31- First meet-up

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You see the crowds. All the fans. The line flowed out of the barns and noble. It looked like people traveled a long way to come to this small town that you grew up in. You go in through the back and get ready. You have about thirty minutes until you go out. "How are you feeling?" "Well a bit tired because of the time change but I'm fine." You wait the thirty minutes and you are about to go out. You hear the chanting of what feels like hundreds of people. You walk out and see the people that are cheering to you. Some are crying, others are paralyzed at the sight of you. You remember the old days when you used to do that. All of those people out there build up your subscriber count and it baffles you at how many there are. You pat f/n's back. "It's showtime," You whisper to her. The first few people come through and they are all freaking out. You take your picture with them and more people come through. It is so nice to see how many people care about you. You even see old friends and their child. You watch the next person walk up and you sense a familiarity to them. "Wait a second.." you realize who it is. "Amanda? No freakin way! How are you!" Amanda was only 5 when you moved from New York to Florida. You used to babysit her because she was your neighbor. "Does that mean Kelly is here?" You look around. "She is waiting outside," Amanda informs you. "Do you guys live in the same house?" "Yea we do, do you want to come by after this?" "Yea. I will call ahead. She nods and walks past after giving you another hug.
The meet is over and you are exhausted. You got so much fan art and endless gifts. You get in the car to go back to carols house and you fall asleep in the car. You are shaken awake by Finn, who you guess was coming over to hang out. "Hey. Sorry. Long day," you tell him. "No worries. I told you that you would hit it big with this YouTube stuff." He helps you out of the car. "You still look stunning.." you give him an awkward smile. You hear your phone go off and you realize you left it in the car. You go to grab it, but Finn grabs it first. "You got a text message.." He then decided to read the message out loud. "Hey love, do you want to Skype? I'm bored and really horny.." "I take it things are going well with dan.." you grab your phone back and text dan that you can't. "Yea I guess.." "what's that supposed to mean?" "Well I mean it's kind of weird telling your first love that things are going well with another person.." "I guess, but you know us. All honesty.." there is an awkward pause. (Holy shit my sister just walked in on me in the bath writing this. Dw I had a bathing suit on but I almost dropped my phone lol)
"Yea I guess." you break the silence. "So how's life in England?" He asks. You tell him a few stories and he tells you a few stories. You hang it with him for a little longer before you remember that you have to meet up with Kelly. "Sorry I have to do something.. it was nice catching up though.." he looks down. 

  "Do you remember that deal we made?" "The one where I said that if we weren't dating anyone that we would kiss?" "Yea.. that one.." he looks up at you. He lunges forward and puts his lips on yours. You push him off. "I have a boyfriend now!" You yell at him. He pins you down and kisses you again, forcing himself onto you. You feel a panic attack coming on. You manage to hit him and run into another room. You lock the door and he bangs on it. "If you don't leave right now I will call the cops on you," You yell through the door. You are sobbing and can barely breathe. The whole world is spinning around you. You back into a corner and your hyperventilating gets faster and turns into whimpers and then almost yelling. You can barely get any air into your chest. "Y/n I'm so sorry" you hear through the door. "Leave me the f*ck alone!" You scream. You hear him walk out and slam the front door. You run to your laptop and call Dan. He picks up and by his pink cheeks and the fact that he appears naked, you can tell what he was just doing. "Look who decided to call. I was just about to reach my.." he looks up at you. "Holy shit y/n! What the f*ck happened to you?" You are still sobbing. You try to get out what happened to you but it is all jumbled together. Thinking about it brings on another panic attack. Dan finds a way to calm you down and he helps you get your breathing back to normal. "Okay so what happened?" He asks calmly. You whimper slightly. "Finn.." "Finn what?" "Finn.. he tried to rape me.." "holy shit oh my god." "I don't know what to do," you begin crying again. "What did he do to you?" Dan tries to seem calm but you can sense the immense amount of fury radiating off of him. "H-he lunged at me and started kissing me and I pushed him off and he pinned me down and straddled me and started kissing me more and I hit him and ran into my room and locked the door." You begin crying again. "I don't even know what to say anymore." You can see tears run down Dan's face. You get a message from Amanda.

"Hey when are you coming over?"
You reply to the text
"sorry, something came up. Can we do that in a few days?"
"Sure thing."
You look at dan. "What do you want me to do? Anything? Do you want me to.. I don't know.." "make me happy.." "how should I do that?" "Make me laugh? I don't know." "It's the hardest thing ever to make you laugh!" He laughs. "Hmm..  well yesterday phil nearly got us kicked out of the flat." "How?" "He was setting up lighting equipment and he nearly put a hole in the wall. It's so small in our flat." You chuckle a little "holy shit I've done it!!" He is genuinely excited. You just give him a questionable glare. "I made you laugh!" You shake your head and smile. "Ugh. How do I tell people this. They all know Finn. They're all good friends with him. Will they even believe me? And if I make a video on it, which I probably won't, will people just say that I was asking for it? I swear I wasn't. I had just asked him to leave and everything." "I know you weren't asking for it. I don't know how to tell someone this. I'm so sorry." "These next few weeks are going to be hell.." "I miss you so much, y/n" "I miss you too." You spent the rest of the night talking to Dan until you both fell asleep.

 You wake up to the sound of an alarm clock screaming at you. "F*ck you." you mumble to the alarm. "Well f*ck you too." You turn the alarm off and look at the laptop that is still next to you. Dan has it angled towards him while he's typing on the computer. "What are you doing?" "I'm writing fanfic." He says in the most natural tone. you begin laughing. "Who of?" you ask. "Us obviously. I'm showing these pesky writers how its actually done." "What do you mean?" "I'm writing the facts down. Most people don't get the smut scenes right.." you cut him off. "And since you have 'first hand experience' you know how its actually supposed to sound." "Yea but its weird writing it from your perspective..." "Okay what.?" "It was so much easier writing of me and Phil.." "what." "IRONICALLY!" "Okaaaaay Dannn.. Whatever you say." "I'm telling the truth!" he chuckles. "No no no, we all know that you're really gay for him." "Whaaat who said thatt." you are both laughing pretty hard now. "Everyone knows that Phan is cannon. I f*ckin ship it." "Of course you do." You laugh for a minute more. "How many reads does it have?" "Like 1.3 billion" "What the f*ck? When did you start it??" "Well its actually a sequel.." "How much free-time do you have?" "I started it a while back.. like maybe before we started dating.." "That's amazing." you laugh even more now. You spend a while talking to him before you have to hang up and go on with your daily tasks. You don't want to do anything but be in Dans arms, but since you are thousands of miles away, that's not possible. You drag yourself out of bed and get ready for a week of meet-ups and hanging out with old friends. 


 Okay just clarifying, they were joking when they were talking about Phan. 

Sorry about the kinda intense beginning..

 I am back from the dead from a bit but i need to figure out what I'm going to be doing next chapter as kind of a filler chapter before I do the thing i was planning on doing.. if that makes sense..

Wow hOLY SHIT i am SO cLoSE to 2k its unBeLiEVaBlE thank you guys so much y'all are my hoes and i love you! (getting called a hoe by mama Kenzie is a f*ckin compliment so take it!)  

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