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"You haven't unlocked your magic yet, so your spells won't be all that powerful at all." Ross was explaining the next day, crossing his arms. He and Harvey were standing in a clearing beside a creek, True only half watching from where he sat atop a fallen tree as he scribbled his scientific chicken scratch on some parchment which he had brought along. Deadlox's headphones, though they weren't connected to anything or playing any music, were around his shoulders. "The only reason why you can conjure anything at all is because of your wand. It strengthens your power."

Harvey nodded. "Okay... So can you teach me anything?"

"Of course I can, shut up, I'm monologuing." Ross waved a hand at him, making True laugh a little. "So, magic comes from inside you. It's in your soul, in your heart, in your mind. You have to focus, believe and try very hard to make magic happen, but anybody can do it. Even a human like you."

"I don't know why you're telling me this, I already know I can use magic."

Ross rolled his eyes. "You are just no fun. Alright, let's go." He waved a hand again, which he seemed to do a lot. "Take a... Take an attack position. Let's see you throw a basic attack at me, how about that?"

Harvey looked a little uncertain, but he nodded and did as he said. "Okay... Here I go. Ready?" Ross gave him a thumbs up. Harvey took a deep breath. He was holding his wand with two hands, which he didn't even normally do, but he was too nervous to think about why it felt strange. Slowly, he moved his wand back behind his head and then swung it forward like a fishing pole. The wand glowed some, but nothing was fully conjured.

Ross held out his arms incredulously. "What the hell was that?!"

"I tried my best...!" Harvey cried uncertainly.

"No you didn't! That is not your best, I saw you do way better than that yesterday!" Ross strode quickly over to him, grabbing onto his wrists. He pulled his left hand from the wand. "Now c'mon, stand up straight, wand hand raised, left at your side. Get it together, Harvey."

Harvey huffed, but he knew he had done very poorly. "I just - I can't figure out how to actually-"

He was abruptly cut off when Ross smacked him none too gently upside the head. "Stop thinking." He snapped. "You can't overthink magic. Don't think, just do."


"Stop! Just do it! Make magic! Feel it in your heart, let your soul glow, and make magic!" Ross guided Harvey's wand arm into a raised position, pointing it at a rock maybe ten meters away. "There. Now concentrate - don't think. Just focus on that rock."

"What d'you want me to do with it...?"

"Hug it. What do you think, Harvey? Blow it up!"

Harvey's eyes widened some and he bit his lip nervously. He look at the boulder, and thought about the power he would have to muster to make such a combustion. "C'mon, you can do this Harvey, it's easy. Don't even think about it. Just visualize, and make it happen!"

Harvey didn't take a deep breath this time, because he knew that would distract him. He held up his wand, pointing it towards the boulder. He imagined the boulder flying apart in all different directions, spreading across the clearing as a whole bunch of different, smaller rocks, and his eyes narrowed some. Then, there was a flashing light in his hand between his thumb and forefinger, like a sliver of magic, before a spark of gold shot out from the tip of his wand. It would have been a good hit, if not for Harvey's less than acceptable aim. He managed to clip the top edge of the boulder so part of it broke apart, but the remaining eighty percent seemed hardly bothered. Still, Harvey's heart soared.

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