Winter is Coming

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    Harvey blinked and glanced behind him as he heard his name being called. True and Sundee had already hopped back through the portal to get back home - Sky insisted on going last so he could make sure Harvey got through. He was definitely taking the protection detail thing very seriously.
    Blaze ran up to him, panting a little from her run. "Hey! Glad I caught you."
    Harvey blinked as she coughed a little. "You okay? What's up?"
    "Oh - well - Seto said you were having a tough time right now and I know how much that sucks, and I heard from Marshmallow that it's gonna get cold in Minecraftia really soon cause it's January and I saw your clothes are pretty thin, so... I stayed up all night and..."
    Harvey's eyes widened as she pushed a box into his arms. "Blaze, you shouldn't have."
    "No, I wanted to." Blaze smiled, and held out her arms. "Just take care, won't you darling?"
    Harvey smiled and nodded, hugging her with one arm so he could hold the box with his other. "Thank you so much! I'll wear it with pride!"
    Blaze just laughed a little and waved. "Get going, Harvey, and good luck!"
    Harvey smiled and waved before he turned and leapt through the Nether portal to get back to the Guild. "Thanks." Sky said to Blaze, before he followed suit.

So tell me what are we living for?
I say we chuck inhibitions

The cold was fast approaching. Surprisingly enough, it hadn't hit yet even though Harvey had been there for almost two weeks now. Sundee was always talking about it, how the crops were going to die as soon as it started to snow. They had a lot in storage, though, so Harvey would be okay still not eating any meat. Winter came fast, just a couple days after they got back from the Nether.
    Harvey's new outfit was really warm. As he put it on the first time, he sent a thank you into the universe for Blaze. It had a fuzzy hood of a puffy vest and somewhat less puffy sleeves. It was white, which was nice because it let him blend in with snow if he needed it.
And sell our souls to rock and roll
I need to know what I'm missing
    As for his magic, Harvey started working as soon as he got home. The first thing he did was build his potion stand, and then he cracked open his potion book to begin. The first time he tried to use blaze powder to make it work, he handed a little too much...
    The roof repairs took almost a whole week, but True and Deadlox were great helps.
So turn it up on the stereo
Somebody light the ignition
    After he realized his error, he started again more cautiously. The same day, he had created a potion of swiftness out of some sugar and nether wart, which Seto had left a garden of behind the library. Lots of experimenting and all-nighters occurred for the next week. Once, he made a splash potion of blindness while he was experimenting on the use of gunpowder in potions (excellent idea) and threw it down on Husky and Jerome, who had been talking as they passed by under his window.
    Jerome roared and ran into the wall and Husky sort of just stood there, waited, and then looked up at Harvey with a deadpanned expression even though he couldn't see the aspiring Mage.
What the hell are you waiting for?
It's time to make a decision
    The good news was, with every potion he made, he could feel his core inside him becoming more and more noticeable. After awhile, he took a break from potion making after not sleeping for two days and opened his book on real, external magic.
I'm feeling the world go round
    On one of the pages, he found a position that made accessing your code easier. Harvey followed the helpful image. He stood up straight, but his feet apart, and held his hands out in front of him, beside each other, as though he was holding something with them but there was nothing there.
It's spinning me upside down
    He propped the book up on his crafting table a few feet away so he could look at it. Following instructions, Harvey shut his eyes. He took a slow, deep breath. Then he took another, and another. He focused on his core.
I'm finally homeward bound
    He could feel it growing, becoming more active - he felt a tingling in his chest and then, a similar feeling in his hand. His eyes opened and he gasped. His hand was alight with a little yellow fire.
I'm not giving up
It's crawling under my skin
And I don't care if I sin
    Harvey beamed before he cheered loudly in triumph at the success of conjuring a tiny bit of magic for the first time ever. Sadly, he didn't notice the gunpowder he had left in a bag on the floor beside him.
I really want it
I really want it
    Sky jumped roughly as the explosion rang out through the Guild. He didn't have to look up to know what it was and he groaned loudly in annoyance.
   Beside him, Deadlox rubbed his face agitated. "Second time this week..."
I really want it right now
I really want it right now
    Snowfall came slowly, every few nights, and covered the ground in a sheet of light snow. Harvey loved it. He had always been a fan of winter. He liked snuggling up in lots of soft blankets by a warm fire maybe with a pet to cuddle (or a lover, but he never had one of those) and some cake to eat maybe if he was lucky. He loved cake - maybe he could get some here. He knew it was possible to make cakes in the game.
