You're Gonna Be Okay

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So what if you get a bad grade? It's not the end of the world. You can always bring your grades up. You could get a tutor, study more, or pay better attention in class. It might be boring but it'll be worth it when you get a good grade.

Don't say you want to kill yourself, just because someone broke your heart, or your best friend betrayed you, or because a kid at school called you fat, ugly, stupid, and worthless. Don't worry about things you have no control over. Cry if you need to cry and when it's time, let it go. Don't try to hold a grip on the painful memories in the past. Forget things that aren't worth it. Don't take things or people for granted, in fact, don't take your life for granted. Live because you can. Take risks. Fall in and out of love and keep doing it until you know what it means to love someone. Let your curiosity get the best of you and ask lots of questions. Make new friends. Take chances. Take the time to tell people how you feel. Live up to your full potential. Graduate from high school. Have fun. Smile, laugh, and have the time of your life. Just live already, what are you waiting for? Go out and live your life!

You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it, you are strong enough to get through whatever you go through. There might be some bumps in the road but nobody's life is perfect, everyone has their own problems. You can do this, just keep holding on.

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