Chapter 14

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It had been a week since the Was it a date? Probably not since there was no way he liked me, especially with that reaction to my soulmate nail paint. I stared at the mentioned nail polish, lost in my thoughts.

Evan hadn't contacted me the whole week and even though there was evidence that I had feelings for him, I refused to accept that I missed him and his cute texts. I had spilled everything to Emily when I had returned that night, and she had patiently listened before offering her opinion which had been spinning around in my head since it had been uttered from her lips.

He wouldn't have reacted like that if he didn't like you, and that staring thing totally says that he wants to kiss you.

Obviously this was a lie right? If he was truly effected then he would've said something, not just stare before not speaking to me for the rest of the night excluding a muttered 'goodnight.' I was pulled from my thoughts as the door was knocked on and Emily rushed to open it.


"Riley!" The two hugged tightly with matching grins before settling themselves next to me on the sofa. A hand waved in my line of sight and I looked up to see Riley's concerned face.

"You good?" He asked, facing Emily but scanning my face to see if he could find out why I was out of it. I nodded and leaned my head back on the top of the cream sofa, Emily leaning over me to whisper loudly into Riley's ear.

"She's moping but she won't accept it, it's because of Evan." Riley turned to me with a frown and question written over his face.

I waved my hand at Emily and she started telling the tale that I had told her just about a week ago. I closed my eyes and listened as she dramatized certain details like his reaction and how we had apparently stared at each other forever.

"I didn't know you had a soulmate!" Riley exclaimed, reaching for my limp hand and rubbing at the bright and familiar blue that painted my bitten nail.

He stopped when he saw my tired face, pulling me up and announcing that we would be going to the movies. Emily stood up, deeming her outfit of black shorts and grey sweatshirt fine. She threw my comfy black jacket to me and I was dragged out of the safe cocoon I had holed myself in.
I leaned against the wall as I waited for them to decide on a movie. My eyes roamed the big hall, the smell of popcorn hanging over the crowds of people that entered and exited the theater. I watched the doors and saw a cute guy with dark brown hair dressed in jeans and a red university jacket enter.

I gaped at the man who followed after, and pressed my lips together at the girl that gripped his bicep tightly. It seemed that anywhere I go, I couldn't escape him. I watched as Evan conversed with the girl at his side, smiling as she excitedly pointed at the screen that showed the available films.

The black haired man who entered first pulled the girl along and behind my friends. I pulled my eyes from Evan when I saw he was walking in my general direction. He propped himself against the wall a few feet away and felt his nails. That's when I noticed it...the new addition to his fingers.

His ring finger was painted a bright red that contradicted my sharp blue and I watched as he stroked at the smooth paint. I felt my chest clench and I breathed in harshly, telling myself to be calm...that it was fine.

My sight blurred and I felt tears pool and quickly rubbed at my eyes with my jacket sleeve, groaning at how pathetic I was. It was okay that he had a soulmate that wasn't me, it was fine. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard my name being called.

"Mia! Come on, let's go!" Riley called over and I saw as Evan raised his head to Riley and turned to me. My heart clenched tightly and I blinked to make the tears go away, strolling as calmly as I could over to my friends.


I watched the big screen that was playing some random advertisement, my mind constantly reminding me of the red addition to Evan's hand, making my heart hurt and eyes water in result.

I saw someone sit next to me and heard his voice. I turned my head to the right so quickly that I was afraid I had snapped it. The man sitting next to me wasn't Evan however, instead it was the other man that had accompanied him and his date.

He turned to face me and his hazel eyes brightened playfully, before he grinned and leaned against the arm rest that separated us.

"Hey beautiful, how are you today?" He winked and my eyes widened in surprise before we were interrupted by my soulmate.

"Oi Theo, can we switch? I know you like corner seats." Evan told the flirty guy, but his eyes didn't leave mine. Once he was sat next to me, he stared at the bright screen that illuminated his face in the dim lighting. I watched as he fidgeted before he turned and faced me once more.

We continued to look at each other, and there were so many question I had to ask but none of them made it out of my mouth. He glanced down at my hands before looking up again and I did the same for him. Understanding passed over his face and he opened his mouth to explain-hopefully- but a female voice intervened and I cursed her in my head.

"Evan? Who's this?" Her head peeked from the side of his body and I politely smiled at her, surprised that she seemed to look around the age of Hannah.

"This is Mia, she's uh my..friend." He stuttered, a faint pink rose in his cheeks, barely seen in the dark that was slowly falling over the murmuring audience. Her eyes widened in what looked to be recognition, before she grinned and whacked at Evan's arm, introducing herself as Natalie.

We chatted quietly before I was distracted from Riley shaking me side to side in excitement. I turned to him with my eyebrows raised, aware of Evan's eyes watching the scene.

"The second episode just got aired!" He whispered, and I looked to his other side to see Emily was also shaking in her seat with enthusiasm.

I watched with fond expressions as they leaned closer to discuss animatedly about their predictions. The movie started and I slowly lost myself in the plot, cringing at the obvious cliches with Evan quietly commenting into my ear.


As we filed out of the theater, I was pulled back from my group and moved to face Evan's nervous form.

"Hey, sorry for not texting you or anything. I was just really surprised when I saw but anyways, do you wanna meet up for coffee tomorrow?" He suggested, eyes flitting from my face to his hands to my hands and back to my face.

I definitely didn't think that was what was going to be mumbled when he had pulled me away. I thought he was going to make sure that the outings we had gone on weren't dates and tell me that he had a soulmate that he loved and was very happy with.

I felt a smile spread on my face, happiness flooding through me at the prospect of going somewhere with Evan again. I ran a hand through my hair and nodded, and watched as he smiled as well, before being called away.

He spread his arms for a hug before deciding to just wave and walk away. I watched as he bounced to his friends and Theo clapped him on the back and Natalie poked at him. I felt a heavy arm fall across my shoulders and looked up to see Riley grinning down at me, wiggling his eyebrows in the most annoying way possible.

"I'm pretty sure he just asked you out again, so don't tell me he doesn't like you."


Hope you liked this one! Why do you think his nail is painted red? Do you think Mia is his soulmate? Vote and Comment! <3

P.S. I know it seems like everything is solved but i promise there's more problems to come ;D

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