The Guild

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Husky smiled as the big stone wall came into view. He couldn't help but feel nostalgic and happy about seeing the place, even in its rundown state. The walls, although crumbling slightly, were still standing, surrounding the camp they had made. A few of the buildings he could see over the walls, but most were too short.
Jerome whistled as he stared at it. "Damn, this place really took a beating..."
Husky nodded distantly. They were quiet a few moments as they both just stared at the once mighty but now abandoned fortress, before Husky finally took a deep breath. "Alright, let's go."
With that, he shifted his pack higher onto his shoulder and started to walk towards it through the marshes on the northeast side of the guild. Jerome followed, mumbling something about how the swamp smelled. Husky would have told him he smelled no better if he cared.
As they entered the guild from the north entrance, Husky sighed. The buildings were covered in vines, most falling apart. The pathway they had made years ago was almost completely overgrown. There was so much work they would have to do...
Jerome walked past Husky into the guild. "Man, I thought it might be worse."
Husky raised an eyebrow. "Worse?"
Jerome shrugged. "Yeah, I thought someone might come and destroy it."
Husky blinked. That idea had never occurred to him. "You're right, why didn't anybody attack it?"
"Because I've been guarding it."
Husky and Jerome both stopped walking as they heard the new voice. The person who had spoken was sitting on the well, which was still standing mostly whole, and was still filled with clean water. He smirked in amusement as he watched Husky and Jerome slowly look at him.
"Hey guys." Sundee waved at the two. "Long time no see."
Husky smiled. "Sundee! We couldn't find you in the dark forest."
"Cause I wasn't in the dark forest. I've been here." Sundee got up off the well. "I wasn't able to keep every stone from falling, but I warded off monsters from taking it over. This fortress in the hands of those creeps? That's really dangerous."
Husky nodded. "Glad somebody thought of that."
Sundee smiled a little. "So what are you guys doing here? Just visiting?"
"No, actually." Jerome said. "We're planning on getting the team back together, on account of Seto's counterpart from another dimension showing up and needing help getting back home, from what I gather."
Sundee blinked.
"Look we'll explain everything later. Is the meeting room still standing?"
"Mostly. I'll fix it up. Where's everybody else?"
"Ty went to get True and Sky, I got Bajan, Jerome, and you."
Sundee tilted his head and then looked around. "So where's Bajan?"
Jerome sighed. "Everything will be explained at the meeting." He said. "Just let me put my bag down and I'll help you fix up the meeting room."
"Thanks." Sundee nodded. He turned to Husky and they talked while Jerome went to the treehouse, which was by where the roads crossed in front of the south entrance. There was no ladder leading up to the treehouse; well, there was, but it was a rope ladder which had been left folded up at the top. Jerome stared up at the tree, still green and flourishing, a little taller than before it seemed. He slowly took a deep breath before he started climbing up using the branches.
After just a minute or so, his hand - paw - grabbed the side of the door, which was still open, and he pulled himself through the doorway. As he stood up in the treehouse, he kicked the ladder over the side so he'd be able to get down easier. He blinked as he noticed that a small family of sheep had somehow climbed up the tree and made their home in the house. The place was wrecked, probably by them. The food was all gone, there was a pile of hay with random pieces of cloth and wool in it which the sheep likely used as a bed, and all the makeshift furniture was tipped over and scattered around. Jerome sighed loudly, then noticed the bats nesting on the roof. "No, no, no, I draw the line there." He waved his arms, roaring half heartedly and scaring the bats out into the open air as opposed to in his home. As they left, he pulled the couch back into its rightful position and then sank into a sitting position onto it.
He looked around his dark, wrecked, abandoned home sadly. He and Bajan built this place together, long ago. He was proud of it. He had never wanted to leave his home here. He never wanted the team to break up; he would've stayed behind with Sundee, if Bajan hadn't wanted to get away from the guild. His best friend had felt awful, almost responsible for Seto's death, even though it was nowhere near his fault. But Bajan and Seto had fought a lot before...
He suddenly felt something touch his shoulder and he jumped roughly, spinning around and unsheathing his claws as he stood. Husky took a step back. "Hey, hey, calm down. Just me."
Jerome sighed and relaxed, looking down, and wondered why he didn't smell the fish before. "Don't creep up on me like that, I'll disembowel you by accident."
Husky just stare at him sympathetically. "I'm sure Bajan's fine..."
Jerome didn't answer for a moment. "...There's so much here we have to fix..." He said finally.
"Well, we're a team. I mean, we will be soon." Husky said. "We'll find a way."
Jerome nodded. "I'm just gonna go help Sundee..."

Harvey (Team Crafted)Where stories live. Discover now