Chapt. 41: The Facts

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This chapter isn't a diary entry but I thought that I could discuss something with you guys since you are against it just as much as I am.

Sexual assault, rape, cyber bullying, slut slamming, you name exists everywhere. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

I'm about to tell you some facts about all of that.

About 80 percent of students report that they have experienced sexual harassment at least once before graduating high school.

It has become more common. Anything you send via the internet or text can easily be shared with other people. Girls acting aggressive towards guys has also become more widespread, I can honestly say that I agree with that, because personally, I am more aggressive with guys with everything that has happened to me. My current boyfriend taught me how to fight, I guess he taught me all too well, because I can take him down. Anyway, kids being gay-bashed has also become more widespread, but honestly girls are still the most frequent targets of harassment, rape, and sexual assault, and only a small portion of these incidents are reported.

Most girls that are raped, harassed, or assaulted keep everything bottled up, they internalize stress, fear, and anger. That can lead to some major issues such as depression, eating disorders, cutting, drug and alcohol abuse, even suicide.

Often times, when you report something to the school, they do nothing about it. It's usually because they believe it's out of their hands (student choice) and they think it's that student's fault.

Most times, sexual harassment is written off as "typical" teenage boy behavior. It is not at all typical teenage boy behavior, it is a major problem!

44 percent of students think that sexual harassment and slut slamming is no big deal, they don't see anything wrong with slapping someone on the ass or greeting friends with things like, "Hey whore!"

Some girls/guys get confused when they are raped or sexually harassed because the harasser or rapist is someone they know from class, or is their friend/boyfriend/girlfriend. Girls/guys get date raped and often don't get the help they need because they don't report it nor do they tell anyone.

Don't blame yourself, you did nothing wrong. Nothing you have done means you deserve to have any of that happen to you, not the clothes you wear or the way you act, NOTHING.

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