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"I have a favor to ask of you."
Seto's eyes opened only for him to realize that he was standing. He was in a white expanse. He looked around him in confusion for the voice he had heard, and then he heard it behind him.
"Don't worry, it's not a big deal or anything." Seto turned and saw a stranger - short, like him, but he looked a lot more tired and his hair was almost all pure white. "In fact, what I'm asking you to do will be less work than what you were planning to do. You're dreaming, by the way - I'm a real person, talking to you. Just go with it, I know you're smart enough."
Seto blinked a few times. "Wh... What do you want me to do?"
"Don't teach Harvey. Only guide him onto the right path. Please, don't show him too much - he has to be self-taught for the most part. He's already made progress. Please, trust me in this. Just hold yourself back tomorrow-" He made a noise of something like pain and another strand of his once-brown hair turned white like the rest. "Okay...?"
Seto stared at him, but he could see that his aura, though strained and exhausted, was pure and kind. He slowly nodded. "Okay, I'll do it... But can I ask why?"
"He has to discover his magic in him by himself." The stranger said. "If he is shown by someone else, he will have come to Minecraftia for no reason."
Seto blinked and realization dawned on his face. "You're the one who took him from his home."
"For good reason." The stranger replied. "I mean no harm to Harvey, quite the opposite, actually." He hesitated, then nodded once. "Thank you, for doing what I ask. And thank you for being so willing to help him. People like you are saving his life."
Seto slowly nodded. "I don't understand... But you're welcome."
"You don't have to understand." The stranger smiled tiredly. "Thank you." He said again, before he shut his eyes, and he disappeared from the white expanse.
A half second later, Seto sat up quickly in his bed. He wasn't in a cold sweat or breathing heavily like from a nightmare, but his eyes were rather wide with thought. Beside him, his husband stirred, his hand on Seto's stomach sliding around his waist. He made a tired sound. "Hey, what's the matter...?"
Seto stared a head, then looked at his hand, then at him. "Uh... N... Nightmare." He lied.
Herobrine hummed and pulled him down beside him, wrapping his arms a around him gently. Seto didn't mind, smiling a little and pulling him close. "You okay...?"
Seto nodded. "Yeah, it wasn't that bad..." He curled up in Herobrine's arms comfortably. "Go back to sleep, hon."
Herobrine nodded sleepily and did as he said. Seto stared up at him a moment longer, reflecting on the stranger he had seen in his dream, before he shut his eyes and let himself follow his husband to sleep. He didn't dream of the strange man again.

Harvey didn't sleep well. He couldn't stop thinking about Houlden. Sure, he was thinking about him coming back while he slept and finishing his job - but he also thought about what Houlden had said when he was there.
He thought Harvey was using magic on him - to do what? Even if Harvey knew any magic, he wouldn't have used it to make Houlden angry. Just to keep himself safe.
It was hot in the Nether, so the little sleep he got he spent without the blanket on. Harvey sighed and got up though it was early. He stretched, and took slow, deep breaths. Would Seto be up? He was excited, if a little nervous to start learning about magic. What would it feel like? Would it hurt? Would it exhaust him? He had no idea.
He began pacing on autopilot while his mind worked at a mile a minute. He was only pulled from his trance when there was a knock on his door that made him jump. "C-Come in!" He called, and they tried, but it was locked. Harvey had forgotten.
Said male sighed at his own clumsiness and went quickly to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open himself. Standing there was Sky, who cut right to the chase as usual. "Hey. You slept in."
Harvey thought the idea that he 'slept in' was rather foolish because, in fact, he hadn't slept at all - but he didn't tell Sky this. "Did I? What time is it?"
"Almost noon. You'll have to wait to eat till we get home. Seto's-" he stumbled over the name. "Seto's waiting, I'll take you there. Don't take to long, it's hot here and I want to go home."
Harvey nodded. "Okay, we can go after this - I hope this helps me get on the path to home."
Sky didn't say anything for a second, looking anywhere but at him. "...I'm sure it will." Harvey blinked and looked up at him in surprise. Had Sky really just said something not mean to him? Sky turned away. "I hope so anyways, I'm getting sick of looking at you everyday."
Harvey's expression deadpanned. There he was. Sky led the shorter male up the hall and down a flight of stairs to a studio that was almost empty and had no windows. The walls and floors looked just like the rest of the castle. Seto was there - and so was Marshmallow. Harvey suspected Herobrine and made him stay there just in case he was needed. Harvey didn't blame the king of hell. "Hey, Seto!"
Seto glanced behind him and smiled softly. "Good afternoon, Harvey. Ready?"
Harvey nodded eagerly, if a little nervously.
Seto nodded back as he stepped forward, holding out a bag, which Sky took to hold while Harvey was trained. "So, I have bad news..." Seto said.
Harvey blinked. "What is it?"
"Herobrine and I talked and, well..." He smiled sympathetically. "I can't risk taking you on as my apprentice right now. I can only show you the beginnings of your skill and set you on the right path."
Harvey sighed. "I figured as much... It's okay. I understand. Thank you for helping me this much. I'm sure I'll still find a way home."
Seto smiled. "You're optimistic, I like you. I think you've already learned a lot in this world... Anyways, the good news is I looked at your book and figured out the magic style you'll want to learn. Also, I put a blaze rod in your bag along with the book so you can do some self training after you return home." Harvey thanked him with a smile and Seto hummed, stretching. "Now, let's get started, shall we...? Where to start..." He thought a moment. "I suppose... Well, we can start with your core."
