Chapter 9

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That's Hannah Fletcher, Evan's sister! Hope you like this chap! :)

I had half an hour until I had to leave and the only thing I had done so far was take a shower. The drive would take 30 minutes and they wanted me to be there about 15 minutes before the party was scheduled to start. Currently it was 5:15 and the party started at 6:30 which meant that I had to be at the house by 6:15. I groaned and reluctantly dragged myself from my bed, sliding the closet door open and wondering what I should dress myself in.

I decided on a plain navy blue dress that stopped a bit above my knees. After I donned it on, I frowned and rummaged through my drawer of accessories, pulling a brown belt out and buckling it up around my waist. I nodded at my reflection and decided to leave my hair down, brushing it so it looked neater.

I applied eyeliner to my eyes, spreading a thin layer of pink lip gloss

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I applied eyeliner to my eyes, spreading a thin layer of pink lip gloss. I patted at my lips with a tissue, after thinking it was a bit too much gloss. I grabbed my purse of necessities, checking on the batteries before grabbing my phone and heading out to the living room, the padding of my feet interrupting the quiet of the apartment.

I pulled on my striped socks, tying my black ankle boots tight before standing up and turning the lights off as I exited the apartment. I double checked that the door was locked, starting my car and pulling out onto the road.


The house was big that was for sure. There was a well-kept garden behind the house, a pool glimmering in the late evening, and there were colourful balloons tied to random parts of the house. I was welcomed into the bright house by a man who introduced himself as the butler.

The living room was huge, beige sofas set around a t.v. that was sitting on a table with big speakers around it. Pop music was playing adding to the noisy last-minute adjusting taking place all around me. I spotted Oliver the same time he did, and he walked towards me with the friendly smile that seemed to be a constant on his face.

"Mia! Hi, sorry about the loudness. I'll introduce to my sister, the birthday girl when she's done getting ready." He told me, leading me to the corner of the room so we could have a little quietness.

"Oh it's alright! I got her a present actually." I removed the little jewelry box from my purse, remembering the tiring hour or so of searching I had done, wondering what to get a 16 year old teenage girl.

"Oh you didn't have to, but thank you! I'll just put it where the others are, you can explore." He turned with a smile, heading out into the yard.

I heard a high pitched shriek behind me and quickly turned, narrowly missing the running little boy who was being trailed by someone. My eyes unconsciously widened when I realized that this someone was the same man I had met at the wedding. Evan Fletcher.

His hair was spiked up today, and his laugh made my mouth curve upwards, watching as he raced after the little kid who's screams were only getting louder. His shoulder brushed mine and he turned with wide eyes, the blue of his eyes capturing mine with surprise.

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