You look and him and Jackson then slowly take off your apron. You will not go home for sure. The thought of going home and face all of them makes you feel more sick.

'I will walk you home,' Jackson said and grab your arm.

'You don't have to. I can walk alone. Besides, I don't want your fans to see,'

'Don't worry about anything else. Just worry about yourself,' He said and walk with you.

You don't have any energy to fight back so you just follow him. He stop by at the pharmacy, grab some medicine for you, even though you already told him a couple of times that you are fine.

'Oppa,' you grab his hand when you both already at the junction to go to the path of your house.

'Urm? Why?'

'Its almost near. You can go now,'

'No. I will make sure you enter your house first,' he refuse. You know he will.

'Can I just not go home yet?'

'But why? You need to rest,'

'I want to eat. I'm hungry. I don't think there's food at home,'

'Really? Okay then lets go eat then I will walk you back again,' Jackson said and just lead you the way to the nearest restaurant.

You just stay quite while waiting for your food to arrive and Jackson just looking at you like getting ready to catch you anytime if you will faint. You want to lay down you want to sleep you want to forget about everything and take a rest. But the thought of HanJin is in the house, makes you feel scared. You cant close your eyes. You just feel so scared. The vision of what had happened keep coming back now and you use all your energy to fight back and forget about it.

'My pretty friend,' Jimin's text come in and automatically turn off your thought.

'Jimin ah,' you reply her.

'Are you okay?'

'Yea I'm okay,'

'We're just done with our show,'

'How was it?'

'It was so fun! Me and Yerin always said, it will be great if you were here with us,'

You smile, 'Never mind. Still have next time,'

'Will go back as soon as possible to meet you!' she said.

'Be safe,' You reply her and your conversation end.

'Who is that? You are smiling while texting that person,' Jackson ask you and it just makes you realize there is Jackson there with you.

'Jimin,' you give him a short answer while smiling.

Your food come right on time. You don't have any appetite to eat but you still try to eat. After 2 spoon, you give up and just leave the food there.

'You should finish up your food, you said you were hungry just now,'

'I don't have any appetite to eat,'

Jackson let out a big sigh and hand you your medicine. 'Eat your medicine at least,'

You take it without any words. After he is done with his lunch, he walk you home again as he had promised. Both of you stay quite while walking and it makes you think about Yugyeom. Its been a while since he text you. You want to text him but you are scared if you bother him but then, you always want to text him.

You reach infront of your house and face Jackson.

'Thank you for the lunch and walk me home,' You said while smiling.

He rub and pat your head, then said, 'Its not a big deal. I'm happy to do that. Go inside and have a rest,'

'Bye. Be safe,' You said and the moment you want to open up the gate, it is being opened from inside and HanJin appear. You are so shocked, in a panic mode and you drop your medicine.

'Uh! Are you okay?' Jackson immediately take the medicine and hold you.

'Yoomi! You are home,' Hanjin greet you and smile to both you and Jackson.

'Hi, I am Yoomi's brother,'

'Oh. I am Jackson,'

'You want to come in?' he ask.

'No no. Never mind. I just walk her home, want to make sure she arrive home safely,' Jackson said.

'Oh, thank you so much,'

You still cant take your eyes off him. Your body feels weak again and you just hope you can hold Jackson from going back.

'Yoomi, go in now,' Jackson said.

You smile to him and immediately go in as fast as you could. The moment you want to go into your room you heard HanJin said, 'You have a really nice boyfriend,'

You just ignore him and go into your room, shut your door and plan to stay in your room for the rest of the day.


It is already dark when you wake up. You take a look at the small clock beside your bed and it shows that it is 9pm. You take a deep breath. The medicine Jackson bought for you makes you feel sleepy. You still feel weak but you can feel your body temperature is not as high as before. You take your handphone inside your bag and see there is a miscall from Yugyeom 10 minutes ago. You feel a bit mad to yourself for not waking up earlier. You don't know if you should call him back or just text him so you end up take a shower to make yourself feel fresh.

When you are done, you see there is a text from Yugyeom.

'Hey there. Sorry for bothering,'

'Hey. No, you are not,'

'How's everything?'

'Good. Everything is fine. Hows your holiday?'

'So fun. Its been a while since the last time I go home, spend my time with family and eat together,'

'Sounds great,'

'I'm sorry for calling and texting you. Im thinking about you,'

You reread his text lots of times and of course you are smiling. You don't know what should you reply him. You keep on writing and delete and writing and delete. You want to give him the answer. 

'Its fine. Me too, I'm waiting,' the best answer you could give him.

'I'm glad to hear that. I will be back as soon as possible and meet you,'

'Just be safe and take care,'

'You too take care of yourself. Don't skip meals,'

'Yea I will. Go rest Yugyeom. Its late,'

'Goodnight then Yoomi,'

'Goodnight Yugyeom,'

So the night conversation makes you feel better. You cant wait to see him and you cant stop smiling either.

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