accept.

Amber was sitting in the livingroom happily playing with new dolls still unaware that something was wrong.Lisa was intent on keep her clueless as long as possible.

"Maybe it's just coincidence?" her mother whispered sitting on the bottom of the stairs. "I mean we have no reason to think that their deaths are in anyway connected!"

Lisa shook her head.She'd had sick feeling since she woke up that told her not everything was as it should be.

"It's not! I just know it's connected!" she glanced towards the kitchen door."I know!"

She sat beside Eric,resting her hand on his arm."Eric?"

He looked up his eyes filled with tears.

"Last night? What time did you go to bed?" she asked gentlely trying not to come off as weird.

"I dunno.....Why?" he answered between heartbreaking sobs.

"It might help us figure out why you woke up this morning and they didn't!" she saw him flinch away.

"Around mid night! I....Ehh....Passed out in the kitchen and when I woke up I felt dizzy and kind of confused!" he whispered.

"Then what happened?" she probed,careful not to push him too far.

"The house was dark...So I went to bed!" he shrugged looking around the strange kitchen wondering how any of this was relevant.

"Where was your wife?" Lisa looked up at her mother who was standing in the doorway.

"She wasn't in bed so I thought she might have fallen asleep on the couch and Amanda just turned the lights off!"

Lisa remember her own weird sleep last night.She wondered if Eric passing out and his wife and daugther dying in their sleep was connected to her somehow.

Her mother disappeared into the hall leaving her alone with a sobbing Eric.

New York,America.

26th December 2012.

2:30 PM

Craig sat in his kitchen looking at all the phones he had found around his house.None of them worked.They were all dead.

Somewhere in the distant there were people fighting but he paid no attention to chaos that seemed to be constant outside.

"Anything?" Cara asked walking into the small kitchen.She took a bottle of water out of the warm fridge and sat down at the table.

"No." He shook his head pushing the phones aside."All dead!"

"Why do think that is?" she took a long swig of the water."Do you think it's connected to everyone passing out?"

He shook his head and rubbed his eyes,he'd barely gotten any sleep last night.After Cara and Andrew had fallen asleep he'd paced her livingroom trying to figure out why her parents were dead.

The way they were lying on the floor had suggested that they had passed out like everyone else but they just didn't wake up.It didn't make any sense.None of it did.

As for the phones he couldn't figure out how all their phones had died at the same time.

"I don't know.But because it happened at the same time we can assume it is." he sighed taking the water bottle from Cara and taking a gulp before handing it back.They had decided to ration the water and food until they figured out serious things were.

"Have you heard anything from your mom?" Cara asked,Craig had been trying not to think about his own family.His mother had left on Christmas eve to visit his sister Lisa in Ireland and they'd spoke briefly Christmas morning but nothing since then.

He didn't even know weather his family woke up or not.They could be lying dead somewhere and he'd be none the wiser.

"No!" he looked away from her,"With no phones I have no way of getting in touch with her or my sister!"

"Have you tried your laptop?" she asked,"The internet might not work but it's worth a try!"

Craig hadn't even thought of checking his laptop.He jumped up from the table and retrieved his computer from his bedside locker and returned to the kitchen.

Cara looked at the computer hopefully if it worked then maybe.Just maybe all hope wasn't lost.Craig opened the lid and let out a heavy sigh.He closed his eyes and pressed the button.

There was a loud knock at the door,Craig's eyes flew to Cara who was already half way out the door.He grabed her arm and pulled her back into the kitchen.

"Wait here! Where's Andrew?" he asked looking sceptically at the door.

"In the spare room.Asleep!" she whispered her eyes darting between Craig and the knocking door.


Craig shut the kitchen door behind him as he ran towards the door.He grabbed the baseball bat that was always stowed in the umbrella stand.

"Who's there?" he asked trying to make his voice sound threatening.Silence.

"Craig? Is that you?" a pained voice called from the other side.

Craig opened the door to reveal a man buckled over gribbing his right arm.

"Mr.Corners?" he helped the injured man inside,"What happened?"

"The bastard shot me!" he hissed in pain as Craig set him down on the couch.

"Cara? Go to the bathroom and get the first aid kit my ma hides under the sink!" he called before returning his attention to Mr.Corners.

"What happened?" he urged looking over the bloody man trying to figure out where he was hurt.

"I got shot!" he whispered,before passing out.

Cara appeared beside Craig with the first aid kit in one hand and a sleepy Andrew in the other.

"Is that Mr Coners?" she gasped handing over the kit and hugging Andrew to her chest.

Craig didn't answer he just kept looking for the bullet hole.He eventually found the a large gash on his right arm,it was like the bullet had sliced through side of his arm.

"He's going to need stiches!" he stated before running off to his mother's bedroom where he found some string and a large needle.He grabbed some vodka from the liqour cabinet and returned to his unconcious teacher.

"You might want to bring Andrew into my room!" he said running the needle through the flame of his lighter,"It's not going to be pretty!"

Cara just nodded.She'd gone completely pale as soon as she figured out what Craig was about to do.

As soon as the needle was hot enough he poured the alcohol over the wound and prayed he still remember he did it right.

When the World fell asleep.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن