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The first thing Harvey noticed when he woke up on the late January day was the fact that it was the coldest it had ever been. He had woken earlier than usual due to his shivering. It was just a little while after dawn had broken over the distant mountains when his eyes opened and he weakly protested to the icy air in his drafty tower room. He rolled over, shivering hard, and pulled his blanket closer around himself. It didn't help too much.
     He managed to doze a little while longer, before he could no longer lie to himself and say he was still asleep. It was when he looked around that he noticed it - the light, elegant dusting of white on the outside of the windowsill. Harvey was used to dust accumulating overnight, so at first, he thought it was inside. He rubbed his eyes, put on his glasses, and looked closer, and then, to his astonishment, he realized what it was.
     And it was still falling.
     Harvey hadn't seen snow yet in this world - he had been looking forward to it. He got up, rested his feet on the cold floor, and dashed to the window. It was still snowing outside when he looked, and a lot of snow was already on the ground. Harvey smiled down at the white view. "Finally..."
     He changed into his outfit that Blaze had given him for the snow - it was a vest with a fluffy, fur-lined hood. Underneath was a long-sleeved shirt, plus some heavy pants and even a pair of boots. "Blaze, you're a life saver." He thanked her inwardly for the millionth time as he climbed down the ladder and outside of the tower he called home for the time being.
     The snow went about halfway up to his shins, so it wasn't yet that hard to walk in. As Harvey strolled along, he noticed that everyone else in the team was already up and about and working hard. The roof of the meeting building had fallen in and Sky was guiding everyone around fixing it, and those who weren't helping there were shoveling snow off the walkways. Harvey went up to Sky, hands in his pockets to keep them warm. "Sky, can I help at all?" He noticed that his breath made clouds in front of his face when he spoke, just like they did back in New York.
     Sky looked at him. "Finally, you're awake." 
     Harvey shrugged. "Sorry, I was up late practicing with the wand again."
     "How's that going?"
     "Alright... Still struggling to control it though. Teaching yourself magic is hard, usually I would have some kind of mentor. Anyways, if you needed my help, you could've just come up and woken me."
     "I don't have the time to make the trip."
     "Now you're just being difficult." Sky scowled at Harvey, who was no longer scared of the team leader's angry looks. "So, what d'you need help with."
     Sky looked at the majority of the team that was on the roof. "Well... Most everything is taken care of, except..."
     Harvey tilted his head. "What?"
     "We need firewood, but we can't spare anybody and..." Sky shook his head. "I don't want you going out of the guild alone."
     Harvey groaned loudly. "C'mon, Sky, I wanna help! My magic is getting better, I can defend myself - besides, I doubt anybody will be attacking me anyways."
     "You can't assume that enemies are simply not going to happen." Sky said. He cast a sideways glance at the smaller male that had been place involuntarily under his watchful eye. "And you said yourself just now that you're still having trouble controlling your magic."
     "Exactly! I always overdo it, so if I overdo it towards enemies, in sure to win!"
     Sky's nose wrinkled as he stared at Harvey still hesitantly, before there was a sudden crash and a yelp. He looked up to see Husky looking through the hole in the roof Deadlox had fallen through with an amused smirk.
     "Can I go?" Harvey asked quickly.
     Distracted, Sky waved a hand, stepping closer to the house. "Fine, fine, just leave me alone!"
     Harvey grinned, an overwhelming sense of accomplishment filling his chest. "Thank you! I'll get so much firewood that you won't know what to do with it!" With that, he kissed Sky's cheek hastily and ran back to his tower. Sky's eyes widened in shock and he looked back at Harvey with wide eyes.
     "Sky!" True snapped, yanking his attention abruptly back to the task at hand.
     "Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'." Sky mumbled, and stepping over to the house, he joined the others in helping Deadlox climb out of the hole.
     Harvey packed light, just a couple apples in case he got hungry, his book on runes so he could stop by Seto's grave and study awhile, and - of course - his wand. Once he had gotten everything he thought he needed, he left the guild without any trouble through the north exit and headed into the dark - now snowy - woods to begin his search for firewood.
     It was peaceful walking along the undergrowth beneath the trees in the winter time. It was dark, but not so much so that it was scary or hard to navigate his way through. By now, Harvey had gone all over the forest dozens of times. The snow crunched pleasantly beneath his snow boots with every step he took, Harvey took in a chilly breath and exhaled in a cloud of fog - a smile was left on his lips from the contented sound he had made. For the first time in a long, long while, Harvey felt truly at peace here in the wilderness. There was no wifi, no social media, no cars, no job he had to go to early every morning, nothing but fresh air and adventure. At first it was scary, but now that he had gotten used to it, it was almost like a vacation. Still... He had to get home. He had friends there who would be worried about his disappearance. Before he went to Minecraftia, he had taken those friends for granted. He forgot he had them, he forgot how much they meant. He missed them - and he missed his family too. What would he tell them when he got back? Maybe he could simply say he got a sudden, unstoppable urge to travel and he found enlightenment somewhere in India. Will my magic still work on Earth?, he wondered. But he couldn't be sure.
      Nonetheless, he missed too much on earth to not go home. His house was empty and cold, but... This time of year, he liked to pretend. He liked to imagine how nice it would be to have a fireplace and mugs of hot chocolate and cuddle with someone special under lots of blankets so it was impossible to be cold - and before that, they could've played outside in the snow like little kids. Of course, Harvey knew that was impossible in his home on earth because he lived in an apartment building, but still, he could dream.
     Harvey hesitated a moment as a thought occurred to him, and he stopped walking. Did I bring my po-
     The answer was no, he didn't bring his potions book, but he had bigger things to worry about - such things cut off his train of thought. Harvey was caught completely by surprise when something hit the back of his head hard and he hit the snowy ground, out cold.
"Relax, I know what I'm doin'!"
     "He doesn't look like a member of Team Crafted."
     "But he is, he's new! Look, 'e'll be easy to kill and they'll all be mad when they learn 'e's dead cause 'e's like a relative of their passed Seto or somefing!"
     "Seto? Show me."
     Suddenly, the sack was pulled off of Harvey face, allowing him to see again. He took a breath of fresh air and looked around him. He was in a camp filled with tents, knelt on the ground near a big campfire that was so hot even in the cold weather that it was making Harvey sweat when paired with the sack that had been covering his head just before. His hands were bound behind him, rendering him unable to run or defend himself.
     "Well, sure looks like him... Well, that settles it. We'll kill him and send Crafted his weapon!" Harvey's eyes widened in fear, and the bandit continued speaking. "Where's he's weapon exactly?"
     "Just this, Edmund!" The stupider one of the pair with a deep cockney accent held out Harvey's wand.
     Edmund snorted loudly. "What's this? A stick?! This little man is really the counterpart of the great Seto Sorcerer? Talk about pathetic. Oh well."
     It's a wand. Harvey whispered under his breath, because he was too scared to speak.
     "What's that? Got somefing to say?" The unnamed one of the pair stepped forward and hit Harvey hard across the face. Harvey fell to the ground painfully on his side, unable to ease his fall with his hands.
     Edmund just snorted. "That's just sad." He placed each of his hands on either side of the wand, ready to snap it in half. Harvey's eyes widened in alarm. "N-No...!" He had just gotten the useful tool, he would be sad to see it go.
     But then, suddenly, there was a familiar voice.
     "Put. The wand. Down."
     Harvey shut his eyes, breathing a sigh of relief. Somehow, he knew everything was gonna be okay.
     Houlden had arrived.

Author's Note
Sorry it took so long to post! I was on vacation for a week and I spent a lot of time on the animation I posted a bit ago.
Thanks for your patience <3

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