He tapped Harvey's chest. "The core is the soul of the Magist. It holds all your magic. You can take it out and blow it up if you want, and that will kill you, but it can produce mass power you can use to heal, or to kill, or even to build depending on your type of magic."
Harvey blinked. "Magist?" He asked. "I thought I was a Sorcerer."
"Actually, you're neither. You're a human being, gifted with power because there are so many counterparts of yourself that have strong magic. That makes you a Mage - Magist is the umbrella term for all practitioners of magic."
Harvey nodded slowly. "So... I'm both a Mage and a Magist."
"Yes, I suppose." Seto nodded. "So, your type of magic depends on the color of your aura." He walked over to Sky and rifled through Harvey's bag as he continued talking. "Your aura is the color of your core and your spirit - it represents your whole being. It's also the feeling you give everyone around you. There are nine different aura colors, but only seven that you can be born with. The colors of the rainbow. Roy G. Biv is your new favorite name, my friend. Ah, here we are!" Seto pulled the magic book from Harvey's bag and opened it to one of the first pages before handing it to Harvey. It showed a diagram of the colors on little circles, in a row beside a person sitting cross legged.
The circles were in the order of the rainbow, red to purple, red first and all the way up to violet. Red was between the legs of the body, orange over the belly button, yellow right between the ribs, green the same level as the heart, blue in the throat, a darker blue by the eyes, and violet in the forehead.
"The auras can also be called chakras, depending on where you're from." Seto said. "Red, orange, gold, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each one stands for the Magist's strongest positive attribute, and the element they either control or are strongest around. Since you're a Mage, it'll tell you the magic you're strongest around."
Harvey nodded. "So... What color is my aura?"
"Well, it's hard to tell just by looking at you cause you haven't unlocked your magic yet...?"
"Unlocked my magic?"
"You haven't reached your full ability yet. You will soon, though, I'm sure. Then you'll be able to do lots more cool stuff than just making potions. Anyways, I can show you your aura color if you want!"
"Yes, please." Harvey smiled.
Seto nodded and held his hands out. "Put your hands on mine, palm-up." Harvey did as he instructed. Seto shut his eyes, Marshmallow watching him warily. Harvey hoped he wasn't risking anything with this...
Then Seto's hands started to flow soft green. Harvey felt a warm, tingling sensation that started in his gut and spread to the rest of his body. Was that magic...?! A few seconds later, wisps started to swirl up from Harvey's glowing palms - his magic was gold.
Harvey watched the wisps curl and spin in the air in wonder, eyes lit up. He had never seen something so amazing - especially nothing made by him. Seto didn't want to stop because of how happy Harvey looked, but a wary glance from Marshmallow reminded him of how careful he had to be. Seto sighed and pulled his hands away, making his green glow fade. To Harvey's utter disappointment, the glow of his hands faded away as well only a second or so later - even after it was gone, he stared down at his hands in awe.
Seto smiled at his childish wonder. "Gold." He told him. "Your aura is gold."
Behind him, Sky shifted his weight interestedly.
Harvey smiled, gaze moving back to Seto. "Gold..." The word stayed on his tongue, like it was his first time ever saying it. "What's that mean...?"
"Your magic is going to be yellow of course - and your strongest attribute is... morality, I think. You're just and fair and you have a good moral compass. Your magic comes from here," Seto put his hand on Seto's stomach just below the ribs. "and since you're a Mage, you fight with air magic. Cool, right? I'm a green Sorcerer, so I use green magic - but if I wanted, I could control my element, which is earth magic. I love being a Magist... So, do you have any other questions?"
Harvey hesitated, looking down at his hands. "Do you think I can learn how to teleport myself home...?"
Seto blinked, before he nodded and smiled gently. "Practice, Harvey." He put a hand on his shoulder. "Practice your script. Practice your potions. Practice your combat. Practice your magic. In time, the way home will be revealed to you. Just keep trying, okay? And I'll be here if you need me - so will your friends. Isn't that right Sky?"
Sky grunted unenthusiastically, but Seto just laughed. "Don't be discouraged, Harvey - he's really very kind, I'm sure. It's just hard to get over a heart so broken..."
Sky looked away.
Seto let go of Harvey. "You should get going."
Harvey nodded, and bowed his head respectfully. "Thank you so much for teaching me. I owe you a lot."
Seto simply kissed the top of his head in a motherly way. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad I could help you. Good luck getting home!"
Harvey smiled at him a final time before he turned and left the room. Sky tried to follow him, but didn't get far.
"Oh, Sky." He stopped in his tracks, and didn't turn to look at Seto as the Sorcerer continued. "I hope you find who you're looking for. I think the peace your soul longs for is closer than you know. And do try to loosen up on the boy - he's doing his best."
Sky didn't say anything, or look at Seto. He simply remained for a few seconds longer, and then continued after Harvey without a word. The studio was quiet for a few moments as Seto stared after him solemnly.
Then Marshmallow looked away. "That guy is a total dick."
Seto rolled his eyes and turned to look at the doctor, placing a hand on his hip. "Don't you have patients to care for?"
Marshmallow sighed and got up. "Yes, but hanging around you is always far more interesting..." He murmured as he left the studio to return to his hospital. Seto just smiled softly and looked around before he too left to find his husband - and then the room was empty.

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