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Please don't kill yourself if you're thinking about doing it. It's not worth it. You think the pain will end but you are very wrong. If you kill yourself, the people who love and care about you will be sad, and the cycle for suicide won't stop, it will keep going. That's what's known as the "domino effect."

Things do get better. It may not seem that way but things don't get better right away, it takes time.

I get depressed every now and then, but I don't go and kill myself, I get through the rain, knowing that there will be a rainbow. If I had killed myself, I wouldn't have met my amazing boyfriend and friends I have right now.

If you feel like you suck and that nobody likes you, you set the tone for how people treat you and if that is how you feel about yourself then that's how other people are going to feel about you too. You have to keep telling yourself I'm f$&king awesome and I rock and I make really good noodles. You have got to find what you're good at, things that make you happy and excited, concentrate on those things because they make you happy. Stop pushing people away, even if it's a defense mechanism, you can still control it. Stop isolating yourself. If people love you and want you in their life, accept their love and support, stop pushing them away. Do things that you enjoy doing, this is your life and it's the only life you get, so find happiness.

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