Red Flare

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Harvey was having a pleasant dream about white rabbits in a pasture when he was abruptly woken by a painful force that sent him flying. He first became aware of his own wakefulness when he was tumbling to a halt a few feet from where he had fallen asleep, a bit of smoke rising off of his clothes. Suddenly, he felt very hot in Blaze's heavy winter jacket. He could feel a burning on his skin, not enough to make him jerk in pain, but far too much to be comfortable. He scrambled to his feet, stumbling a little, and there was another surge of heat and red light that flew right past his head, followed by a loud explosion as it hit the cave wall behind him, shaking the very ground. Harvey let out a loud cry of alarm and instinctively fell to his knees again, covering his head with his arms as the noise faded along with the shaking of the room. After it was done, he heard a snickering, and he looked up with wide eyes to see his attacker - but it was the person he least expected.

Ross was standing there with hands aglow, his eyes a blazing, unnatural orange as opposed to his normal burning red, and his mouth was twisted in a very uncharacteristic sneer. Harvey's eyes widened as he stared at him, wondering if he was still asleep. "R... Ross...?!"

A few rooms away, where he was keeping watch, Sky's sensitive ears picked up the semi-distant, familiar cry, and he felt the gentle earthquake that Ross's magic had caused. He tensed up, looking in the direction of the sound, which was down one of the tunnels in the cavern they were in. He stared for a moment, then stood up in a flash, and shouted to his friends to follow him. True and Deadlox both jumped, taken by surprise as Sky hadn't spoken for over an hour, and looked after him just in time to see him go sprinting down the corridor, his sword in hand. Though they hadn't heard any shout or explosion, the duo looked at each other, and True shrugged while Deadlox pulled out his dagger and they quickly ran to catch up with their leader.

Harvey, still groggy from his deep sleep less than a minute ago, wasn't faring all too well against Ross. It had always been known the Red Sorcerer was a lot stronger than him in more ways than one, but now Harvey knew that he had even been holding back when he last saw him fighting. His fiery attacks were so hot, they would singe Harvey's clothes even if he was a few feet away. Less than a minute of fighting, and he was already sweating profusely in his heavy coat made for snowstorms, and he didn't even have the time to take it off without dying. None of his attacks he could throw would help anything either; all he could do was dodge Ross's magic to the best of his ability and hope for a miracle.

It came in the form of a familiar with golden eyes and a sword. Harvey heard him before he saw him. "Harvey!"

Harvey looked over, and his shoulders sagged in exhausted relief. "S-Sky - he-!" He was cut off abruptly when he was hit harshly in the side by a blast of red magic, and thrown roughly into the wall of the cavern. He crumbled in a heap on the ground with a small, unconscious whimper, and didn't move again.

"Harvey!" Sky shouted again, stepping forwards, but he knew he wouldn't be able to make it over to him.

Ross was in the center of the room between them, and he turned to face Sky as soon as the younger Mage was out of the way. Sky's eyes widened as he saw his friend's red eyes glowing bright orange, staring at him silently. His hands were glowing with red energy, and he was sweating from the heat he produced. Sky found himself loosening and tightening his grip on his sword in nervous energy, grinding his teeth as he tried to think of what to do.

At that moment, Deadlox and True ran in behind him. Deadlox, who in some ways was braver - or more reckless, rather - than Sky, gasped when he saw Harvey and instantly ran right past Sky and Ross both. Ross didn't even seem to notice him, just staring at Sky. True looked between the two nervously, but didn't say anything as he inched over to where Deadlox was feeling for Harvey's pulse.

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