Chapter 37

57 3 8

July 30, 2013

I would really like to start over with just about everyone. I have screwed up with so many people over the last few years that it makes me feel like a horrible person, like the only thing I'm good for is screwing up, like I'm the reason no one trusts me, likes me, or anything, like everyone hates me, and most of that, if not all of that, is true. I really do want to change but everybody is making that oh so difficult. I can't be me any longer if this is who I am going to be, because being this me has only caused myself and others so much trouble. I just want to start over with so many people and become a better person, I don't want to be this person anymore, I want to be a whole new me. I don't even deserve anyone's help, I deserve to stand alone.

I'm a lost, confused, and misunderstood girl that somehow fell into a hole and can't get out, the hole just gets deeper and deeper, and I just fall into that hole further and further, at this rate, I may never hit rock bottom because the hole is only getting deeper and deeper, and if I don't hit rock bottom, it'll be very difficult to have anywhere to go but down (once you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up). The hole isn't getting deeper on its own, I contribute to it getting deeper and deeper. It's like Pinocchio, every time he tells a lie, his nose grows longer, except with me, the hole gets deeper and deeper.

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