If there's a maker up above
Then why is nobody listening
    That was another thing - food. The people of Minecraftia never ate meals. They just always kept food on them and ate whenever they got hungry, just like in the game. Harvey introduced them to the idea of eating bits of prepared food at certain times of the day. He recruited Jerome to help him and they cooked for the whole team together, eating a dinner of some hunted meat and potatoes in the room where they usually had meetings. Plates were the hard part, but it was worth it - even Sky was smiling as they talked and laughed like a family.
You show me hate, and I'll show you love
It's not about your religion
    Harvey's relationships with his teammates greatly improved thanks to his ability to help out. They would come up and request potions for him to make - Jerome usually asked for water breathing (for whatever reason), Deadlox would ask for leaping, and Sky would come in and ask for lots of potions of night vision. Those seriously came in handy when some of the team would branch off and fight for the towns that got attacked by monsters in the night.
We're always lookin' to someone else
Just take a look in the mirror
    Harvey was curious about those missions. Everyone had gone to one but him, because Sky was so determined no harm would come to him - but with his splash potions, he could really make a difference. He had made potions of harming that he could throw at the zombies and healing potions he could use on hurt villagers. He always sent a lot with Husky for the mudkip to use, but it wasn't the same as really getting to be there.
    He had only ever seen one village attack - but not really because he was knocked out cold after about five minutes before Houlden found him.
'Cause all you need is inside yourself
It couldn't be any clearer
    Harvey hadn't seen him since that night in the Nether. Was he okay? Was he still a rogue? Harvey thought about him a lot as he practiced his magic and trained.
I'm feeling the world go round
    A couple of days after the gunpowder incident, Sky came home from a village mission with the others and knocked on Harvey's door.
It's spinning me upside down
    Harvey was still awake, even though it was almost dawn, working on more night vision potions. He glanced behind him and blinked as he saw Sky. "Hey, what's up? You need any potions?"
I'm finally homeward bound
    Sky shrugged. "Maybe one so I can poison True? He was rambling all the way back."
    Harvey snorted. "Sky, I'm not helping you poison our friend."
I'm not giving up
It's crawling under my skin
And I don't care if I sin
    "Yeah, oh well..." He leaned back against the wall next to the ladder, where Cloudy sat. He jumped over and landed on Sky's shoulder - he didn't mind. The silverfish really liked sitting on Sky. Sometimes he would try and sneak home with him, but Sky would always just bring him back.
    "So, what is it you really need?" Harvey asked Sky, dropping a golden carrot into the potion stand.
I really want it
    "I uh, I found something that could help you not cause as much damage every time you try to better your magic." Harvey looked at Sky in surprise to see him holding out a small, thin stick.
    Harvey tilted his head and took it from him. "Oh, wow... A... stick... Thank you!"
I really want it
    Sky rolled his eyes. "I swear to god, you're more like Seto every day." Harvey blinked. Sky grew quiet, before he cleared his throat and looked away. Harvey stared at him, uncertain of what to say. Sky eventually looked up again. "I found it in an antique shop I saved. The owner was really thankful, told me I could pick anything I wanted for free, and I saw that..."
    "An antique stick...?"
    "It's a wand, dumbass."
I really want it right now
    Harvey's eyes widened, and he was suddenly extremely interested in the stick. "A wand? How do I use it?"
    "How should I know?" Sky shrugged and pulled Cloudy off his shoulder, sitting him on the windowsill. "It's late, I'm gonna go to bed. You should too." He looked at Harvey as he climbed onto the ladder and saw the human staring excitedly at the wand like he was entranced. Sky rolled his eyes. "G'night, Harv." He said, before he slid casually down the ladder.
    Harvey barely noticed he was gone. He bit his lip, mind racing with ideas on how to get the wand to work. In the end, he decided on the one that sounded best. "...Swish and flick-"
    As soon as he had performed the motion he had seen in the movies, sparks flew out of the wand from the tip like fireworks.
I really want it right now
    Sky stopped walking away from the Sorcerer's tower as he heard the crash of Harvey's window getting blown out be magic. He stood a moment, before he simply sighed and continued on his way back to his own house.
    Harvey never neglected his enchantment studies. He read the script still almost every day, walking to Seto's sanctuary. He always had someone with him, to make sure he would be okay. Jerome or Deadlox or Sky or somebody would stand watch while Harvey sat beneath the violet-leaves willow tree and study next to Seto's headstone, feeling a warm presence the whole time.
    Almost a month passed before the first blizzard came.

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