Chapter 18

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It was the day of the party and my stomach was fluttering every time I thought of what was going to happen there. Emily was excited for me and had been browsing through her own wardrobe when she didn't find anything she thought was appropriate in my own.

I scrolled through my social media, the rustling of clothes a background noise with the Spanish music making me want to dance. I ignored the urge and mouthed along to the words, looking up to see Emily having the time of her life by swinging her clothes in all directions.

"Why don't we have parent-meeting clothes?" She asked me, hands on her hips with a frown before settling down next to me and getting her own phone. "Whatever, I don't care anymore." She waved me off and rolled onto her stomach on the rough but comfortable carpet.

I laughed and looked at the time before cursing and rushing to my room. I pulled on a random black and gold dress, brushing makeup on and brushing out my hair so it lay in waves. I strapped my black heels on and grabbed my phone and purse.

I stumbled as I hurried to the door and shouted a goodbye to Emily and walked to my car. I pulled out, glancing at the time and sighing in relief when I saw that I'd still make it in time.


The first thing I heard when I walked around to the backyard was, "Ooh, who's is that?" I looked around confusedly, not sure whether that was directed at me or not. I found my answer in the form of a man who looked to be in his late 30's stumbling to me. He was holding on tightly to a glass and going by his slurred speech I guessed it was alcohol.

"Hey, you! Who's dress is that?" He pointed at me with his cup that sloshed alcohol over his hand and to the grass.

"Mine?" I answered, raising my eyebrows in confusion at the man who was well on his way to being intoxicated.

"Are you stupid child? I'm asking who designed it!" he exclaimed, waving his cup wildly, wasting most of the drink onto the grass.

"C'mon Mr.Gardner, let's get you another drink." A voice sounded from behind me and I turned to see who my savior was. Oliver led the man away from me, turning to wink at me and I breathed out, mind muddled with what had just taken place.

The backyard had a line of tables with bowls of drinks, and food spread out neatly. Benches were spread out through the mowed green grass, and extravagantly dressed women and men stepped through it as they socialized. 

I scanned around, trying to spot Evan in the crowds of people. I saw him talking to Natalie half-hidden under a tree and I walked to them, a smile spreading when I saw his cute smile. Evan looked over and waved, but kept his distance when I walked closer.

I frowned but didn't say anything, starting a conversation with Natalie. Evan tarried for a few minutes, watching me as I conversed and glanced at him. He caught my eyes and I marveled at his pretty eyes once more, but he looked away, walking away and keeping the distance as he moved around me.

I pressed my lips together but ignored the worrying feelings that were pooling in my stomach and continued talking to Natalie. She was dressed in a pink dress that reached just above her knees similar to mine, and her hair was braided in a french braid. As we talked we moved away from the tree and towards the snack table where we grabbed a few chips and I told her that she didn't have to talk to me and could go to her friends but her response surprised me.

"Nah, Hannah has rich friends and she's the only rich person that I mix with." She smiled, looking over to where a group of girls were drinking from glasses and discussing passionately if the waving hands were anything to go off of.

"Mm, yeah it feels like a whole new world here." I smiled, and Natalie nodded like she knew what I was going through.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you should get some food it's about dinner time." She walked backward, heading into the house. I turned to the food table but was intercepted by Evan. I smiled, reaching my hand out to hold his hand but he pulled it away. I stared up at him with parted lips and heart clenching in hurt.

He grabbed my wrist, looking around before leaning down to whisper that we were going to meet his parents. I nodded absent-mindedly still thinking of what I could've done wrong that he was acting like this.

I saw a man with greying hair and a woman who seemed to be the same age, watching us as we walked toward them. Evan caught their eyes and let go of my wrist and I licked my lips and swallowed my confusion down.

"This is my friend, Mia Halter." Evan introduced and I looked up at him in disbelief. He ignored my eyes instead staring down at his shoes.

"So what do you do?" The woman asked, and I raised my eyebrows in astonishment. I replied proudly but was put down by the judging eyes that scanned my form like I wasn't worthy of their time.

"How much do you earn?" The man asked, and I saw Evan's hand clench into a fist out of the corner of my eye.

"That's none of your business, sir," I told him, offended at the odd interrogation that I was going through.

"It is, Ms.Halter since you are my son's girlfriend." The man told me like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I gawked at him as Evan's head shot up to stare at his dad in shock. The woman walked away after giving me another stink-eye and the man followed after giving his son a meaningful look that I didn't understand.

We were left alone to stand and Evan stared after his parents and I glared at him, wounded by his words and actions. I waited for an explanation but he turned to me and only parted his mouth before closing it again.

I scoffed and pushed past him to go around the house and to my car as my heart clenched. I understood that his parents were rich and rude and he had told me that they probably wouldn't like me and I was prepared for that.

What I didn't understand was why he had decided to hide our relationship before consulting me. Why he had ignored me and done his best not to touch me as though I had a disease.


Is it weird that I feel bad for Mia? I was actually feeling bad when writing this chapter but it needs to happen, I'm sorry! Why do you think Evan did what he did? Vote and Comment! <3

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