Chapter 4

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That's Iris, I love her hair! :)

"Hello, nice to meet you in person finally." Iris' cold hand enveloped mine and I noticed that all her other nails were painted a dark purple that complimented the lilac that covered her ring finger.

After we had introduced ourselves we sat at the little picnic table placed a few feet away from the lake where kids were splashing around.

"So, how's the wedding planning going?" I started, laughing as they both sighed and cringed.

"It's so stressful honestly! I'm so glad our parents are there to help out, and of course our event planner Melanie." Iris sighed, leaning her head on Sawyer's shoulder and he grinned, reaching over to pat her cheek.

"The highlights of my days this past week is when I get to sleep." Sawyer added, retreating his hand from her cheek.

"Ha ha, well the wedding is in 2 days. I was wondering how many people would be at the wedding." I smiled as he turned to kiss the top of her head when Iris breathed out tiredly.

"There's gonna be around 60 people, we invited his boss so we had to invite a few of his colleagues as well." Iris spoke, lifting her head to rest it on her hands as she leaned her elbows on the wooden table.

"Oh alright, and the wedding starts at 1 pm, yeah?" I checked, cursing when I realized I had forgotten my camera while getting ready.

"Yeah, what happened?" Sawyer asked, leaning forward worriedly.

"Oh nothing, I just realized I left my camera at the hotel." I waved his concern off, shrugging and punching the password into my phone when it beeped.

"Oh, its fine, I trust Ella when she told me you were good." Iris smiled, her phone suddenly ringing and flashing Melanie's name on the screen.

"Hello?" She answered, scrunching her nose at Melanie's reply. Sawyer took the phone from her and she turned to me, pressing her pink lips together.

"Sorry, we have to go meet the florist, apparently he ran out of the flowers we ordered. It was great to meet you though! We'll see you on Saturday." Iris rushed apologetically, standing up and patting at Sawyer's shoulder who was still on the phone.

He slid out from the long bench, smiling at me before returning to his conversation. I decided to call Emily since I knew she takes Thursdays off to paint.


"I thought you forgot about me." She greeted, and Ed Sheeran's voice resounded with the sound of paper crinkling as she got up to sit at the sofa.

"I would never! I met the bride and groom today." I retorted, slipping my flats off and setting the hotel key card next to my forgotten camera.

"How were they? Do you need me to travel to protect you? I'm totally up for it by the way." She joked, and I scoffed and sat in the armchair the hotel had provided.

"Rude. It's so boring without your annoying butt here." Emily uttered, causing me to smile.

"I don't know if that was an insult or a compliment but thank you." I voiced, resting my feet on the window ledge.

"Me complimenting you? Yeah, no." She returned, making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up, you love me." I retaliated, staring out the window as the city lit up as night arrived.

"Ew no. I gotta paint. You'll do great on Saturday." I heard the crumple of her seating herself on the paper she always spreads when she paints.

"Thanks, bye-bye." I hung up and opened up my laptop and going to YouTube. I scrolled through videos in the recommended section, refreshing when I didn't see anything that interested me.

I watched baking videos until it was 8 pm, when I decided it was time for dinner. I made some cup noodles after warming water in the microwave since I was too lazy to find a place to get a cab to. I let it cook while flipping through channels on the t.v.

I immediately paused when I saw Harry Potter from the fifth movie; The Order of Phoenix. I lifted the cup of noodles and settled in the rolling chair I had pulled in front of the t.v.


I rested against the headboard of the hotel bed, my laptop's heat warming my lap through the white comforter. I went to the folders I had created for my personal photos, smiling when I saw and clicked on the folder for my mum and Max's wedding.

I swiped through the first few photos, pausing on the one of all the bridesmaids and the bride. I remembered when I had reluctantly handed the camera to Andrew who was Max's brother and the best man.

My mum looked beautiful in her shoulder-less sweeping wedding gown, it was simple with a jeweled belt across the waist and the rest flowed to the floor, the points of her heels peeking through the white dress. The four other bridesmaids including me were clothed in a light green lacy dress that reached just below our knees. Our hair was down and curled at the end while my mum's was in a pretty bun which took the hairdresser forever to do.

I browsed through some more pictures, grinning at the one of my little cousin dancing with Andrew who was one of the tallest people I knew at 6'2. I stopped again at the picture of me dancing with my mum and I smiled fondly, my heart clenching as I wished I could hug my mum and reminisce with her.

I lazily clicked through the album, thinking about what I wanted to do tomorrow since I had a whole day until the wedding. I decided to go out for lunch at the restaurant I had passed on the way back from the park.

I leaned over to the small table in front of the armchair I had previously sat on to place my laptop on it. I grabbed my phone that I had left on the table, setting my alarm for 7 am, and dancing to the song playing in my head from my call with Emily, entering the bathroom.

I turned the lights off and curled under the unfamiliar blanket, missing Emily and our usual banter about the bathroom. I closed my eyes, wondering how the wedding would go and hoping I wouldn't mess up or a situation similar to the other two times I was in this state would occur.


Please tell me what you thought of it! Are you guys enjoying this story? Cause I like writing it. Promise Evan will be in the next one! How tall are you all? Vote and Comment! <3

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